Today's Leo Horoscope for February 7, 2025
Reach out to your entourage today and throw yourself into the center of that buzzing hive! Under a harmonious hookup of your ruler, the radiant Sun, and the gregarious Gemini moon in your interpersonal relationship zones, you’ll enjoy intimate bonding with your crew AND will be open to meeting new people. Don’t dim your light to let others shine. You may not even realize how inspirational your positive, upbeat personality is to certain people!
Leo Daily Horoscope for February 3, 2025
Feeling stuck? Start talking. Dialogue will stimulate the movement you need as messenger Mercury aligns with outspoken Jupiter. An exchange of ideas could cement your bond with someone who’s been hovering on the periphery of your friend circle. This doesn’t have to be heavy, Leo! Invite them to happy hour or meet for a dance class. Feel free to keep social interactions brief. A short and sweet meetup could fill your tanks!
Leo Daily Horoscope for February 4, 2025
Go team! Today, a group project could suddenly get back on track as expansive Jupiter turns direct (forward) in Gemini and your eleventh house of collaborations. Since October 9, the planet of good luck has been retrograde (backward), either stalling a team project or causing plenty of obstacles, e.g. a flaky leader, a tech glitch or unprecedented snowfall that prevented you from getting together. Whatever the case, you can actually THANK this slowdown because it likely helped you see where you need to put your collective focus. With social Venus entering Aries and your visionary ninth house today, you’ll feel more inspired than ever. Get ready to magnetize some fervent followers—and to evangelize for the future-forward ideas your crew dreams up!
Leo Daily Horoscope for February 5, 2025
As the quarter moon in Taurus shines its balancing beams into your career house, this is a good day to give your 2025 goals a discerning review. It’s easy to get caught up in "new year, new you" zeal. But, Leo, have you started a few too many overly ambitious undertakings? Consider scaling back, not just for serenity's sake but so you have a fighting chance of producing any of these big ideas. Conversely, have you been waiting for the right moment to get a mission in motion? Harness this lunar lift by taking one clear action today that advances your lofty goal.
Leo Daily Horoscope for February 6, 2025
People will seek you out today for your strength and heart, Lion, and under today’s moon-Pluto trine, you’re up to the challenge. Be there for a friend who’s going through a breakup. She may not need you to pack up her S.O.’s stuff, but it’ll give her a chance to cry on your shoulder while you do the dirty work. If your coworkers are in a slump, rally the troops by painting a rosy picture of getting this project across the finish line. Today also happens to be ideal for becoming part of a dynamic duo, especially if you feel a soul connection.
Leo Daily Horoscope for February 8, 2025 - February 9, 2025
A rolling stone gathers no moss, so keep it moving this Saturday, Leo, especially when a situation starts to get tense and uncomfortable. You don’t need to get swept up in the politics or appoint yourself peacemaker. Challenge yourself to stay out of it. Adopting a mantra of “live and let live” will have a bonus benefit: You’ll watch other people work through conflict without your interference. Turns out they were more capable than you gave them credit for. Good luck putting on anything resembling a poker face this Sunday. A flowing angle between molten Mars and serious Saturn opens the emotional floodgates, but the effect is more magic than meltdown. With energizing Mars in your reflective twelfth house, even a five-handkerchief moment could help you purge a decade's worth of pent-up pain. Some true heart-stirring bonding could be in the stars as fantasy and reality entwine like famous lovers. Surrender!