Your Pluto In Aquarius Horoscope Reveals An Unexpected Pivot For Your Sign | The AstroTwins
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Your Pluto In Aquarius Horoscope Reveals An Unexpected Pivot For Your Sign

Get ready for a whole new era, and a whole new you. Your Pluto in Aquarius horoscope is nearly 250 years in the making! It all starts in November 2024 and ends in 2044!

Artificial intelligence, chatbots and communal living? Time to see things like these as the “new normal.”

Life feels stranger than sci-fi as alchemical Pluto enters Aquarius on November 19, 2024—for 20 years! This is the mysterious dwarf planet’s first visit to the innovative sign since 1798! Its uninterrupted journey lasts until January 19, 2044. 

The cosmic ruler of death and rebirth began its transit in Capricorn in 2008. We got a taste of the change sign to Aquarius on March 23, 2023 (or two months) and again on January 20, 2024 (for nine months). Pluto’s weave back and forth between iron-fisted, hierarchical Capricorn and innovative, community-focused Aquarius showed us how one system after another will shake up when Pluto camps in Aquarius for a few decades, beginning November 19, 2024.

What skeletons are rattling in the closet? Where do you go “unconscious” and unable to see your role in a crisis? As the cosmic ruler of the underworld, Pluto’s impulse is to conceal. Projection is one of this planet’s favorite defense mechanisms. Whenever and wherever you’re pointing the finger, Pluto is probably at play.

Because of its distance from the Sun, Pluto has a long, inconsistent orbit, taking approximately 248 years to make one full journey around el Sol. That’s why Pluto hovers in a single sign for 12-21 years. As a result, it is one of the planets that shapes generational trends. Pluto can be a destroyer, tearing down what is begging to evolve, forcing us to rebuild from the ashes.

Great innovations have been born during these cycles. But they are generally accompanied by grief, crisis and loss as we release the outmoded past. Pluto’s extended cycles often begin with a massive, headline-generating event, but end with breakthroughs that transform an entire industry. Wealth may change hands as a result, resonant with Pluto’s penchant for power plays.

See also our Pluto in Aquarius article for more on the big-picture of this transit, and reserve your copy of The AstroTwins’ 2025 Horoscope Book.

Your Pluto in Aquarius Horoscope

Farewell rugged individualism, hello soul squads!

In Aquarius, we’ll feel the greatest shift happening with society, community and technology—all areas of life the Water Bearer rules. As we grapple with changes with climate, polarizing politics and the advent of AI, life as we know it sure to change during the Pluto in Aquarius transit.

On a personal level we can expect transformations to occur within our friendships and communities. Aquarius is the “one love” sign that wants peace and unity. But Pluto destroys everything that is ready to be alchemized into a new form.

If you’re hanging with low-vibe people or trying to fit into a group where you aren’t accepted, get ready for some wake-up calls. For some folks, Pluto in Aquarius may call you into activism or awaken your leadership within the communities you dwell. We’ll all have to work together in new ways now.

We’re all going to feel this in some way or another. A Pluto transit is a huge deal because it doesn’t repeat in a zodiac sign during our lifetimes. It has a mysterious effect and it’s the hardest to pin down.

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ARIES (Mar 21-Apr 19) Pluto in Aquarius horoscope

Get ready to usher in a whole new era in teamwork!

Until 2044, which seems like an unimaginable date to write about, your success will decidedly be about “who you know.” There could be both allies and enemies hiding in plain sight who step up and reveal themselves while secretive, calculating Pluto steps into Aquarius.

Are you ready to make a career change? Pluto’s LONG transit through Capricorn and your professional tenth house began all the way back in January 2008, and you went through quite a number of transitions since then, working to align your goals with your soul.

While it’s not uncommon to change careers over the span of 15 years, Pluto’s presence may have forced you to do some deep emotional reckoning, perhaps even reinventing yourself a couple times over. If it all felt particularly intense, know that Pluto was honing your leadership chops and helping you make the best possible choices around your life path. Now, your Pluto in Aquarius horoscope calls for you to adopt the mantra that many hands make light work!

When the mysterious manipulator rolls through Aquarius for essentially 20 years (beginning November 19, 2024) there may be both supporters and adversaries lurking in your midst who step forward and make themselves known. If you’re ready for a professional pivot, remember that teamwork makes the dream work. Pluto has been making a leader out of you, and you’re capable of making a strong decision about your life path now.

This major transformation begins now: a whole new chapter of group dynamics and goals that connect to your highest purpose. Networking will be pivotal to your success until 2044. Expect both allies and nemeses to emerge, revealing who’s truly in your corner. If you’re contemplating a professional shift, remember that collaboration is key. Pluto has been sharpening your leadership skills for years, and you’re now equipped to make a bold move toward the future you envision.

