Your noble purpose is calling! The Sun beams in Leo, July 22-August 22, blazing a boldfaced trail through the zodiac’s brightest, bawdiest sign. Suddenly, all the world’s a talent show as the live-out-loud Lion takes center stage for Leo season 2020.
Every 30 days or so, the Sun visits a new zodiac sign. During this “season” everyone feels the energy of this prevailing astrological sign, no matter what your Sun sign horoscope may be. Leo season 2020 is from July 22 to August 22.
Expressive Leo is the second of the zodiac’s three fire signs and it’s of the “fixed” quality. Fixed signs (the others are Taurus, Scorpio and Aquarius) are builders who like to stake out their turf and claim it. They come to stay—and they come to slay. And when glamorous Leo ascends to the throne, this potent energy arrives with a trail of glitter, glamour and gusto!
As nurturing, heartfelt Cancer season draws to a close, Leo season turns our attention away from our cozy creature comforts, putting us under the proverbial spotlight to showcase our heart’s truest passions and desires. Leo is the astrological showstopper, the sign that loves being the center of attention. During Leo season, we can be self-centered at times, but also excited, enthusiastic and loyal. After all, Leo is ruled by the Sun, which is the force of our solar system. This is the sign that literally gives us life!
Ruled by the bold, ego-driven Sun, Leo is symbolized by the proud Lion. During expressive Leo season 2020, we can start using our voices again. That mighty roar can attract admirers, but it can also arouse drama. Keep theatrics in the non-destructive zone and you can relish in a few diva moments. Sometimes it takes a little “play fighting” (conjure the image of two lions rolling around on the savannah) to establish that you can hold your own. You don’t have to rip anyone’s head off to earn that regal respect!
Here are six ways to magnify the magnanimous Leonine vibes during Leo season 2020
1. Tell your story.
All the world is a stage while the Sun is in Leo, so rehearse your lines…and script them wisely! You will be applauded—or booed—loudly now when you step up to the mic. But don’t let that stop you from making an unforgettable impression. Leo season 2020 is prime for flaunting your talents, and passion will be the driving force behind just about everything you do—whether or not your performance involves a stage.
Many people will dare to be more vulnerable during Leo season, but be wary of getting swept away in personal theatrics. Leo energy can cause us to upstage others at times, forgetting that each and every person is a valuable member to a team. Use Leo’s flair for powerful leadership but make sure everyone has their place on the playbill.
While life turns into an extended improv night, here’s a tip for the shy ones among us: Use storytelling as a way to engage others—especially since it’s been scientifically proven to activate the brain! Illustrate a point, with anecdotes, skipping those dry, bulleted lists. During Leo season, we’re on the edge of our seats, ready to be moved and motivated. Share your experiences and speak directly from your heart.
2. Put your signature stamp on your work.
Do you! Leo energy encourages us to add our signature stamp to all that we do. This is a time of pageantry, a cosmic coming-out of sorts. Wardrobe? Check! Experiment with your hair and makeup, or don accessories and colors you don’t normally wear. Maybe get a tattoo. And while you don’t have to go full diva or debutante, have some fun with your look. Style is a tool for self-expression, so choose the statement you want to make. This is NOT a season for fashion as tyranny or an elitist insider’s club. Fiery Leo is a democratic sign that understands the concept of individuality. The only runway you need to sashay down is your own!
3. Try not to complicate things.
Ugh, drama. During Leo season 2020, trying to make a simple plan can feel like negotiating world peace. There will be more “difficult” and childish personalities to navigate than at an elite private pre-school “open admissions” day! Take a deep breath. Remember that the current situation is NOT the end of the world, or the last opportunity you’ll ever have, or your moment to deliver an Oscar-worthy acceptance speech (unless, of course, you’re winning an award). Do your part and urge others to keep it simple…and don’t add to the unnecessary theatrics yourself!
4. Refuse to “act your age.”
One danger of Leo season 2020 is that people take themselves too seriously. Everything becomes SO charged with meaning and importance that simple interactions turn into soap operas. Too much! Make a conscious effort to keep things fun and lighten up. Leo rules the zodiac’s fifth house of playfulness and childlike wonder. Host an online (or distanced) happy hour, hop on the “adult coloring” bandwagon, experiment with a DIY craft. Break into interpretive dance during the morning meeting to add some levity. Bring some of Leo’s life-force energy into the mix by getting creative—and physical.
While Leo season’s childish demands can be exhausting, the whole idea of “acting your age” deserves to be roundly dismissed. Forget about all of society’s “rules” during this live-out-loud phase. Reinvention queen Madonna is a Leo, as is the ageless and ever-limber Jennifer Lopez. Leo energy is an endless bag of tricks—and Leo season is a time to do something edgy and fun that disrupts the boring status quo. During Leo season, let’s all hold our heads high instead of staying small!
5. Know the difference between bravery and bullying.
Leo is ruled by the proud and regal Sun, the center of our solar system. During Leo season 2020, we may occasionally um, forget that the world doesn’t revolve around us. Egos can run amok. Defending our “honor” or “principles” can start to sound a lot like bullying and bigotry. So feel free to have an opinion—and to take a stand for it. Just make sure you’re not silencing someone else’s right to have theirs.
6. If you must roar, do it lovingly.
Prepare to dodge some chest-beating loudmouths during Leo season. Sadly, the most obnoxious people to surface during Leo time are often well-dressed, charismatic and fiery. But what the heck are they saying? Let’s not get so dazzled by the show ponies that we end up running off with their circus!
Here’s a #LeoSeasonChallenge we could all take on: Let’s spend as much time thinking about what comes out of our mouths as we do adorning and primping ourselves for “the stage”—and maybe, just maybe, our righteous roars can make a difference. Infuse your intentions with love and that mighty bellow will become a rallying cry for everyone to claim the Leo season birthright: passion, fierceness and joy!
Artwork created for The AstroTwins by Grande Dame
Grande Dame (Tiff McGinnis) is a UK based multimedia artist. Apple, Facebook, MTV Networks and more have all commissioned her colourful visuals. She is a featured artist on Giphy. Many of her GIFS have gone viral reaching over 100 million views. Her style is heavily influenced by psychedelic cartoons, pinball, Art Nouveau, and more. She has shown her work at galleries around the Globe, including 111 Minna, San Francisco. She collaborated with couture footwear designer Terry de Havilland, her designs appeared in Italian Vogue and even caused a viral sensation appearing in The Daily Mail. Recent projects include an animated short of the life and work of famed Southern Gothic Author Carson McCullers. She is a dedicated, creative maverick, with a keen eye for detail, and a color palette all her own.