Leo Season Crystals Horoscope | The AstroTwins
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Leo Season Crystals Horoscope

Spiritually savvy Gemini Chartreuse Tembo Barriere—who is the founder and headMIZtress of The Venus Academy —selects the most powerful stones for the solar season. She teaches us how to use crystals in meditation to stay aligned with the energy of both the heavens and the Earth. 

Tiger’s Eye and Citrine are two gemstones for your Leo season crystals horoscope. Working with these stones helps you hone leadership qualities and feel proud, like a fierce lioness.

What Your Leo Season Crystals Represent

Tiger’s EyeRemoves creative blocks and confusion; can temper disorders and aid in digestion

Citrine: Boosts new beginnings, is an anecdote to depression, encourages free expression

Both Tiger’s Eye and Citrine are classified as quartz-based minerals. They both have a trigonal crystalline structure, which means that their inner molecular formation is triangular.

Trigonal crystals represent the beautiful simplicity of life. Pragmatic and realistic, this energy signature lends itself to the notion of minimal effort/maximum success. Trigonal energy recognizes the path of least resistance and desires to eliminate complications.

About Your Leo Season Crystals

Gemstone: Tiger’s Eye

Tiger’s Eye

The most popular traditional crystal birthstone for Leo is Tiger’s Eye, which is a radiant, banded golden-yellow mineral that reflects the light of the Sun. You can also find red and blue variations of this luminescent stone. Tiger’s Eye has a fiercely protective energy and is a master tool for manifestation and unblocking creative abilities.

Solar energy is the outer you, your personality and who you are learning to be in this lifetime. As we strive toward a higher expression of our best selves, Tiger’s Eye helps give perspective in difficult, complicated situations; it encourages us to make clearer choices, even in moments of doubt and confusion.

Physiologically, Leo rules the heart, the circulatory system, and the lower back. Solar-ruled people are dynamic and energetic, and back pain can be manifestation stress or sexual frustration. Thankfully, Tiger’s Eye has a pain-relieving effect and slows down the flow of energy in the body. It is said to calm over-excited nerves and can assist with overstimulated adrenal glands. It also may help temper personality disorders, prevent hypochondria, and dissolve creative blocks.

Because of this sedating effect, Tiger’s Eye only needs to be worn for about a week at a time (at the most) or used only in meditation.

Tiger’s Eye Metaphysical Properties:

Just like the cowardly lion from the land of Oz who was looking for a heart, follow the yellow (tiger’s eye-paved!) road. Tiger’s Eye is a good companion through tough times and can help reignite bravery and the power to trust ourselves.

In moments when external influences storm in, Tiger’s Eye assists with mood balance. When Leo energy is in full effect, it can be hard to shift or change the leader of the jungle. Tiger’s Eye teaches us to use power wisely, not to seek control over others, but to lead by example. The stone’s grounding effect brings humility, balances yin/yang energy, eases stubbornness, and promotes a more productive manifestation of strong will.

Evolved Leo energy teaches us there is nothing wrong with admitting faults and shortcomings. Heart-centered vulnerability is the prime indicator of actual strength, and Tiger’s Eye helps to support authentic integrity.

Gemstone: Citrine


This yellow version of quartz crystal gets its golden color from the presence of iron and ionizing radiation during its formation. As a mineral of primary formation, citrine resonates to the tune of fresh beginnings, purity of heart, and the discovery of individuality.

Sunny Citrine is the antidote to depression, bringing joy and abundance to the heart space. Even introverted Leos love to express themselves, and Citrine is a beautiful tool to free oneself from oppressive influences or fear of judgment. 

Physically, Citrine is said to stimulate digestion by promoting the workings of the stomach, spleen, and pancreas. Like Tiger’s Eye, Citrine also helps calm nerves but with a warming effect. It increases circulation, enhances metabolic functions, and is believed to improve the immune system.

