Your 2021 Lunar Year Money Horoscope: How to Prosper in the Metal Ox Year | Astrostyle: Astrology and Daily, Weekly, Monthly Horoscopes by The AstroTwins
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Your 2021 Lunar Year Money Horoscope: How to Prosper in the Metal Ox Year

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From February 12, 2021 to February 1, 2022, we’ll all observe the Lunar Year of the Metal Ox. It’s a time for tenacity and hard work. Slow and steady wins the 2021 money game during this cycle. 

Unlike the Western zodiac, which follows the Sun and the seasons, the 12 Lunar Year animal zodiac signs actually correspond to Jupiter’s orbit, which takes one year to travel through a single sign (both in Eastern and Western astrology) and 12 years to completely orbit through the zodiac. 

Not sure which Lunar Year zodiac sign you are? Use our Cosmic Calculator.

Since Jupiter is the planet of luck, abundance and growth, aligning your financial goals to the energy of each Lunar Year can help you create and cultivate your bounty. 

The 12 Chinese zodiac signs are sub-grouped into four “harmony triangles” that share a similar energy: 

• Rat-Dragon-Monkey
• Ox-Snake-Rooster
• Tiger-Horse-Dog
• Rabbit-Sheep-Pig

We teamed up with our friends at YNAB (You Need a Budget) to give you a grounding principle that will help you prosper in 2021’s Metal Ox year, working WITH your animal archetype’s essential nature.


Enter to win a giveaway of YNAB’s book and The AstroTwins’ 2021 Horoscope Guide. Five lucky contestants will win—click here to enter!

YNAB is an amazing money management app that’s helped thousands of real people stop living check to check, get out of debt and save more of what they earn. Since the element of Metal rules infrastructure, this is a great year to set your ideas to a streamlined system.

YNAB follows four simple rules for money management that we’ve matched with the four “harmony triangles” of the Chinese zodiac.



Rat, Dragon, Monkey: Roll with the Punches

This harmony triangle is gifted at pivoting and coming up with clever solutions or using wit, cleverness and charisma to get ahead. In the Year of the Ox, you’ll have to follow due process—and possibly pay some dues. This is a time to rely on your resilience rather than just your brilliance.

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Ox, Snake, Rooster: Give Every Dollar a Job

This harmony triangle is very compatible with the energy of 2021’s Lunar Year. These hardworking and managerial types are always ready to put others to work—so why not do the same with your money? The YNAB principle of “give every dollar a job” will suit your temperament and the vibe of this year!

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Tiger, Horse, Dog: Embrace Your True Expenses

The Tiger, Horse and Dog are among the most clever and nimble animal archetypes of the Lunar zodiac—and the most social. Because this harmony triangle relies on the gift of gab, you miiiiiight just overpromise, overspend or leap without looking. But 2021 year is NOT the time to “beg forgiveness instead of ask permission.” Instead, experiment with the YNAB principle of embracing your TRUE expenses. Get real with yourself about your spending and you won’t have to talk your way out of any tight spots!

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Rabbit, Sheep, Pig: Age Your Money

Security is important to this harmony triangle. You tend to ebb and flow, to work hard and play hard. Aging your money simply means that you let money stay in your bank account for longer periods, where it can grow. Creating long-term financial security gives you core feeling of emotional safety and comfort you need. By applying this YNAB Rule, you can have a few “off” days or escape into one of your creative pursuits—and you won’t break the bank doing so!

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The AstroTwins

Identical twin sisters Ophira and Tali Edut, known as The AstroTwins, are the founders of and the authors of multiple bestselling astrology books. Their horoscopes reach millions here and through their resident astrologer column at ELLE Magazine.