Leo Full Moon: 9 Practices to Ignite Your Passion at the Lunar Eclipse
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Leo Full Moon: 9 Practices to Ignite Your Passion at the Lunar Eclipse

Lights, camera, action! Friday, February 10, brings the full moon in theatrical Leo and 2017’s first lunar eclipse, sending out a cosmic casting call. This is a day to step out and let your talents shine—but don’t forget to be an appreciative audience member, too.

This lunar event is the culmination of any efforts started six months ago at August 2, 2016 the Leo new moon. As Leo rules creativity, glamour, romance and fertility, many of us will be “giving birth” this weekend, seeing our efforts come to light in a bold and attention-getting way. And romance could be off the charts…so why wait for Cupid’s arrows to strike? (Read your love matcher horoscope to find out what the stars say about the object of your affections.)

The Leo full moon lunar eclipse kicks off the first in a two-year eclipse series to hit the Leo-Aquarius axis. These passionate moonbeams will certainly bring some red-carpet magic to the world—Grammy’s Party anyone? And right before Valentine’s Day, the lovestruck Leo energy could bring a few romantic revolutions our way. Eclipses are harbingers of sweeping change, speeding up inevitable actions and pushing us to look in new directions. The Leo-Aquarius series will play with the balance between Leo’s gilded royalty and the community ‘one love’ spirit of Aquarius. The battle between the “haves” and the “have-nots” could get fierce; and we’ll all have to learn a few lessons about when to share (Aquarius) and when to spoil ourselves (Leo). How can we preserve our individuality and still be part of the collective human race? When united in the best possible way, the hybrid of Aquarius and Leo can bring a full-on revolution of love. We are so ready for it!

The Friday night lights will indeed be bright, as the Leo full moon eclipse will rise in tandem with a flyby of an emerald green comet. Follow the yellow brick road, anyone? The penumbral eclipse will take place at approximately 5:34 p.m. EST and the full moon will reach its peak at roughly 7:33 p.m. You can watch for the Comet 45P/Honda-Mrkos-Pajdušáková—aka the “New Year Comet” during the early hours of Friday night and Saturday morning.

Whew! That’s a whole lot of stargazing to take in. And even if cloudy wintery skies block your view you can still soak up the spirituality of the February full moon. According to the Old Farmer’s Almanac, the full moon in February is also known as the Full Snow Moon, since the heaviest snowfalls tend to happen this month. (This week‘s epic blizzard that pummeled the East Coast was surely indicative of that!) During Colonial times, the Full Snow Moon was named by Native Americans as a way of tracking the seasons.

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So whether or not you’re snowed in, here are a few energizing winter rituals to harness the power of the Leo full moon eclipse:

1. Connect to the Self, quiet the mind.

Proud Leo has a reputation for tooting their own horn without a second thought. There’s nothing shameless about a little self-promotion under the light of this full moon eclipse. Sharing our gifts is an act of generosity, as long as our intention is to uplift others rather than serve our own egos. But that said, all ego-related matters fall under the rule of the Lion’s domain. Flip through Eckhart Tolle’s  A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose for an enlightened perspective on overcoming the grips of the ego (which is the shadow side of the Self). In Tolle’s definition, ego is not about vanity and pride. Rather, it shows up as the destructive voice of self-hatred, limiting beliefs, and the protective shell we keep between ourselves and others. When we release the ego, we become present to the sense of oneness that we share with others. Activate the power of the full moon in Leo to break through the confines of ego and reconnect with the universal human spirit. As you sit to meditate, bring your attention to your breath and recite the mantra, “I am you and you are me.”

2. Give yourself permission to brag.

Ego aside, we all of something worthy of crowing from the rooftops, and the Leo full moon is the perfect opportunity to do just that. In our culture of self-deprecating cool, pumping ourselves up is often frowned upon—but at what cost? According to “pleasure revolutionary” Regena (Mama Gena) Thomashauer, bragging is a vital antidote to the culture of shame that women have inherited as a legacy. In her School of Womanly Arts, she encourages participants to brag proudly, openly and often as a confidence-boosting form of radical self-love. She suggests doing it as a structured exercise, where each participant takes a turn bragging and the listener cheers the brag on. As graduates of Mama Gena’s Mastery program, we suggest adopting this revolutionary technique for a week (or even an eternity!). And yes, men can do it too! Once the initial awkwardness passes, bragging puts us in touch with the wonder of our own unique divine gifts—and a deep gratitude for the lives we get to live—and that’s something the full moon in Leo adores!

3. Perform a courageous act.

Brave Leo is the zodiac’s hero, always willing to take a chance or speak up when nobody else dares. There’s a difference between being courageous and fearless. A fearless person might be out of touch with reality; a courageous person “feels the fear, but does it anyway.” And did you know: courage can actually be a form of prevention against health issues? After all, fear is linked to stress, and stress is one of the triggers for many diseases. Never mind that fear also stops us from living our dreams, pursuing happiness and feeling the unadulterated joy that Leo is all about. Check out The Fear Cure: Cultivating Courage as Medicine for the Mind, Body and Soul, by Dr. Lissa Rankin for a healthy confidence boost.