As a form of quartz, Citrine is pure and non-toxic and can be worn directly on the skin for as long as desired, perhaps as jewelry. Citrine can be used internally as a yoni egg and is also safe to make an ingestible or topical gem elixir. 

Citrine’s Metaphysical Properties:

Leo loves the limelight, but when dignity is challenged, the lion may retreat to lick its wounds and become cold and standoffish. Citrine helps temper that sensitivity and laugh at our delusions of grandeur. It stimulates the desire for self-realization and activates the ability to confront and help ourselves, instead of projecting all our nonsense onto others and playing the blame game.

Citrine encourages an abundance mentality, and is even the suggested stone for merchants to keep in or near cash registers to watch the money flow!

Often, we carry baggage that might not even be ours. Citrine is key in transforming pain, both emotional and inherited. As Leo is that fixed fire, Citrine brings the gift of adaptability, allowing us to release extreme attachment to outcome and shifting beliefs that life must occur in a particular way.

Meditating with Leo Season Crystals

Meditating with crystals during Leo season can help us attune to our true sense of self-worth.

Meditations and Rituals for Your Leo Season Crystals

Meditation intention: I am a radiant embodiment of abundant universal source energy.


  • I illuminate the darkness.
  • I honor the power of gratitude.
  • I am in tune with my highest self.
  • I magnetize success and prosperity.
  • I embrace and support my inner child.
  • I assist others to gain their heart’s desire.

Ritual: Citrine Abundance Manifestation Techniques

Here are some techniques to increase abundance in all areas of life with Citrine. You can find radiant, juicy pieces of raw and tumbled Citrine individually and in full chakra kit sets.

  • Meditate lying down with a piece of Citrine over your heart chakra.
  • Keep a small piece of tumbled Citrine in your wallet or coin purse to magnetize more currency to you.
  • Write your desires on a small piece of parchment paper, put it in a silk bag of Citrine, and sleep with the pouch under your pillow.
  • Energize the “wealth area” in your home or office using Feng Shui. Just like sidereal (eastern) and tropical (western) astrology, there are multiple approaches to Feng Shui.

Using the classical Eastern approach, the wealth area is the most southeast corner of your space. In the western approach, imagine identifying a “blueprint” floor plan of your home. The topmost upper left area on the floor plan is your wealth corner. Depending on the layout of your house, your wealth corner may be the same for both eastern and western Feng Shui! Choose which location feels best to you, and place a piece of citrine in that area. If the crystal can receive sunlight through windows, even better!

Ritual: Heart-Centered Tiger’s Eye Meditation and Journaling

All the world’s a stage for Leo energy. How do you show up in character?

Sit upright with a piece of Tiger’s Eye in your lap or near your root chakra, which connects to your source of power and grounding.

Take some time to meditate on the many roles you play in your life. Ask yourself:

  • Do they truly bring me deep satisfaction?
  • What am I overcompensating for feelings of inadequacy?
  • Do I struggle with commitments or serving others? Or do I sabotage relationships because of perceived unworthiness?
  • Are there any connections I have that cause me to show up as less than 100% authentic?

After your meditation, take some time to journal about the Leo energy in your life and how you relate to it and your heart chakra.

As you move through the complexity of your heart’s emotions during Leo season, try to remember that compassion toward yourself is just as important as compassion toward others. Remember the presence of your spiritual self, and know that you can always trust in the universe.

Crystals and Astrology “101”

Discover more about the way crystals form, how to cleanse and program your stones in addition to your Leo season crystals horoscope. Read meditation tips and find out how these natural wonders correspond with astrology. All this in our Crystals and Astrology 101 section!

This information should not be used for diagnosing or treating a health condition or disease and is not intended as a substitute for consulting with your physician or healthcare provider.


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mizChartreuse is a Zambian-American astrologer, writer, and metaphysicist. Her work has appeared at Tarot.com, AOL, Yahoo, HuffPo, AstroStyle, Numerologist, and more.