8 Virgo New Moon Rituals to Get You Organized for Fall | The AstroTwins
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8 Virgo New Moon Rituals to Get You Organized for Fall

Bless this mess? Nah. The Virgo new moon (on September 2, 2024) is an ambition booster to tidy up the parts of your life that need it most.
The Virgo new moon invokes the spirit of service, too. Give for giving’s sake and catch a feel-good buzz with our Virgo new moon rituals.

Virgo New Moon Rituals

Here are rituals you can try, plus some bonus ones follow!

1. Green something in your life

Been meaning to switch to chemical free cleaners? Dial back on processed foods? The Virgo new moon ushers in an opportunity for you to try (and stick to) a new green pledge. If you live in a busy, urban area, consider getting an air filter to remove allergens like dust, pollen, animal dander and mold. Or, imagine your space filled with houseplants, the ultimate air purifiers. Lots of garden centers have deep discounts this time of year—your oasis awaits!

2. Be the change

During these times of political unrest and social conflict, it’s tempting to withdraw—but that’s not what benevolent Virgo wants (or, for that matter, what humanity needs). As quintessential Virgo Mother Teresa said, “I have found the paradox, that if you love until it hurts, there can be no more hurt, only more love.” Those words have never mattered more.

There’s no shortage of great causes to be support, whether with time, money or both. Contributing to your community makes you healthier and less stressed (the studies say so!)—so what are you waiting for? Give for giving’s sake and catch a feel-good buzz. (See also Virgo new moon ritual No. 8!)

3. Level up your self care

Virgo is the sign of sacred self-care, and this new moon can level up your mind, nutrition and fitness practices. Since chatty Mercury, Virgo’s ruler, balks at going it alone, recruit friends. Motivate each other along as accountability buddies—you can do daily or weekly check-ins or share results on the same app. Or meet for weekend bike rides, rent a cabin at a location with amazing hiking trails. Since methodical Virgo loves learning steps, just dance. If your moves just so happen to wind up on TikTok, try to keep it demure, says the also decorous Virgo.

With Venus in Virgo right now, as well, you can make self-care sexy.

4. Learn to receive

The spirit of service doesn’t flow one way. The Virgo new moon reminds us to be receptive to the kindness and generosity of others. How often do you catch yourself saying, “I’ve got it,” or “I’m good!” when you’re actually overwhelmed and on the verge of a stress meltdown?

Wave the flag and admit that you could use a hand. You know how good it feels to be there for others? So stop worrying about being a burden and give friends and family the opportunity to be there for you in return.

5. Tackle some clutter

Zen Buddhists tell the story of Nan-in, a Japanese master who poured tea into a visiting professor’s cup until it was full—and then kept on pouring. When the professor protested that his cup was overflowing, Nan-in told him that, like the cup, the scholar’s head was full of opinions that made it impossible to show him Zen. First, he had to empty his cup.

The point of this tale? A cluttered mind leaves no room for peace and enlightenment. How about a clean sweep in the name of serenity? The Virgo new moon is an ideal time for starting an “emptying” practice. Try a guided meditation app, whether you only have one minute or 20.

6. Be kind to your gut

Virgo rules the small intestines and the digestive system, so the Virgo new moon is the perfect time to implement a few gut-healthy changes to your diet. You can start by simply drinking a large glass of water (16 ounces if you can) every morning to help your body absorb nutrients and eliminate waste. Squeeze in some alkalizing lemon for extra measure.

Seriously reducing your refined sugar intake and increasing your consumption of fiber-rich foods such as beans and nuts can go a long way toward reducing inflammation and balancing your microbiome. Introduce probiotic-rich fermented foods such as kefir, kombucha and kimchi to your diet and consider intermittent fasting—giving your digestive system a break for 14 to 16 hours—so your gut can reset.

7. Practice anti-perfectionism

Virgo is the innocent newborn, the pure and unspoiled being that has no sense of inadequacy. Alas, that sense of wholeness seems to be the hardest state for humans to hang on to. Brené Brown calls it armor or, “a twenty-ton shield that we lug around thinking it will protect us when, in fact, it’s the thing that’s really preventing us from flight.” The simple act of making a gratitude list is a great start toward overcoming your inner critic, and affirmations go a long way as well. You are exactly where you need to be, and you’re doing exactly what you need to be doing. Now, chill!

8. Practice random acts of kindness

As you move through your day, look for little ways you can make a difference—or just put a smile on someone’s face. For example, this Virgo new moon ritual could look like:

  • buying the coffee for the person behind you in the drive-through
  • sending a colleague some cookies or a friend a bouquet of flowers
  • donating clothes to a thrift shop that’s connected to a charity you support
  • offering to send lunch to a friend who is on a deadline
  • placing a recycling bin in the mailroom of your apartment complex for neighbors to toss their junk mail
  • collecting school supplies to donate to a school in your community for when classes resume

Keep your eyes open while you’re grooving through your day. When you spot little ways to help your community, make your move!

It doesn’t have to cost a cent!

Simple moves count, too: sharing a link to a friend’s art show on social media, bringing an elderly neighbor’s newspaper from their lawn to their front door, helping someone to their car if they’re juggling child and groceries.

Heads up for all the people-pleasers and caretakers out there: We know you already give too much on an average day. This exercise isn’t about making sacrifices. For you, the practice is knowing that it’s “enough” to act small and within your means (time, energy, financial). It’s not generous to drain your reserves; in fact, this can leave the receiver feeling obligated and uncomfortable, especially in these trying times. Mind the balance—small actions speak volumes!

Other, Simple, Virgo New Moon Rituals To Try

  • Purge and purify: throw away, recycle, or give away old or unused beauty products, pillow inserts and condiments; invest in fresh replacements
  • Give your space a pre-fall Marie Kondo treatment by clearing out summer clothes that just didn’t spark joy (and probably never will) or were not worn and take up space
  • Swap one of your chemical cleaning products for an environmentally-friendly one
  • Join or start a book club, the Virgo new moon reminds us that geek is (always) chic
  • Set up a new shelving system
  • Get your budget in order
  • Make sure you’re supporting companies with ethics you can stand behind
  • Challenge yourself to feed your body only food that has ingredients it can actually use for fuel

Photo by Michela Ravasio

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The AstroTwins

Identical twin sisters Ophira and Tali Edut, known as The AstroTwins, are the founders of Astrostyle.com and the authors of multiple bestselling astrology books. Their horoscopes reach millions here and through their resident astrologer column at ELLE Magazine.