4. Give birth to creativity.

Leo is the sign of fertility and this full moon eclipse is ripe for creation. If you’ve been struck by baby fever, this is the week to take decisive action. Or, cut ties to the commitment-phobe in your life (because they will likely never stop wavering) and find a Valentine who shares your desire to build a family, be it through natural birth or adoption. If IVF treatments are something you are looking to explore, set up a doctor’s appointment, or just get to babymakin’ the natural way. Figuratively speaking, this full moon may be signaling a time to give birth to a creative venture. Start that vegan food truck business, write the outline to your autobiography, or begin painting the next masterpiece that you’ll add to your oeuvre. Check out free business training videos from our friend Marie Forleo for extra inspiration! Taking the first step near this full moon puts the power of the cosmos behind your efforts.

5. Open your heart and lengthen your spine.

Every zodiac sign is associated with a different area of the body. For Leo, it’s the heart, upper back and spine. Unfurl that yoga mat and work with the energy of the Leo full moon eclipse by doing yoga postures like Wheel, Bridge, or Camel Pose (pictured here). Our Executive Editor and yoga teacher Andrea Rice, a Leo rising, shares that the key to safe back-bending is to enter the posture by way of the heart (hence why these poses are referred to as ‘heart openers’). By bringing your attention to the heart-opening aspect of the posture first, you can more naturally lift out of the lower back to lengthen the spine upward. Bonus: Energizing these Leonine body parts will help you connect to the Lion’s promise of creativity, fertility, romance and boundless self-expression.

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Camel Pose (Ustrasana) / Beth Kessler Photography

6. Dive into primal dance or join a drum circle.

Full-bodied expression is what this Leo lunar event is all about, so bailamos, people! This full moon was meant to be spent on the dance floor or even doing a more spiritual form of movement like Contact Improv or Ecstatic Dance. Get lost in the rhythm…but don’t stop there. Dance for a cause! Since February 14, 2012, V-Day creator Eve Ensler has spearheaded 1 Billing Rising, a worldwide movement to dance for the end of violence. Like a global flash mob with a cause, join the dance dance revolution and organize your own public drum and dance event, or join one near you.

7. Step into the spotlight.

We are all regal in our own individual ways. Where do YOU reign supreme? Lift the curtain: It’s officially showtime, as the Leo full moon wants us to flaunt our talents like today was a cosmic cabaret. Burst onto the world stage in the most glamorous way possible. Luxe Leo loves when we sparkle, flash, and drip in conflict-free diamonds. After all, this is the sign that rules pleasure, indulgence, and full-bodied self-expression.

Break out the sequins, top hats and feather boas! Glamazon Leo adores bold color, bright prints and theatrical costumery. Like kids playing dress-up, this full moon encourages us to express ourselves through daring fashion choices. The Leo full moon adores originality. Rather than fade into the masses, wear something that stands out, be it a statement necklace or a burlesque dancer’s headdress. Clothes like these are conversation pieces, after all, and the social Leo moon encourages us to break the ice and talk to strangers.

8. Practice the art of storytelling.

Playful Leo is the zodiac’s eternal child, forever filled with wonder. While Leo narratives can run long (“Get to the point already!”), here’s a fun fact for anyone who needs to give a presentation: The time-honored art of storytelling is actually the most powerful way to activate the brain. While a blasé speech might get our language processors in motion, stories can awaken other regions of your brain. Describing, for example, a delicious meal will light up the listener’s sensory cortex. And as YOU get lit up by a sensual metaphor (buttery parsnips, throaty voice!), your audience has the exact same response. So storytelling connects us in a special way—much like the zodiac’s tribal Lion, who spends life in a tight-knit community.

9. Choose love…and create it!

Romance, passion and lust fall under the domain of Leo: that delicious moment when a spark of attraction becomes a burning flame of desire. If we’re feeling a little lusty this week, it’s no surprise. This full moon has us all wired on luscious life-force energy. Let it surge through your veins, bring it to the bedroom or take it for a twirl on the dance floor. There’s a wild, Big Cat lovin’ energy in the air, so let your hair down and enjoy. Meow!

Lovestruck Leo understands that romance allows us a direct connection to the divine. Whether single or spoken for, we can activate the spirit of amore by making a visionboard/collage of our romantic ideal. Sit down with a stack of magazines, scissors, a glue stick and a piece of posterboard. Curate, cut out and collect images that make your heart go pitter-patter. Paste them down on the board, then, examine and analyze the final collage. What do you see? You’ll be delighted by your own subconscious cues. Who knew you wanted THAT?

Image via Creative Market

2017 is upon us, and we have guidance for every sign—life, love, money, career, health & more! Our 2017 Planetary Planner has the complete 2017 astrology forecast for your Sun sign. Order yours now!

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The AstroTwins

Identical twin sisters Ophira and Tali Edut, known as The AstroTwins, are the founders of Astrostyle.com and the authors of multiple bestselling astrology books. Their horoscopes reach millions here and through their resident astrologer column at ELLE Magazine.