Aquarius and Pisces: Compatibility in Love, Sex and Life
Your 2025 Horoscope is Here

Aquarius and Pisces: Compatibility in Love, Sex and Life

When Aquarius and Pisces come together for love or any kind of relationship, it’s intellectual but also other-worldly! These two brainiacs crave cerebral connection, which can make it difficult to come back down to Earth. An Aquarius-Pisces relationship is deeply stimulating, since you both understand each others’ quirky ways.

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Aquarius and Pisces: Your compatibility clicks and clashes

Where you click:
Weird science! There’s an unusually high level of chemistry between Pisces and Aquarius, although you have vastly different approaches to life. You’re both seduced by mysteries and enigmas, and exploring the hidden dimensions of life is a common passion. Aquarius will try to solve the riddle using logic and quantum physics. Pisces will meditate and channel a 30,000 year-old deity to draw answers from the otherworldly dimension. You’re both attracted to quirky people and you recognize a fellow eccentric in one another. Nomadic Aquarius feels a strange pull to settle down with Pisces who may be a slippery fish to grab. That makes Pisces all the more alluring, as Aquarius is bored by an easy victory. If Pisces surrenders to Aquarius’ bait and hook, you’ll have found a spiritual soulmate in one another. Both signs are drawn to healing and tend to play the role of cheerleader or supportive listener for your large circles of friends.

Where you clash:
Make sure you don’t give too much of your nurturing energy away to other people…save some of that mojo for each other. Children are optional in this combo, but you certainly won’t parent according to any rule books. Art classes, kids yoga, Suzuki violin lessons…you’ll want your children to be original thinkers and creative geniuses. Your home will be a crash pad for traveling visitors, poets, mystics, revolutionaries, and the like, but make sure you create a safe space for your kids who may hunger for more structure from the two of you. (In other words, “Why can’t you be normal Mom and Dad?”)

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Love and compatibility by element

Aquarius is air and Pisces is water

Head and heart combine—or collide—when you pair a talkative air sign with a touchy-feely water sign. The temperaments of these two elements are wildly different. Air signs love change, variety and novelty while sentimental water signs seek security, comfort and nostalgia. One of you is all about the new, while the other cherishes the old. You’ll have to learn to appreciate this major difference. Otherwise, you could quickly feel like you have nothing in common!

Your social habits may need some tweaking to make this work. Water signs don’t trust easily, and tend to roll with a tight-knit clique—many of whom they’ve known since childhood. By contrast, air signs never met a stranger and are constantly introducing you to their latest BFFs. The water sign might be jealous or threatened by all of these newcomers, while the air sign feels suffocated and bored by seeing the same old faces. Compromise is key. The water sign partner will have to be more open to new people and experiences, going with the flow. The air sign will have to embrace tradition and develop more emotional sensitivity.

One of you is all about the new, while the other cherishes the old. You’ll have to learn to appreciate this major difference.

There are four elements in astrology: fire, earth, air and water. Each one plays an important role in the greater whole of humankind. A love match with someone from of a different astrological element can be challenging, but also a beautiful opportunity to evolve. After all, differences push you both to grow and step outside of your own experience.

The benefits of this match is an opportunity for growth. Since water signs can be TOO “in their feelings,” the cooler, rational air sign partner can teach them the power of detaching. The water sign will learn how to take things less personally, laugh at themselves and lighten up. In exchange, the water sign can teach the glib air sign to dive into their depths more, rather than being overly superficial or turning everything into a joke. The water sign may create a cozy, beautiful home, while the air sign fills it with interesting guests, music and art. Both of these elements can be “culture vultures,” and may bond of dissecting a documentary film, singing karaoke (you both could have encyclopedic knowledge of lyrics) or even traveling.

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Aquarius is fixed and Pisces is mutable 

In astrology, the “qualities” or “triplicities” reveal the role you play in a relationship or collaboration. Are you a starter, a doer or a finisher? Do you like to take charge and have a plan, or do you prefer to go with the flow? In this love match, it can be hard to get in sync. Can we make a plan around here? Fixed signs crave stability and mutable signs love change. Compromise is key so you don’t drive each other crazy! The fixed sign in this relationship likes to make a decision or plan and stick with it. By contrast, the ever-changing mutable sign is always changing things—adding one more guest, jamming one more coffee date into their day, starting another project before they finish the 50 they already have going. When a mutable-fixed duo plays to their strength, the fixed sign can create a solid structure that upholds the mutable sign’s creative plans. Adaptable mutable signs help the fixed sign to be less rigid—to loosen up and go with the flow. For long-term success, the mutable mate will have to work harder at keeping their word, showing up on time and being consistent. Some plans are simply non-negotiable! In exchange the fixed sign will have to give an inch and be willing to try new things.


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Aquarius is yang and Pisces is yin

In astrology, every sign has a “polarity”: you’re either yin (feminine) or yang (masculine).  In your sign match, Pisces is a receptive yin sign and Aquarius is an assertive yang sign. When you play to your strengths, you balance each other out, each on contributing a different but complementary skill set. When things are off, you can become polarized. The yin sign can be too passive (or passive-aggressive) and sacrificing, while the yang sign may act domineering, aggressive and selfish. To re-balance, the yin sign needs to work on being more open, direct and confident, while the yang sign should cultivate more patience, tolerance and sensitivity.

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Aquarius and Pisces are semisextile (one sign apart)

In astrology love matches, we also measure compatibility by the aspect, or distance, between the two signs. Your signs are semisextile, or one sign apart. Like next-door neighbors with a completely different style of decorating, gardening and living, the signs on either side of yours can stir up an instant love/hate vibe. Of course, all that friction can lead to explosive sexual chemistry, even an obsessive quest to figure each other out (you never will). Some astrologers believe that each sign is an evolved version of the one before it. The sign after yours is a teacher. However, like a rebellious teen seeking emancipation from a parent, you may never admit that this person has taught you anything. This cosmic combination can make for painful breakups, and a seething sexual tension that lingers for a lifetime.


Love Matcher: See all compatibility matches

Aquarius Love Horoscope

Pisces Love Horoscope



The AstroTwins

Identical twin sisters Ophira and Tali Edut, known as The AstroTwins, are the founders of and the authors of multiple bestselling astrology books. Their horoscopes reach millions here and through their resident astrologer column at ELLE Magazine.