Ruling Planets and Their Zodiac Signs
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Ruling Planets and Their Zodiac Signs

Each zodiac sign is said to have a “ruling planet” that governs it and imbues it with certain personality traits.

The ruling planets in astrology govern each of the 12 zodiac signs. These ruling planets have unique “energy.” So what exactly does it mean for each zodiac sign to have a ruling planet? And what is yours?

The planet and the zodiac sign have traits in common, so they are linked based on this association. Each planet is named after a mythological god. For deeper understanding, you can read the legends of these deities throughout history—Egyptian, Sumerian, Babylonian, Greek, Roman, Mayan, Aztec, et al.—since our ancestors always found “god” in the sky. The IAU (International Astronomical Union) is the official, modern naming body for astronomical objects.

Zodiac signs and the energy of their ruling planets

Below, you can find your zodiac sign’s ruling planet and the key energies it provides. You can read more about what each planet means in-depth by following the links in each sign.

Each planet is associated with a zodiac sign, and that sign will exhibit traits of its ruling planet.


Ruling planet: Mars

Energy: Warrior, courageous, competitive, but can be warmongering

Read more about ruling planet Mars


Ruling planet: Venus

Energy: Sensual, lovers of earthly beauty and pleasure, but can be indulgent 

Read more about ruling planet Venus


Ruling planet: Mercury

Energy: Inquisitive, fast-moving, talkative, “the messenger,” but can be gossipy 

Read more about ruling planet Mercury


Ruling planet: Moon

Energy: Emotional, reflective, nurturing/maternal, but can be moody

Read more about ruling planet the moon


Ruling planet: Sun

Energy: Bold, the (literal!) center of the universe, but can be ego-driven 

Read more about ruling planet the Sun


Ruling planet: Mercury

Energy: Communicative, analytical, quicksilver mind, but can be judgmental 

Read more about ruling planet Mercury


Ruling planet: Venus

Energy: Peacemaker, harmonious, loves beauty, but can be materialist

Read more about ruling planet Venus


Ruling planet: Pluto

Energy: Intense, powerful, but can be dark and icy or drawn to underworld

Read more about ruling planet Pluto


Ruling planet: Jupiter

Energy: Jovial, larger than life, but can be full of hot air (it is largest gas planet)

Read more about ruling planet Jupiter


Ruling planet: Saturn

Energy: Serious, self-punishing, cautious, hardworking, but can be repressed

Read more about ruling planet Saturn


Ruling planet: Uranus

Energy: Quirky, unique, rebellious (Uranus spins on its side), but can be destructive

Read more about ruling planet Uranus


Ruling planet: Neptune

Energy: Imaginative, dreamy, hazy, but can drown in depths of the “emotion ocean”

Read more about ruling planet Neptune

Minor ruling and shared ruling planets

But wait, there’s more. There are minor ruling planets and shared ruling planets for some zodiac signs. These are explained below.

Minor ruling planets: Scorpio, Aquarius, Pisces

Since Uranus, Neptune and Pluto were all just discovered much later (Uranus in 1781, Neptune in 1846 and Pluto in 1930), Scorpio, Aquarius and Pisces used to have different rulers, which some astrologers still reference. These “minor” or secondary rulers are:

Scorpio: Mars (for the sign’s trademark intensity and drive)
Aquarius: Saturn (this sign is always building toward the future)
Pisces: Jupiter (for the visionary and prophetic powers of Pisces)

Shared ruling planets: Taurus-Libra and Gemini-Virgo

Two pairs of signs still share a common planetary ruler. Why? Well, mainly because there are 10 heavenly bodies and 12 zodiac signs, so it’s a “supply and demand” issue! But the temperaments of these signs can also be similar:

Taurus & Libra: Venus (both love material and sensual pleasures)
Gemini & Virgo: Mercury (both can be heady, intellectual and information-loving)



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