The 2021 Capricorn Full Moon Activates Ambitions | The AstroTwins
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The 2021 Capricorn Full Moon Activates Ambitions

Ready, steady, focus. The 2021 Capricorn full moon arrives on Thursday, June 24, to help us regain solid footing in the face of uncertainty.

On June 24, 2021 (at 2:39PM EDT), the 2021 Capricorn full moon ignites the star sign of long-term goals and lends structure to our ambitions. Symbolized by the persistent and steady Sea Goat, this full moon (the only one in Capricorn this year) shines its inspector’s high beams on your life. 

While this can be a humbling experience, it’s also an illuminating one! You’ll see where you cut corners or skipped steps and put the integrity back into your mission. If you got distracted from an important goal, you could snap back to attention. Pick up the ball and run with it again. It’s never too late to start over!

The 2021 Capricorn full moon is also a Strawberry Moon

June’s full moon is called the Strawberry Moon, according to Old Farmer’s Almanac. Each year at this time, flowers turn to fruits and berries burst from the bushes.

The 2021 Capricorn full moon is the manifestation of the Capricorn NEW moon, which took place on January 13. As the fruits of your labor ripen into form, take a moment to celebrate your crop. Then, plot out what seeds to plant next.

Here are 6 ways to activate your ambitions at the 2021 Capricorn full moon:

1. Design your dreams

Check in: Are your goals manifesting in a way that brings you joy? Or could they use a full-on course correction? Maybe a peak has turned into a valley or a distracting detour; perhaps you just reached the finish line and are not sure where to turn next. Pause to plug in new GPS coordinates and get yourself back on track. 

Remember: Strong structures begin with a blueprint. If you haven’t mapped out your vision, this lunar lift sends you back to your creative drafting board. Start by identifying milestones to mark your progress. What would the halfway point look like, phase one, or the beta test? This single-focused full moon might inspire you to do LESS, but to give your all to one important benchmark that you want to accomplish by the end of 2021.

After you have the desired endpoint in your crosshairs, sketch out a list of actionable items. If you’re serious about developing a venture, you’ll probably need support, especially in moments when you hit a roadblock. Tap a wise and experienced person to formally show you the way. One session with a consultant might be all that’s needed to get a stuck mission in motion. 

2. Watch the clock

Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, AKA Kronos, the god of time. The pandemic threw many people’s schedules for a loop. It’s fair to say that we aren’t dominated by timelines in quite the same way we’ve been in the past. Simultaneously, the virus has made time feel more precious than ever as we confront the specter of mortality. 

Under this full moon, examine your relationship to the clock. Open up your calendar and have a look. If you slacked on scheduling, it may be causing you undue stress. Start plugging commitments back into your daily grid. Set reminder alarms so you don’t have to rely on memory, which takes up more psychic space than most of us realize.

On the flipside, have you overscheduled yourself with conference calls, family duties and community action projects? Leave room for spontaneity too. While it’s not as easy as it once was to just drop into farmers’ markets or happen upon concerts in the park, full moons reveal surprises. Open up space in your life for magic!

3. Change the symptoms, not the systems at the 2021 Capricorn full moon

They say that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. But sometimes the issue cuts deeper than that. To truly evoke change, you have to work beyond the surface or symptoms, transforming the system itself. As the Law of Attraction states, “The roots create the fruits.”

Capricorn is the zodiac sign that rules structures—including the government, corporations and the economy. Authority figures of all stripes fall under the Sea Goat’s domain. With sweeping social reforms underway, this full moon seems perfectly poised to help us assess leadership structures.

If you want to make a lasting difference, be tenacious! Research laws and policies, address city council, set up an appointment with the HR director. Following protocol can be frustrating, but it’s part of the slow and steady methodology that a Capricorn-fueled victory requires. Persist!

4. Ground yourself with structure

Yeah, it may sound like the boring stuff, but remember, without structure, there really can’t be any creativity or freedom for the long haul. It’s one of those universal paradoxes: Without teeth-gritting discipline, the pyramids would never have been built. The Grammy-nominated album would never drop. The best-selling manuscript would languish half-finished because you couldn’t figure out how to resolve a plot contradiction.

Those moments when you feel stuck or need to break things down into action steps to get through an impasse? That’s when Capricorn’s systematic flow makes all the difference. Open up your calendar app and plug in tasks for the next week, or month. Bite sized is still the right size if it gets you one step closer to your goal every day.

5. Let your resistance guide you

This brings us to the next piece of your 2021 Capricorn full moon transformation work. Ask yourself: “What am I resisting?” Be brave, and brutally honest here. Capricorn is a stubborn Goat, after all! It’s the flip side of being tenacious and loyal—you’ve gotta be able to dig your heels in and stick to a position—which is fine up to a point.

There comes a juncture where we become our own worst enemies, and stubbornness turns into self-sabotage. But instead of seeing resistance as “bad,” let’s view it as energy and acknowledge it. There’s probably some innate wisdom underneath the surface. As human beings, we are a species trying to survive, stay safe and avoid pain. So what’s the embedded emotion hiding behind your refusal to embrace what’s right for you—or to take that next brave step?

A lot of the time, it’s just fear. When we’re scared, we go into a self-protective fight-or-flight mode. Ask yourself: What am I protecting myself from by not taking action? How can I help myself feel safe and get back into action?

6. Start again at the 2021 Capricorn full moon

So you stopped doing cardio every morning. You were overwhelmed by the state of the world. Hung over. You meant to and swore you’d stream a class tomorrow. You didn’t. A week passed. Then why bother? It was too late, right? Well, the Capricorn full moon doesn’t think so. It says, forgive yourself—and set a new goal. Begin again, right where you left off. Or, go back two spaces on the metaphorical Monopoly board if you must.

Capricorn energy is also about taking careful steps up the rocky trail. If you focus on the top of the mountain it seems daunting. But if you just take the first step, and the one after that, soon enough, you’ll look up and you’re halfway to the summit. 

Photo credit: Beatrix Boros via Stocksy

Find out how the 2021 Capricorn full moon will affect your sign in our weekly horoscopes:

See also our post, Lean on a Tree (Really!) for a Capricorn Full Moon Ritual


The AstroTwins

Identical twin sisters Ophira and Tali Edut, known as The AstroTwins, are the founders of and the authors of multiple bestselling astrology books. Their horoscopes reach millions here and through their resident astrologer column at ELLE Magazine.