Cancer Career Horoscope: 16 Best Job Ideas | Astrostyle: Astrology and Daily, Weekly, Monthly Horoscopes by The AstroTwins
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Cancer Career Horoscope: 16 Best Job Ideas

The office is your home away from home

Cancer career traits

Security is Cancer’s number-one career goal, and the Cancer career path leads to where you feel safe and at home. You nestle right into your job with the same spirit that you use to create a warm household. You’ll cozy up your workspace with personal touches, like a candy bowl, funky artwork or a comfy lumbar pillow. 

What you’re doing for a living is important; but WHO you’re doing it with can be the real deciding factor. Getting along with your coworkers is essential, as they tend to become “extended family” for you. If you clash with colleagues, your best bet may be to cut and run. Otherwise, you can get mired in emotional drama, or worse yet, office gossip. Why poison your life with misery? Ignore the conventional wisdom that tells you to divide business and personal issues. Taking your heart out of your work would be a loss of your greatest asset. For this reason, Cancers should choose careers that you feel a deep inner connection with. 

As the ruler of the zodiac’s fourth house of home, family and hospitality, Cancers do well working in the hotel, restaurant and childcare industries. You’re the zodiac’s mother sign, and you’ll nurture everyone who crosses your path. That doesn’t mean you’re doomed to play caretaker for a living, though. You’re just highly sensitive, and you’ll bring that intuitive touch to everything, whether you work in the arts or at a strict corporate job (both sectors where Cancers thrive). 

Penny-wise Cancers have a knack for helping people manage their financial assets. Many Crabs make excellent money advisors. You’d be comfortable setting up a home office to make your living, too.

What is a good career for a Cancer?

  • Corporate Executive 
  • Childcare Worker
  • Editor/Writer               
  • Gallery Owner
  • Art Director               
  • Interior Designer
  • Women’s Rights Lawyer           
  • Urban Planner
  • Family Therapist
  • Attorney           
  • Bed And Breakfast/AirBNB Owner
  • Organizational Strategist       
  • Financial Planner
  • Real Estate Agent           
  • Holistic Healer
  • Brand Manager     

Cancer career mistakes or pitfalls to avoid


A natural homebody, home-based work also appeals to you. Freelance writing, computer programming—anything you can do in slippers and your favorite comfy T-shirt is the perfect Cancer career path. Warning: don’t isolate yourself so much that you lose touch with the world. Cancers can disappear into their shells, but too much time in there can make you seriously lose perspective. You could get moody and depressed. If that happens, get out and mingle with your fellow human beings! Renting a desk part-time in a co-working space can bring you back to your best self.


That said, Cancer, you can just as easily fortress yourself in an office job, too. You may hide behind busy work or create a little office clique and shun everyone else. Should that happen, push yourself to embrace new opportunities and people outside your comfort zone. You’ll always do best when you allow your horizons to expand. Remember, it’s safer out there than you think!

Cancer career: Your ultimate purpose

To create a nurturing space where people can relax and feel at home.


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The AstroTwins

Identical twin sisters Ophira and Tali Edut, known as The AstroTwins, are the founders of and the authors of multiple bestselling astrology books. Their horoscopes reach millions here and through their resident astrologer column at ELLE Magazine.