Your 2020 Mother's Day Horoscope by Zodiac Sign | The AstroTwins
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Your 2020 Mother’s Day Horoscope by Zodiac Sign

Your 2020 Mother’s Day horoscope is a guide for how to manage life through July 1, as Saturn slips into its annual retrograde.

by The AstroTwins

Saturn is the planet of structure. When it goes retrograde, your best bet is to tighten up plans and rethink goals. Your 2020 Mother’s Day horoscope reflects the Saturn retrograde beginning on Sunday, May 10.

A Saturn retrograde is also a good time to practice self-discipline and delay instant gratification—after, of course, you indulge in some Mother’s Day treats!

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Your 2020 Mother’s Day horoscope by zodiac sign


Stern Saturn turns retrograde on Mother’s Day through September 29, first backing up through Aquarius and your community and collaboration zone from until July 1, then retreating back into Capricorn. Group projects could hit a speed bump over the coming weeks. Instead of getting lost into the emotional weeds, Aries, approach conflicts from a pragmatic POV. Saturn is the planet of structure, and this reversal calls for strong leadership. Make sure everyone on the team has a clear set of responsibilities. Don’t be afraid to let go of outdated methodologies and test-drive a new workflow. Start by summarizing your shared goals, then set up those online brainstorming sessions.


On Mother’s Day, driven Saturn slips into its annual retrograde until September 29. The first part of the backspin takes place in your career zone, Taurus, helping you pull back and figure out your professional priorities between now and July 1. Even though this slowdown can be maddening, synergizing with Saturn can help you discover a formula for success that’s in line with your values. While progress might not come as quickly as you’d like over the next five months, trust that the universe has your back. A former collaborator may resurface and give a fresh boost to an old project. And make this your motto: no cutting corners!


Grand plans may stall at the gate starting on Mother’s Day as Saturn pivots into its annual retrograde until September 29. The first leg of this retreat takes place in Aquarius and your expansive, entrepreneurial ninth house until July 1. This slowdown can be frustrating, Gemini, but taking a deeper dive into the details will strengthen the end result. Studying or training may be needed to bring your skills up to speed. Take advantage of all the online courses and certifications being offered at a discount this year. If you’re self-employed, use this cosmic backpedal as an opportunity to develop your venture behind the scenes. Publishing and media-making may be part of the master plan!


As much as we’re all missing social contact, you may find a new appreciation for your “me time” as stoic Saturn turns retrograde from Mother’s Day until September 29—backing up through Aquarius and your eighth house of intimacy, sexuality and secrets until July 1. This yearly review calls for deep self-reflection. Don’t worry, Cancer: Turning inward won’t put a damper on a growing love connection; in fact, this valuable space will allow you to get your emotions in line. Bring any repressed feelings into the light, especially the ones impacting your romantic life. When you’ve got your inner world handled, you’ll bring your best self to relationships. Just remember: Lust doesn’t always translate to love. Saturn’s backspin might leave you fixating on a bad romance or even tempted to stray. Don’t open Pandora’s box!


Relationships get an audit starting on Mother’s Day, as restrictive Saturn flips retrograde until September 29. The ringed taskmaster backs up through your house of partnerships until July 1, then rounds out the reversal in your work and wellness zone. In all important relationships, Leo, open up more honest lines of communication and find a way to balance responsibilities. Saturn’s backspin can mute your sense of humor, so try not to take things so seriously! A former partner might return to the picture, or you could sign a contract with a collaborator from your past. While some agreements may seem a little TOO thorough, sorting the particulars now will keep everyone happy in the long run.


Spring training begins on Mother’s Day, when taskmaster Saturn turns retrograde until September 29, starting its retreat in Aquarius and your house of health and fitness until July 1. Mix up your workouts with apps and outdoor treks in areas where allowed. Assess your diet and think about trimming back the vices so you can deal with the feels in a healthier way. Saturn’s backward journey may force you to create savvier systems at work, Virgo. Over the next five months, put more effort into appeasing a client or boss. Simultaneously, hold any support staff accountable so you don’t get shafted with their duties. Stay strong, Virgo, and channel your frustrations into those workouts!


Starting Mother’s Day, serious Saturn takes its yearly trip in reverse until September 29. The retrograde begins in Aquarius, bringing some friction to your fifth house of fame and romance until July 1. Enjoy the applause from all your fans, but don’t get hung up competing for likes. This isn’t the time to let approval ratings distract you from your true goals. With restrained Saturn reversing in your self-expression zone, think before you blurt out all your feelings, Libra. Saturn’s retrograde might also show you where you need a more solid framework in your romantic life. Even the happiest relationships require hard work. Communicate honestly and find common ground instead of firing off ultimatums. Establishing an open dialogue will help you create lasting love.


Starting on Mother’s Day, get home and get family plans even MORE situated, Scorpio, as drill sergeant Saturn pivots retrograde until September 29. The retreat begins in your domestic zone (until July 1). To avoid residence-related conflicts and roommate meltdowns, you may need to divide up responsibilities anew. A relative could require extra support, which in turn could eat up some free time this summer. But set personal boundaries! You can’t be strong for others if you aren’t taking care of yourself. Dreaming of a new home? Saturn’s backspin could slow your real-estate search. Here’s the upside: Any delays will give you more time to find the perfect place for the best price.


On Mother’s Day, restrictive Saturn pivots into its five-month retrograde, beginning its backward retrograde journey through your communication sector (until July 1). Since your words could feel weightier, take time to mull them over before making any public statements. Pokey Saturn could delay writing or media projects, but what’s the rush? Slow down and embrace the creative process, Archer. This retrograde might hinder the progress of a collaboration or cause a rift with a friend. Communication is the key to working through it, but that begins by YOU taking ownership of how well you listen (or don’t!).


Overextending your credit is never wise, Capricorn—and even more of a “don’t” as restrictive Saturn turns retrograde in your work and money house on Mother’s Day. This belt-tightening backspin could slash your budget until July 1, but here’s the upside: Though Saturn won’t correct course until September 29, this cycle will inspire you to be more resourceful with what you have—and more thoughtful about what you spend. Plus, necessity really is the mother of invention. Take stock of your possessions: Is there anything in that storage unit that you could sell? Research innovative ways to make bank and be prepared to put in the necessary elbow grease.


On Mother’s Day, when structured Saturn turns retrograde until September 29—and in your sign until July 1—brainstorm ways to streamline and balance your life, Aquarius. Are you able to handle your current workload and still take care of yourself? Embrace Saturn’s practical magic to successfully achieve your goals. Get your priorities in line and map out a smarter schedule. Cut out unnecessary appointments and use that time for activities that feed your soul. Since Saturn rules experts, book sessions with coaches, trainers and consultants who can help you map out a personal pathway to success.


Sober Saturn flips into its five-month retrograde, beginning the retreat through your reflective twelfth house on Mother’s Day. You’ll need more space to be alone with your thoughts between now and July 1. Time spent in nature will be restorative, so scout out great hiking trails and set up your mat six (or more) feet away from people so you can practice yoga in the park. Are you halting your own progress by fixating on the past, Pisces? With Saturn backing up through your sector of closure and forgiveness, work harder to let go of toxic vibes—and grudges. Examine your personal history and identify any bad habits you need to break. A healer or therapist (or both) can help you release negative energy, and with master teacher Saturn in reverse, support from the pros will expedite the process.


Photo by Charles Deluvio on Unsplash


The AstroTwins

Identical twin sisters Ophira and Tali Edut, known as The AstroTwins, are the founders of and the authors of multiple bestselling astrology books. Their horoscopes reach millions here and through their resident astrologer column at ELLE Magazine.