Libra is the zodiac sign ruled by beautifying Venus. Libra home decor favors this sing’s natural eye for balance and symmetry. Lightness and sunshine at home will match Libra’s air sign spirit. As a status-loving cardinal sign, Libra does decorate and dress to impress—or at least, to convey their natural good taste.
How to decorate your home if you’re a Libra
Living in style is the Libra way, whether they do it with quiet modesty or a gaudy display. Even Libras on a budget love an elegant home filled with pretty things. Libras are deeply sensitive to their environment and want the best of the best. This sign might live lean, then splurge on a state-of-the-art home theater, an impressive book collection, or a closet filled with their favorite designer’s pieces. As a great admirer of physical beauty, artistic Libra aims for style and value, not to mention cleanliness.
Always looking for balance but often dipping out of it, you may err on the side of heavy, gaudy furniture with gilded mirrors (to see that beautiful reflection of yours). Or, you might go all out for lightweight furniture, which makes you feel ungrounded.
Libra home decor astrology tips
Balance the proportions by using colors and materials in moderation. Don’t be afraid to mix eras or styles! As the sign of the scales, you like symmetry, but too much coordination and matching can look overdone. Working with a decorator might also inspire you to correctly weigh aesthetic pros and cons and create a serene vibe.
Libra rules relationships, so make sure your home can accommodate a partner, or energetically attract one. Decorate with pairs—two bedside tables or matching pink vases— to conjure the energy of partnership. You’re a social sign, so build in room for friends to crash in when they stay over late reminiscing and watching movies. Create a charming guest bedroom if you’re lucky enough to have one, or invest in a sleeper sofa that pulls out into a bed.
Although you can be super-organized, when you get off-balance, you can make a huge mess. A home office is great for you, and since it’s usually your one “disaster area,” it should be hidden from public view. You’re a clutter magnet and can amass a ton of little papers and junk mail, for example. Still, don’t throw too much away. Buy a few filing tubs for important papers and mementos, and stash them in a closet.
As an air sign, you have a tendency to mentally drift around and abandon projects halfway through, so buddy up and finish them! Or, make sure you have a place to store your creations so that you can return later, when you have time to consider them without rushing. This will keep your environment clean and uncluttered, which helps you focus tremendously. Good organization is essential to keeping you balanced at home.