Mercury Retrograde 2022: When Does The Fall Cycle End?

Ready for some relationship relief? Conflicts smooth out as Mercury retrograde 2022—the autumn edition—ends Sunday, October 2. But beware the shadow period, which keeps bringing a few blips in the communication department until October 16!

When does Mercury retrograde end?

Messenger planet Mercury completes its third retrograde cycle of 2022 on Sunday, October 2 at 5:07AM EDT. Just in time for breakfast in bed (with the ex who wooed you back last week, maybe?), you can say goodbye to the scrambled signals, scheduling snafus and general aggravation that these cosmic cycles bring.

What does Mercury retrograde do?

Each calendar year, Mercury turns retrograde three times as Mercury passes the Earth in its orbit and appears to be spinning backward from our vantage point on Earth. While this is simply an illusion, Mercury will back up through the zodiac for three weeks—the length of each retrograde.

When this happens all things that are legendarily associated with the messenger planet are known for going haywire: mobile devices, traffic, mail, schedules, and most of all, our interactions with other people. Misunderstandings are the norm when Mercury is retrograde!

But Mercury retrogrades aren’t all negative! In fact these “forced timeouts” can be a huge blessing! In our fast-paced, go-go-go world, we aren’t always accustomed to stopping to recalibrate. During Mercury retrograde, all “re” activities can bring great results: review, refine, reconnect, reunite!

When is the next Mercury retrograde?

We’re sorry to report that a fourth Mercury retrograde begins on December 29, 2022, but it completes its cycle on January 18, 2023. Consider this your advance warning to firm up those New Year’s plans ASAP, before Mercury has a chance to mess with your bookings.

The other Mercury retrograde 2022 dates:

January 14 – February 3 in Aquarius and Capricorn
May 10 – June 3 in Gemini and Taurus
September 9 – October 2 in Libra and Virgo

Mercury retrograde effects

When the fall 2022 Mercury retrograde began on September 9, there were also five other planets in retrograde or heading into retrograde.

So if you’ve really been feeling this Mercury retrograde, there’s good reason! But did you learn your lessons from Mercury retrograde 2022?

The autumn 2022 Mercury retrograde was in two zodiac signs, partnership-powered Libra, an air sign, and wellness warrior Virgo, an earth sign. The focus of this retrograde was on balancing relationships and restoring vitality. You might have had to hit “pause” on some things in order to recalibrate.

You’ll start to feel some REAL progress starting this October 2 when Mercury goes direct.

Mercury direct 2022

Retrograde meaning, when it’s over

So where do you go from here, after Mercury retrograde 2022 ends and the messenger planet is no longer in snag-mode?

Of course, there will be a couple weeks of retroshade to contend with until October 16. This is the shadow period that happens after the retrograde, as Mercury forward-marches back to the zodiac point at which it began its backspin. Through October 16, continue to be diligent with your travel plans, read the fine print on every contract and double- or triple-check who you’re replying to before you press “send.” An ounce of caution during retroshade could be the very thing that spares your reputation!

Below is your horoscope, by zodiac sign, for when Mercury retrograde 2022 ends


Based on the last three weeks, your actions may seem justified, Aries, but they’ve been under the pot-stirring spell of Mercury retrograde 2022 (autumn), which began on September 9. This signal-scrambling cycle largely occurred in your partnership sector, fueling the tension in your closest ties.

And since September 23, Mercury’s been backing through your flaw-finding sixth house, giving your words extra sting. Relief arrives October 2 as Mercury resumes forward motion, encouraging you to relate to others without criticizing or condemning.


October 2 comes with a strong self-care alert, Taurus! Since September 9, communicator Mercury has been retrograde (backward). It spent the bulk of its backspin in Libra and your sixth house of health, making you especially sensitive to stress and germs. You might have lost your rhythm with regular activity and balanced eating.

As Mercury moves forward, restore balance. For the next eight days, Mercury lingers in Virgo and your expressive fifth house. If you’ve been (wisely) biting your tongue, it’s safe to speak up.


On October 2, Mercury moves forward again, resuming momentum in your fourth house of home and family, Gemini. Maybe you’ve felt like a great ball of fire since September 9, when your planet ruler went retrograde, spending the bulk of its backspin in Libra and your passionate fifth house.

From the return of an ex to a button-pushing boss, people have gotten under your skin more than ever during Mercury retrograde 2022 (autumn)! Make amends with someone you may have hurt during this interlude. If you’re considering a move or home renovation, you get the all-clear to start your process.


Declare a ceasefire on October 2, Cancer! After a challenging retrograde that began September 9, communicator Mercury corrects course and brings back the peace.

