Cancer New Moon and Total Solar Eclipse | The AstroTwins
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Cancer New Moon and Total Solar Eclipse

Give me shelter! On Tuesday, July 2, 2019, at 3:16PM EDT, the annual new moon rises in heartfelt Cancer, the zodiac’s sign of home, family and nurturing. This new moon is also a total solar eclipse, which will bring monumental change to the way you bond and seek shelter. Take some time to #bless your nest as la luna turns up on the homespun vibes. But be prepared: Strong emotions can also surface under this potent eclipse!

Let those feelings flow. This July 2, the Cancer new moon, which is also a powerful total solar eclipse, offers a healing moment to open our hearts and be more demonstrative with our loved ones. The zodiac’s Crab is all about security, and this new moon asks us all to examine: What does “home” mean to you?

This new moon is especially vital because it’s the midpoint of a two-year series of eclipses on the Cancer/Capricorn axis touching down between July 2018 and July 2020. These family- and goal-oriented eclipses will recalibrate our work-life balance. Falling in the “masculine” sign of Capricorn and the “feminine” sign of Cancer, they’re sure to bring even more awareness to the issues of gender, families and nationalism that are making headlines now.


During a solar eclipse, the moon is directly between the Earth and Sun (known as a conjunction, or meetup, of the Sun and the moon). During this brief time, the moon can block out the Sun’s light, temporarily disconnecting us from our sense of reality.

Here are 7 ways to make the most of the sensitive Crab’s emotive nature and to build security at the Cancer new moon/solar eclipse.

1. Reconnect to your roost.

Family-focused Cancer loves connecting to kin. This is the perfect time to spark a renewed relationship with a relative, like your cousin living in that chic Parisian flat, or your bro who’s been busy since he and his wife had the kids. Bonus points for setting up a regular tradition like a monthly dinner with la familia, or an annual summer vacation. If you’re gathering ‘round the family table this week, try your hand at a recipe that’s been handed down for generations. Decorate your home with familiar symbols: Place your grandmother’s silver candlesticks on your dining table, or frame childhood photos and put them on display. If your family of origin falls into the “better left alone” category, skip back a few generations and learn more about your ancestral heritage. You might even select a cultural object or artifact that reflects your roots to display as artwork in your home. That Viking spear or West African mask will surely spark some interesting conversations with your houseguests. With everyone’s nesting instincts activated by la luna, spending more time at home base helps all of us feel more centered. In the market for a home sweet home? This domestic new moon may reveal a dream listing or inspire a remodeling and decorating spree.

2. Rock that retirement fund.

Financial security is a big deal to the zodiac’s Crab, whose energy never feels settled without a rainy day or retirement fund. Whether you’re 25 or 55, it’s never too early (or too late) to start socking away money for the future. If you’re a newbie, tuck into a financial planning book that also deals with the emotional and spiritual roots of money, like Barbara Stanny Huson’s Sacred Success. Changing times demand new strategies. For the more seasoned saver, schedule a meeting with a financial planner to explore new options for growing your wealth.

3. Revitalize with H2O.

Cancer is a water sign, and this new moon/solar eclipse reminds us of the soothing and regenerative power of water. Take a ritual bath to cleanse your energy under these moonbeams. Pour in the Epsom salt, which is high in energizing, detoxifying magnesium (which most people are deficient in nowadays). Bring a crystal or two to the tub to “charge” your bath with healing energy. We suggest moonstone, which embodies the feminine vibration and is said to enhance intuitive powers. Since this is an eclipse, you could add a sunstone as well. Toss in a generous sprinkling of rose petals and a drop of pure essential rose oil. This gorgeous flower is known to have a soothing effect on the mind and can ease depression. Given the moodiness often associated with Cancer, a little serotonin boost goes a long way.

4. Nourish your sensitive underbelly.

Cancer rules the digestive system, so try some tummy-soothing tricks as well. Infuse your drinking water with herbs that are known to aid digestion and promote a healthy gut: fresh mint, lemon, even a few leaves of basil. Experiment with the work of Dr. Masuro Emoto whose studies reveal that words and thoughts can change the shape of water molecules. Print an inspiring phrase or mantra onto a sticker and affix it to your refillable water bottle. You might just lift your spirits with every swig.

5. Feel all the feels.

As the ruler of the heart, Cancer is all about trusting and respecting our feelings. Unfortunately, we still live in a culture that dismisses emotional people as “weak.” Flip that script! Today, think less about practical matters and instead tune into that inner voice. Can’t find it? Put your hands on your belly—the area ruled by Cancer—close your eyes, and breathe. Within a few minutes, your emotional truth will have its say. Grab a pen and free-write whatever comes up to help process any unsorted feelings. Is a particular person triggering you? Instead of lashing out, look within. During this moody moon, familiarity CAN breed contempt—especially if we don’t give ourselves enough personal space in between all the heartfelt huddles. Maybe there’s something you need to get off your chest (another Cancer-ruled area)…just do it without blaming or shaming.

6. Honor thy mother figure.

Cancer rules motherhood and motherly figures, and this new moon/eclipse is a powerful day to connect with your mama or other matriarchal person (or your children). On this family-focused day, you might also want to explore your ancestral lineage. Are there rifts among your relatives that seem to keep repeating themselves? Check out “Family Constellation Therapy,” a healing modality that helps break generations-long family patterns…in a downright fascinating way. You might check out the book Health, Happiness and the Family Constellation: How Ancestors, Family Systems, and Hidden Loyalties Shape Your Life—And What YOU Can Do About It.

7. Have a cleansing cry or a good emotional release.

When all else fails, let those tears flow. There’s nothing more cleansing—or Cancerian—than the soothing power of an emotional release. It turns out that tears also have surprising medical benefits. They release toxins—namely, the chemicals that raises cortisol, the stress hormone. Who knew? You can read about more of the helpful effects of crying it out here. In the meantime, enjoy the healing vibes of the Cancer new moon and solar eclipse—and pass the tissues as you work through those issues!

Photo Credit: Stocksy



The AstroTwins

Identical twin sisters Ophira and Tali Edut, known as The AstroTwins, are the founders of and the authors of multiple bestselling astrology books. Their horoscopes reach millions here and through their resident astrologer column at ELLE Magazine.