Taurus and Cancer: Compatibility in Love, Sex and Life
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Taurus and Cancer: Compatibility in Love, Sex and Life

When Taurus and Cancer come together for love or any kind of relationship, it’s a soul-stirring match made in heaven! These two domestic doyennes have an affinity for homespun sensuality and a love for cooking and entertaining. A Taurus-Cancer relationship is traditional and family-oriented, since you both understand each other’s need for security and stability.

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Taurus and Cancer: Your compatibility clicks and clashes

Where you click:
Adorable soulmates are you! Like a pair of high school sweethearts who reunited on Facebook (or married days after graduation), there’s a homespun quality to your combo. Taurus and Cancer are both security-minded, traditional, and family-oriented which makes this an ideal matchup for building a legacy together. Domestic bliss is the grand theme for you two. Your home could double as a music studio or art gallery for the works you inspire in each other. 

Where you clash:
While your nest will be blessed, it can also become an insular bubble, sheltering you from the world. If you aren’t careful, you could lose your edge, so make an effort to socialize and participate in community activities as a couple. Having individual friends and interests is also a healthy must for this matchup. Don’t let your career paths suffer because you’d rather stay in bed all day, wrapped in each other’s arms.

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Love and compatibility by element

Taurus is earth and Cancer is water

For the most part this is a harmonious blend of two compatible energies. Both earth and water signs seek comfort, security and consistency. The two of you provide that nicely for each other. This is the kind of relationship that can even begin in primary school or college, then last throughout adulthood. You easily slip into a comfortable groove, especially once you live together. Your home can be a cozy, welcoming space—the hub for gathering family and longtime friends. Parenthood can be an area where you shine together, too.

There are differences, of course. The nature of water is emotional, while earth tends to be more grounded and practical. While a water sign might start a sentence with “I feel” an earth sign is probably more responsive to a statement that begins with “I think.” Feelings, to the earth sign, seem random and hard to follow—if there’s a problem in the relationship, the linear earth partner wants you to get to the point so they can figure out how to fix it. Unfortunately, the intuitive water sign doesn’t work that way. They need to process things in a more circular pattern, starting with their emotions and intuition—which, for water, is the most trustworthy guide. The earth sign must learn to respect the water sign’s “gut feelings,” even when they seem to defy sensibility and logic. By contrast, the water sign might want to unpack some of those emotions with a therapist or compassionate friend, rather than with the earth sign partner. Once the water sign gets to the root of what’s bothering them, THEN they can present it in a less emotionally-charged way to the earth sign. The result? The water sign will find a partner eager to problem-solve, rather than a defensive or dismissive person who patronizes them when they’re at their most vulnerable!

Earth signs can seem cold or overly harsh, doling out tough love when water sign feels sensitive. The water sign can get clingy and overly dependent, creating a parent-child dynamic. Make an effort not to lapse into these well-worn roles just because it’s easy. You can also get stuck in a rut of doing the same-old things or being fearful of change together. Bringing in a friend, colleague or family member who’s a more dynamic fire or air sign can help. You might even have a child together who’s a fire or air sign. Instead of treating them like the family misfit, allow them to introduce novel ideas to the clan, and respect their greater need for independence.

There are four elements in astrology: fire, earth, air and water. Each one plays an important role in the greater whole of humankind. A love match with someone from of a different astrological element can be challenging, but also a beautiful opportunity to evolve. After all, differences push you both to grow and step outside of your own experience.

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Taurus is fixed and Cancer is cardinal

In astrology, the “qualities” or “triplicities” reveal the role you play in a relationship or collaboration. Are you a starter, a doer or a finisher? Do you like to take charge and have a plan, or do you prefer to go with the flow? Cardinal and fixed signs are both “take charge” in their own right. Cardinal signs like to lead and initiate—which is fine as long as they don’t tread on the fixed sign’s turf. The nature of fixed energy is to stand firm and resist change unless it’s really necessary. Fixed signs are set in their ways, while cardinal signs are a touch more fluid, though stubborn in their own right! The cardinal sign may introduce too many new ideas into the mix, or worse, try to “improve” on the fixed sign’s ideas by giving unsolicited criticism. This feedback, no matter how well-intended, could threaten the fixed sign’s pride, leading to a major ego battle. The fixed sign could also seem “boring” to the cardinal sign if they want to do the same thing week in and week out. In this love match, the fixed sign will have to be more open to “trendy” over tried-and-true. When the cardinal sign scores reservations at a buzzy new restaurant, resort, club or event, the fixed sign had better clean up and GO. In return, the cardinal sign must patronize the mom-and-pop bistro, the favorite karaoke bar, or another dinner with the fixed sign’s family. The fixed sign’s more traditional approach to romance can seem clumsy or heavy-handed to the discerning cardinal sign. So, cardinal sign, you got a conventional Tiffany locket instead of an Alexander McQueen limited-edition ring? Suck it up and say thanks—or start dropping hints a lot sooner before your next birthday!


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Taurus and Cancer are both yin, or feminine signs

In astrology, every sign has a “polarity”: you’re either yin (feminine) or yang (masculine). You are  both yin signs: receptive, sensitive and intuitive. When all is good, you are deeply simpatico, nurturing one another and sharing romantic, thoughtful gestures. The downside? Your fluctuating moods may collide, causing dramatic fights that can escalate into an unnecessary cold war. You can also get SO tuned into each other’s emotions that your bond turns codepedent. While it’s lovely to build a cozy cocoon, make sure you don’t get stuck in that bubble and stunt each other’s personal growth.

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Taurus and Cancer are sextile (two signs apart)

In astrology love matches, we also measure compatibility by the aspect, or distance, between the two signs. Your signs are sextile, or two signs apart. It’s easy and breezy to date a person who lives two zodiac signs away. Your signs are always of a compatible “element” (for example, they’re a Water sign and you’re an Earth sign, which are both of the “feminine” quality). You’ll often have similar values and attitudes about politics, raising a family, which movies to rent. Friendship and communication are the hallmarks of this aspect. Being best friends is easy. Keeping the sexy spark alive? A little challenging. You’ll need to structure “date nights” or set up scenarios that get you out of buddy mode.


Love Matcher: See all compatibility matches
Taurus Love Horoscope
Cancer Love Horoscope



The AstroTwins

Identical twin sisters Ophira and Tali Edut, known as The AstroTwins, are the founders of Astrostyle.com and the authors of multiple bestselling astrology books. Their horoscopes reach millions here and through their resident astrologer column at ELLE Magazine.