Leo Friendship | Astrostyle: Astrology and Daily, Weekly, Monthly Horoscopes by The AstroTwins
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Leo Friendship

A Leo friendship means a loyalty, so long as you’re willing to share a spotlight! We threw in a gift guide for your Leo friend, too.

Overachieving Leo has as many friends as they do projects. In fact, many of their friends are their projects! Noble lions like to help people—it makes them feel like the important and powerful royalty that they are.

Doing favors is a big part of their connection strategy and their pals know that they can always crash on their couch if they’re in a jam. They won’t mind a bit—but they won’t forget either. Should they need something in return, the answer had better be yes—or else! If they don’t roar at people, they’ll sulk, and their guilt trips can be just as hardcore as their meltdowns.

Love to be led into fun? Make a Leo friend

Should the scorecard remain even, Leo makes dynamic companions. They love to play around and are always up for an adventure. They’ll stay up all night living life to the fullest. Friends seldom have to worry about coming up with ideas— Leo always has a plan or two lined up. Their sign is ruled by the Sun, so they sometimes forget that the world doesn’t revolve around them. They may need to be reminded to step out of the take-charge role and go along with other people’s itineraries every now and again, if you want a turn!

Loving Leo is looking for give-and-take relationships. They’ll dole out support but they also need plenty of it in return. Since they tend to take on more than the average mortal, they also get overwhelmed on a regular basis. While their image might say, “I’ve got it all together,” often what they’re thinking is, “What did I get myself into?” Friends must learn to form a cheerleading squad, pumping up their self-confidence.

Hanging out with a Leo friend

Being the royalty that they are, lavish Leo likes to spend money. No matter how much they’re making, they never quite seem to have enough cash. Friends can help them put the brakes on their spending—and say no when Leo asks for a loaner! Bonus points go to those who give them gifts and compliments. Leo is a sucker for flattery and is easily won over by random acts of kindness.

Gift guide: The perfect presents for a Leo friend

  • 20 hours of help from a house-cleaner
  • A virtual assistant, babysitter or stylist
  • Customized cases for your mobile devices
  • Gift certificates to spas and salons
  • Anything silk or animal print
  • A weekend getaway
  • Two dozen red roses or a dramatic houseplant
  • A home-cooked feast
  • Tickets to an epic musical or theater performance

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The AstroTwins

Identical twin sisters Ophira and Tali Edut, known as The AstroTwins, are the founders of Astrostyle.com and the authors of multiple bestselling astrology books. Their horoscopes reach millions here and through their resident astrologer column at ELLE Magazine.