For much of its backspin, Mercury was in your domestic sector, wreaking havoc with home and family matters. Conflicts with relatives, particularly the female ones, or chaos in your physical space clears up.

For the next eight days, Mercury will loiter in Virgo and your articulate third house. Draft those mea culpa emails and plan conciliatory coffee dates to restore harmony in any fractured bonds.


Conflicts and clashes won’t snag you beginning October 2 as Mercury corrects course and powers forward in Virgo until October 10. Since the retrograde began on September 9, attempts to communicate morphed into meltdowns. Your phone and computer might have malfunctioned during the Mercury retrograde 2022 transit, trying your patience.

Starting October 2, Leo, you can untangle crossed wires and restore sanity to your relationships. Until October 10, Mercury is in Virgo and your money sector. Devote time to balancing your budget and making a fall financial plan.


On October 2, Mercury corrects course after a befuddling three-week retrograde that began on September 9. For the bulk of its backspin, Mercury was in your work and finance zone, causing friction with colleagues and money mayhem. Even more challenging? On September 23, Mercury returned to Virgo, making you feel wildly misunderstood.

With your ruling planet back on track—and powering ahead in your sign until October 10— you have the all-clear to put your big ideas out there and rebalance your budget.


Release the “mute” button beginning October 2, Libra. Life has been chaotic since September 9, when communicator Mercury turned retrograde—backtracking through YOUR sign until September 23. Talk about the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune!

For the last nine days, Mercury has been in your foggy twelfth house, leaving you feeling exhausted by all of it. Relief arrives as Mercury corrects course today, changing your motto from “I can’t even” to “Yes I can.” Prepare for your upcoming debut: When Mercury returns to Libra on October 10, your message will be eagerly received.


You can rest easy starting October 2, Scorpio. Communication planet Mercury has been retrograde since September 9, largely in your twelfth house of healing and closure. This foggy and isolating time may have left you feeling alone and exhausted.

As the communication planet moves forward, you’ll be able to request and receive everything you need, from a phone upgrade to a productive team meeting. If you’ve been unclear who’s got your back on Team Scorpio during Mercury retrograde 2022 (autumn), you’ll soon witness people’s true colors.


Career confusion clears up October 2, Sagittarius. Just as things were going swimmingly at the office, Mercury made an about-face in your teamwork sector on September 9, then started running amok in your career sector on September 23. If that’s lit more than a few fires, you can start putting them out as the messenger planet turns direct (forward) beginning October 2.

Upgrade your gadgets and computers, and gather your colleagues for a back-to-business fall kickoff meeting after Mercury retrograde 2022. Let everyone know that productivity starts now, and take personal accountability for your team’s results.


Any professional slowdowns will begin to regain speed on October 2 as Mercury wraps up a trying retrograde that began September 9. The messenger planet ran amok through your career house until September 23, then slipped into your outspoken ninth house on September 23. (Oops, did you really just say THAT?)

Sweet relief, Capricorn: Mercury moves forward beginning October 2, restoring order and helping you get back in sync with colleagues and friends. A stalled venture can pick up speed.


Breathe a big sigh of relief beginning October 2, Aquarius! Mischievous Mercury’s retrograde, which began on September 9, comes to an end.

While the communication planet backpedaled through your ninth house of exploration and expansion for the first half of the retrograde, you may have experienced snafus with travel and technology. TBH, this was probably preferable to the emotional outpourings that ensued when Mercury began moving backward through your eighth house of intimacy on September 23.

Put it all behind you now. As Mercury moves forward in dynamic Virgo, it’s safe to open your heart and share your feelings once again. 


Ready to get back in sync, Pisces? Since communicator Mercury went retrograde in your partnership zones on September 9, you’ve felt the weight of romantic upheaval or crossed wires with colleagues. Financial friction may also have frustrated you.

Good news: The solar system’s innermost planet, which rules technology and interpersonal affairs, moves forward beginning October 2. Start ironing out the kinks in a shaky joint venture and repairing key relationships.

The last three weeks of Mercury retrograde 2022 haven’t been easy, but you can learn from them by identifying and alleviating the stressors that turned conflicts into crises. If you need to clear the air with an important person, it’s safe to do so now.

Photo by Aditya Saxena on Unsplash

Mercury retrograde 2022 date cycles are nearly complete! Read more about All the Mercury Retrogrades in 2022

Take a deep dive into Mercury retrograde 2022: How to Survive a Three-Week Communication Crisis


The AstroTwins

Identical twin sisters Ophira and Tali Edut, known as The AstroTwins, are the founders of and the authors of multiple bestselling astrology books. Their horoscopes reach millions here and through their resident astrologer column at ELLE Magazine.