Listen: Your February 2020 Numerology Forecast | The AstroTwins
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Listen: Your February 2020 Numerology Forecast

February is a 2 Month. Your February 2020 Numerology Forecast supports love and group dynamics. Step into your emotional connectivity, no matter what you’re doing.

Our resident numbers guru, Felicia Bender, The Practical Numerologist, shares your monthly Numerology forecast.

2 is the number of love, slowing down for relationships, connecting to your emotions (totally in alignment with Valentine’s Day)!

Your February 2020 Numerology Forecast is about being present in any circumstance, relishing in your interactions, and shaking off any fog you feel leftover from January. It’s also a 4 Universal Year, during which you will build foundations, globally and individually. It follows a 3 Universal Year, during which a lot of your emotional triggers were pulled and may have left you raw and your goals unfinished.

Read on for your February 2020 Numerology forecast for your Life Path Number.

What’s Your Number? Calculate Your Life Path Numerology:

The Life Path number is similar to the Sun Sign in astrology. It directs your overall personality and represents the “fuel” that carries you towards your destiny. To calculate your Life Path number, use our calculator, or do it long hand by adding up all the digits in your birthday. For example:

Birthday: 6-27-1988

Get the month, day and year down to a single digit. For example:

Month: 6

Day: 2 + 7 = 9

Year: 1 + 9 + 8 + 8 = 26, then, 2 + 6 = 8

Then, add the single digits from the month, day and year until you get to a single digit, between 1 and 9.
6 + 9 + 8 = 23, then,  2 + 3 =5

Life Path Number: 5

Note: If your birthday first adds up to 11, 22 or 33, you have a Master Number as your Life Path. You can read the general characteristics of your Life Path number here.

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1 Life Path | The Innovative Leader

1 Numerology



Co-creation station. Pause and give some practice to working with someone who can equal you in mind, body and spirit. Your challenge is to not dominate or be dominated in the process.



2 Life Path  | The Diplomat

2 Numerology



Ready to reciprocate. You’re in the zone this month, as a 2, so long as you take your time in all things. Your challenge is to allow others to give to you, and chill with the self-deprecation.


11/2 Life Path  |  The Spiritual Illuminator 

11 NumerologyPin

Note: If you have an 11/2 Life Path, read both the 1 and 2 forecasts, since you will resonate with both of those numbers as well as the energy of the 11. 


Process before reacting. Accept the lessons you receive in love, how to love and how you want others to love you. Your challenge is to work with realistic expectations!


3 Life Path  |  The Creative Communicator

3 Numerology



Shed the emotional armor. This month, you’ll “get up front” with your emotions. You’ll have an opportunity to find your voice in relationships. You challenge is to let go of the “what ifs” and risk some vulnerability.


4 Life Path |  The Systems Builder & Teacher

4 NumerologyPin



Make some dinner reservations! Eschew pragmatism for some whimsy this month. Your challenge is to allow yourself to be comfortable with this new POV.


22/4 Life Path  |  The Master Builder & Teacher

22 NumerologyPin

Note: If you have a 22/4 Life Path, read both the 2 and 4 forecasts, since you will resonate with both of those numbers as well as the energy of the 22. 


Romance ramp-up! If you’re immersed in projects, be sure to schedule downtime this month for the ones you love (even your fur babies!). Your challenge is to extend yourself in this way.

5 Life Path  |  The Sensual Freedom Seeker

5 NumerologyPin



Let’s get it on! Cue the romantic tunes and dive into a deep emotional connection. Your challenge is to allow yourself to go there with your feelings.


6 Life Path  |  The Nurturing Visionary

6 Numerology


Home IS where the heart is. You feel “at home” this month with your family and loved ones. Your challenge is to not allow yourself to fall too deeply into a martyr role when celebrating and exploring these connections.



33/6 Life Path  |  The Spiritual Teacher & Joyful Nurturer

33 NumerologyPin

Note: If you have a 33/6 Life Path, read both the 3 and 6 forecasts, since you will resonate with both of those numbers as well as the energy of the 33. 


Give and guard. See the potential in yourself and show it to others in acts of kindness (to yourself and others). Your challenge is to pop out of neutral if you’ve been stuck there in a relationship.


7 Life Path  |  The Analyst & Seeker

7 NumerologyPin



Light the candles and draw a bath. Relaxing practices, a staycation or vacation could help soothe you this month. Your challenge is to allow yourself to feel vulnerable and embrace the magic that can result when you do!


8 Life Path  |  The Manifestation Maven



Love before money. You’ll have an easier time finding the balance between your romantic and financial demands this month. Your challenge is to step off the gas a little in your work life to make this happen!


9 Life Path  |  The Inspired Altruist

9 Numerology



Romance overdrive. Take things up a notch with your amour, maybe a getaway or a tantric class? Your challenge is to not be distracted and go all-in on love.



Felicia BenderFelicia Bender, Ph.D is “The Practical Numerologist” and the author of Redesign Your Life: Using Numerology To Create The Wildly Optimal You. To learn more numerology from Felicia, order custom reports and book a reading, visit

For information on scheduling a private numerology session, click here.

To order a personalized numerology chart, click here.



The AstroTwins

Identical twin sisters Ophira and Tali Edut, known as The AstroTwins, are the founders of and the authors of multiple bestselling astrology books. Their horoscopes reach millions here and through their resident astrologer column at ELLE Magazine.