What Your Sign Can Look Forward To In 2023 & What To Leave Behind (Bye, 2022!) | Astrostyle
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What Your Sign Can Look Forward To In 2023 & What To Leave Behind (Bye, 2022!)

Let. It. Go! If you had a befuddling 2022, we feel ya! Clearing the fog in a post-pandemic world hasn’t been easy. Let us help you move forward by releasing 2022’s astrological baggage and turning your attention to your theme for 2023.

Did you hope to accomplish something that’s still “in process”? Have you felt stuck in a situation that’s been a huge struggle? Are you holding yourself back with a disempowering belief?

Welcome to life as a human being.

But no need to drag that baggage into 2023. As the calendar turns, you can declare “cosmic closure” on 2022’s lowlights. And of course, celebrate the highlights. You’ll have an easier time seeing them once you stop being so damn hard on yourself!

Let’s get clear! With Mercury retrograde until January 18, you have a few bonus weeks for this 2022 release ritual. We recommend waiting until the January 21 new moon in Aquarius—the first new moon of 2023—to set your intentions in stone.

The ONE thing from 2022 every sign needs to release–right now!

Divided by element, here’s what your sign needs to leave behind to succeed in 2023.

Fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) can leave behind: IMPULSIVENESS

These signs can move away from:

  • ungroundedness
  • having no clear direction
  • being all vision and action
  • lacking a master plan or strategy

Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) can leave behind: DRAMA

These signs can move away from:

  • confusing feelings for facts
  • losing perspective
  • being unusually emotional to the point of isolation

Air signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) can leave behind: CHAOS

These signs can move away from:

  • feeling scattered in a million directions with no clear focal point
  • saying “yes” to too many things

Water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) can leave behind: OBSESSION

These signs can move away from:

  • all work and no play
  • obsessing over goals without healthy balance
  • doing it all alone out of pride

How to revive excitement for your 2023 goals

Let’s be honest: Life is kind of overwhelming for a lot of people right now. From a pandemic to polarizing politics, our souls are all a little weary. News headlines tell us there’s a recession looming and climate change could be past the point of no return.

To avoid apocalyptic anxiety—’cause there’s truly no light at the end of that tunnel—we humans still do need to look forward to things.

We are fundamentally creative beings and having a future to look forward to is what floods our bodies with feel-good chemicals like dopamine. Bonding with other humans doses us with oxytocin and serotonin. To get this “natural high,” we need to keep on looking forward.

And here’s a silver lining for 2023: There’s no need to spin out into the future to get your buzz. We recommend breaking down each goal into small action items. Think in terms of “microdoses” of what’s manageable and measurable. What can you do this month, this week and today to make yourself happy?

Here’s a way to make a positive pivot for 2023

We could all use a reset after the past couple years.

Our definitions of happiness have changed; perhaps they’ve even become simpler and more attainable. But one thing that can interrupt your joy is dragging 2022’s hurt into your 2023. Are you ready for a reframe?

You can make a positive pivot by answering the following 3 questions, inspired by Afrin Khan, founder and CEO of the leadership and business development company, Red Elephant University:

  1. I am releasing…
  2. I am recommitting to…
  3. I am reclaiming…

We have some suggestions for every sign, naturally. We already showed you what you might release in an earlier part of the article. Read on for suggestion on what to recommit to and reclaim in 2023!

Feel free to use this Cosmic Closure exercise for any part of your life. We’ve done this for a few solid years now and it’s provided a clear and inspiring passageway into the New Year!

Where will you be lucky in 2023?

Find out in The AstroTwins 2023 Horoscope and plan it by the planets all year long!

What every sign can focus on in 2023

2022 wasn’t a complete wash, you learned a lot! Here’s where you shined and can continue to build.

Fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius)


In 2022, you learned the power of your inner strength and resilience—you are a badass!
In 2023, you can focus on building and set your sights on security.


  • quality over quantity
  • prioritizing
  • embracing new routines and revenue streams


In 2022, you reclaimed your courage and adventure. You were spontaneous and independent and took risks.
In 2023, you can focus on ambition and set your sights on structure.

Practice rising to new heights in:

  • leadership
  • career

Sagittarius: WELLBEING

In 2022, you were passionate, led with your heart.
In 2023, you can focus on your wellbeing and set your sights on simplicity.

Practice grounding yourself in:

  • healthy routines
  • fulfilling work
  • finding joy in simplicity
  • self-sufficiency

Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn)


In 2022, you honored your feelings and trusted the universe.
In 2023, you can focus on novelty and set your sights on independence.

Try to focus on:

  • a life reinvention
  • energy reboot

Virgo: REACH

In 2022, you learned how to be intimate, vulnerable, and to deepen your relationship with yourself.
In 2023, you can focus on reach and set your sights on freedom.

Try to focus on:

  • major personal growth
  • sharing ideas with a wider audience
  • consider a possible relocation

Capricorn: PASSION

In 2022, you focused on the joys of nesting and deepening bonds with your inner circle.
In 2023, you can focus on passion and set your sights on excitement.

Try to focus on:

  • creativity
  • romantic awakening

Air signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius)

Gemini: DEPTH

In 2022, you celebrated the joys of bonding with a soul squad.
In 2023, you can focus on depth and set your sights on solitude.

Try to:

  • explore spiritual and artistic expression
  • sharpen your psychic powers


In 2022, you loved people without controlling them and supported yourself without becoming dependent or codependent.
In 2023, you can focus on intimacy.

Try to:

  • go all-in with people who excite and inspire you
  • invest for the long-term

Aquarius: SUPPORT

In 2022, you embraced change and experimented and strengthened communication skills.
In 2023, you can focus on support.

Try to:

  • put down roots
  • possibly buy a home or make changes under your roof
  • maybe expand your family

Water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces)

Cancer: IMPACT

In 2022, you valued structure, long-term goals and leadership, and did not drown in emotions and insecurities.
In 2023, you can focus on impact and set your sights on excitement.

Work on:

  • seeking more leadership opportunities
  • collaborating with a dream team


In 2022, you found joy in simplicity and mindfulness, practiced healthy boundaries and learned new skills.
In 2023, you can focus on companionship and set your sights on companionship.

Work on:

  • continued cultivation of new skills
  • fulfilling partnerships
  • reconnection to beauty, art and creativity

Pisces: VOICE

In 2022, you created a productive path aligned to your passions and owned your choices, free of guilt
In 2023, you can focus on voice and set your sights on autonomy.

Work on:

  • profitable work opportunities and partnerships
  • media opportunities
  • new friends
  • decision-making power

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If you’re a regular reader of our annual Horoscope Guide and planner, you might be interested in joining our Cosmic Coaching program, Launchpad 2023, that helps you use what’s written in your stars, all year long.

The program includes frequent live webinars, exclusive resources, live coaching and community. Let us teach you how to use astrology to stay accountable to your hopes, dreams and goals in 2023!


The AstroTwins

Identical twin sisters Ophira and Tali Edut, known as The AstroTwins, are the founders of Astrostyle.com and the authors of multiple bestselling astrology books. Their horoscopes reach millions here and through their resident astrologer column at ELLE Magazine.