Trine: Planetary Aspect in Astrology
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Trine: Planetary Aspect in Astrology

What is a trine in astrology?

Welcome to your sweet spot! When two planets are trine, they are in their highest-vibe state of synchronicity. These planets are in the same element—fire, earth, air or water—so they are operating with the same goals, energy and agenda.

Trine facts

Trine: Four signs apart
120 degrees apart
Energy: Harmony, luck, ease

For example, if lucky and expansive Jupiter is trine communication planet Mercury, they will combine their powers in a big way. A Jupiter-Mercury trine could bring a huge insight, a life-changing conversation or a major evolution in an important relationship.

If Jupiter and Mercury are trine in stabilizing earth signs, you could have a breakthrough conversation about money and security, perhaps successfully negotiating a raise. If Jupiter and Mercury are trine in emotional water signs, you could open your heart to receiving love or have a major bonding moment.

What is the meaning of a Trine?

Of course, trines don’t ONLY bring happy news and events. They deliver a mega-blast of the same kind of energy. Like floodgates opening or a monsoon, trines can give us too much of a good thing. This excess can be destructive, so trines have to be carefully managed. We need to “weatherproof” our lives for a trine, to make sure we can successfully direct the abundance of this specific type of energy.

A trine in your birth chart

In your birth chart, a trine reveals luck and opportunity comes without much effort. Trines can grant you natural talents and charisma. For example, having a trine in stable earth signs might make you a good planner or hard worker. A trine in intellectual air signs might give you silver-tongued communication powers. However, like anything easy, trines can also make us lazy or lopsided, as we put too much stock in their powers. Struggles can build character, after all, so be careful not to rely too heavily on your trines at the expense of developing self-awareness and other skills.

Which signs are trine to each other?

Fire: AriesLeoSagittarius
Earth: TaurusVirgoCapricorn
Air: GeminiLibraAquarius
Water: CancerScorpioPisces

Other planetary aspects in astrology

Semisextile: 1 sign apart

Sextile: 2 signs apart

Square: 3 signs apart

Quincunx: 5 signs apart

Opposite: 6 signs apart

Conjunct: 2 planets in the same sign


The AstroTwins

Identical twin sisters Ophira and Tali Edut, known as The AstroTwins, are the founders of and the authors of multiple bestselling astrology books. Their horoscopes reach millions here and through their resident astrologer column at ELLE Magazine.