Today's Leo Horoscope for September 10, 2024
You're seldom at a loss for creative ideas, but the challenge is picking one, launching it and then seeing it through to completion. Today, as the moon in your visionary fifth house gets checked by future planner Saturn, you'll see things with longer-range vision. First make sure you care enough to invest the time that will be required. Once you clear that hurdle, break the master plan into smaller chunks and schedule milestones to mark each segment's conclusion. Build in a little wiggle room in case things expand along the way.
Leo Daily Horoscope for September 9, 2024
Fatten up that wallet, Leo. The stars are aligning to deliver a windfall, and you’ll want to be prepared as Mercury swings back into Virgo for its second, retrograde-free pass through your eighth house of long-term finances. Between now and September 26, you could be prosperity-bound. Nothing will happen without your diligent efforts, so spend some time today researching and strategizing. With Mercury in this private zone, keep your plans on the downlow rather than sharing them prematurely.
Leo Daily Horoscope for September 11, 2024
Lions may need to tone it down a tad as the eager Sagittarius moon shines its high beams in your expressive, impassioned fifth house. You could get so carried away in your excitement to share an anecdote that you wind up dominating the conversation entirely. Before you turn a short story into a long one, read the room. Is your audience waiting breathlessly to hear more about last night’s date? Or are they checking their phones while pretending to listen? Get to the punch line sooner rather than later, and flesh it all out with details if they ask for more. Then be sure to pass the mic. At your best, you’re happy to give everyone a turn in the spotlight, generous Leo!
Leo Daily Horoscope for September 12, 2024
Shake up your routines under today’s galvanizing Sun-Jupiter square—yes, even if they’ve already been thrown into a tailspin. This biannual mashup calls for spontaneity and adventure, and you’ll have to find it any way you can. Locate the wiggle room on your agenda and allow yourself to be led by your whims for an hour or so. This could lead you down a crafting wormhole or on a recipe research mission. And hey, no one has to know that you were prepping food for the slow cooker if you mute during the 10AM conference call, right?
Leo Daily Horoscope for September 13, 2024
Yes, Leo, honesty is always the best policy, but today, you'll need to sweeten your truth serum with compassion. As the staunch Capricorn moon squares “wounded healer” Chiron, try to put yourself in the other person's shoes before you step on that soapbox or launch into a "what you NEED to do…" diatribe. If you find yourself on the receiving end of self-righteous preaching, politely but firmly excuse yourself.
Leo Daily Horoscope for September 14, 2024 - September 15, 2024
Just TRY to keep a closed heart this weekend, Leo! We’re willing to bet you can’t. A harmonious mashup of supersizer Jupiter and warm-fuzzy Venus in your friendship houses will flood you with nonstop waves of unconditional love. Let your guard down with a new friend group, and this could turn out to be one of the most feel-good weekends of your year. Creative synergies could be sparked, especially on Sunday when the Aquarius moon joins the planetary party to form a glowing grand air trine. This could be enough to inspire you to test the waters with a joint project. Single Lions: A friendship could blossom into a full-on love connection.