Taurus and Leo: Compatibility in Love, Sex and Life
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Taurus and Leo: Compatibility in Love, Sex and Life

When Taurus and Leo come together for love or any kind of relationship, it’s sensual and luxurious! These two pleasure-seeking signs love the finer things in life, which can lead to over-indulgence. A Taurus-Leo relationship has head-turner status, since you both know how to work a room together.

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Taurus and Leo: Your compatibility clicks and clashes

Where you click:
Luxury loving Leo and sensual Taurus know how to enjoy the good life together. You both have a larger-than-life presence that commands attention. Heads will turn when you step into the room, and you’ll play this up to the hilt. Family is the air you both breathe, and you’re capable of creating a lively home together. Leo nurtures the children’s creativity while Taurus lays down the structure, plans, and rules. While Leo tends to be the bigger earner, hand those paychecks over to Taurus who is the better budgeter of the two. 

Where you clash:
An expensive combo, this challenging match could cost you both a pretty penny.  Strong-willed, you’ll find each other to be a sexy thrill…but when the Leo ego meets the Taurus stubborn streak, the battles can be epic. Both of you need to learn to say “uncle!”or your sparks could burn down the proverbial house. There’s never a dull moment between you two, which tends to work better for adrenaline-junkie Leo than chilled out Taurus.

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Love and compatibility by element

Taurus is earth and Leo is fire

Handle with care! This astrology love match of wildly different elements can thrive as long as you play to your strengths. Grounded earth signs seek stability and want to put down roots. By contrast, adventurous fire signs long to explore, grow and spread into new terrain.

A battle can erupt as one of you strives for freedom while the other craves consistency.

The fire sign will feel caged in by the white picket fence fantasy, while the earth sign can never relax with constant change and surprises. A battle can erupt as one of you strives for freedom while the other craves consistency. But if you learn to appreciate your differences, then you can offer what the other one is missing. The worldly fire sign will have a predictable home base to return to, lovingly tended to by the earth sign partner. In exchange, the earth sign will avoid getting stuck in a stagnant rut because the fire sign will encourage growth and adaptation. Earth signs are sensual and practical, and impulsive fire signs can benefit from their grounded approach. In this relationship, the fire sign can learn to slow down and savor the moment, rather than rushing off to the next big thing. And the fire sign can help the earth sign take more chances in life. Think in terms of nature: dirt can smother a fire, and fire can scorch the earth. But in order to build a fire and maximize its creative powers, there must be a steady ground beneath the flames.

There are four elements in astrology: fire, earth, air and water. Each one plays an important role in the greater whole of humankind. A love match with someone from of a different astrological element can be challenging, but also a beautiful opportunity to evolve. After all, differences push you both to grow and step outside of your own experience.

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Taurus and Leo are both fixed signs

In astrology, the “qualities” or “triplicities” reveal the role you play in a relationship or collaboration. Are you a starter, a doer or a finisher? Do you like to take charge and have a plan, or do you prefer to go with the flow? As fixed signs, you are guardians of your “turf.” You like to plant a flag and set up your base, building an empire from there. If the two of you share an agenda, you can be an indomitable duo. Hello, power couple! But if you’re fighting for different causes, things can get ugly fast. You’ll both dig in your heels and stubbornly defend your territory. When you turn on each other, it can be an endless war, with blame and judgment, defending your point of view just to protect your ego. Your best bet is to channel this urge into creating a shared legacy—running a business together, starting a family, hosting all the holidays. Since fixed signs have a traditional side, you might both enjoy having everyone gather at your stately home for summer barbecues or New Year’s Eve parties. Just be careful not to get SO set in your ways that you insist on doing the same things year in and year out. Fixed signs can be allergic to change, so as a duo, you’ll need to actively invite new experiences into your world to prevent from getting stagnant.


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Taurus is yin and Leo is yang

In astrology, every sign has a “polarity”: you’re either yin (feminine) or yang (masculine).  In your sign match, Taurus is a receptive yin sign and Leo is an assertive yang sign. When you play to your strengths, you balance each other out, each on contributing a different but complementary skill set. When things are off, you can become polarized. The yin sign can be too passive (or passive-aggressive) and sacrificing, while the yang sign may act domineering, aggressive and selfish. To rebalance, the yin sign needs to work on being more open, direct and confident, while the yang sign should cultivate more patience, tolerance and sensitivity.

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Taurus and Leo are square (three signs apart)

In astrology love matches, we also measure compatibility by the aspect, or distance, between the two signs. Your signs are square, or three signs apart. Mommy and daddy issues, anyone? The square aspect is a harsh, 90-degree angle between two signs that creates a push-pull dynamic. It’s the relationship that helps you work through issues with a difficult parent, usually by reactivating old, painful wounds. There can be power struggles and clashing agendas. Don’t expect to kick back and put your feet up in this match. The dynamic tension will keep you active and keyed up. Of course, that could be exactly what you want. The opportunity of the “square” aspect is to teach you how to compromise with an equally strong-willed partner. When you strike that delicate balance, you can make an undeniable “power couple”—a true force to be reckoned with.


Love Matcher: See all compatibility matches
Taurus Love Horoscope
Leo Love Horoscope



The AstroTwins

Identical twin sisters Ophira and Tali Edut, known as The AstroTwins, are the founders of Astrostyle.com and the authors of multiple bestselling astrology books. Their horoscopes reach millions here and through their resident astrologer column at ELLE Magazine.