TAURUS (Apr 20-May 20) Pluto in Aquarius horoscope

A long, weird and disorienting adventure—15 years long, to be exact—ends on November 19, 2024. Transformational Pluto slips out of Capricorn and into Aquarius and your tenth house of leadership, career and ambition until January 19, 2044. Your Pluto in Aquarius horoscope calls for epic change coming at a deep core level!

This is major and unprecedented astrological news, Bull, because Pluto’s last trip through Aquarius was from 1778 to 1798. Sure, we could look to the French Revolution and the birth of the United States for clues (and get even more apocalyptic than your newsfeed), but who will YOU be in this new world, Taurus?

If powerful Pluto has any say in it, you may be an innovative leader who helps us all prioritize and keep calm amid chaos. Truly, that’s the best use of your rooted, bullish ways. (Might we see a Taurus oligarch or two rise up in the history books again? We’d bet on it.) Ostentatious Taurus, we need you to help us all see a way forward, to champion humanity and harness the power of people once again.

Pluto parks here for 20 years, which could bring some powerful pivots with your professional path. You’re entering a long phase of deep professional and personal evolution. You’ll have the chance to step into a leadership role, offering strength and guidance as a steady presence for others. Pluto’s journey through Aquarius, the sign of social justice, positions you to become a true advocate for your community. Prepare to take your place at the table as a champion of humanity and a driving force for collective progress. The question is, what kind of leader will you become?

GEMINI (May 21-Jun 20) Pluto in Aquarius horoscope

Step into the light! A long, shadowy period comes to an end, Gemini. As transformational Pluto moves into your expansive ninth house on November 19, 2024, this shift opens the floodgates of optimism and hopeful visions for your future.

Pluto’s been in Capricorn and your intense, intimate eighth house since January 2008. The eighth house reigns over intense and classified matters—its dominion includes shadow work, sex, death, financial windfalls, reproduction, marriage and divorce, secrets and scandals. Not exactly light fare, and you’ve been through it, Gemini. That’s why we’re thrilled to report that the next chapter of your life looks SO much brighter and, frankly, easier.

While Pluto is in Aquarius for a 20-year stretch (until January 19, 2044) it’s time to stop trafficking among low-vibe and energy-draining people and step into your calling as a lightworker. The planet is sorely in need of new visions and possibilities for its own survival. Will you be the person to bring humanity together, Gemini? Pluto will certainly extend the opportunity to step into a powerful role.

Pluto’s shift lasts for essentially 20 years and will flood your mind with excitement and hope—a welcome change from the deep, dark thoughts that have preoccupied you for too long. No more hanging with toxic types who drain the life out of you. Now you’re called to propagate possibilities that can make a positive difference in the world. We need optimistic souls who will bring us together, and you fit the bill now!

The future is wide open, Gemini! This new chapter offers a breath of fresh air, filling your mind with inspiration and optimism—a shift from the heavier energies that may have weighed on you while Pluto was plunged in Capricorn for the past 16 years. Pluto in your ninth house calls you to explore new horizons and champion meaningful causes. The world is ready for hopeful voices like yours to help bring people together and spark positive change!

CANCER (Jun 21-Jul 22) Pluto in Aquarius horoscope

Repeat after us, Cancer: Your intuition is your friend! Don’t believe it yet? You’ll have a long (as in 20 years long) period to adapt to this truth beginning November 19, 2024.

Since January 2008, Pluto was in Capricorn and your seventh house of committed partnerships. From business alliances to romantic pairings, your interpersonal affairs department was a place of deep soul transformation. Now Pluto’s plunge into the eighth house of merging takes things to an even deeper level, if you can believe that.

This intimate zodiac zone rules a wide swath of issues: birth, death, marriage, divorce, property, shared finances, wealth, emotional and spiritual healing, sex and secrets, to name several. During this two-decade transit, we’ll all experience major life moments. For your Pluto in Aquarius horoscope, however, these moments will be deeply transformative. You may be called upon as a healing force or a spiritual guide for others.

Pluto is in Aquarius until January 19, 2044, so you have plenty of time for this deep inner revolution. You may find yourself playing the role of healer or acting as a spiritual guiding light for others. Yes, Cancer, this is a very big deal! A key partnership could deepen. Don’t push a good one away!

Pluto’s shift lasts for essentially 20 years and will flood your mind with excitement and hope—a welcome change from the deep, dark thoughts that have preoccupied you for too long. No more hanging with toxic types who suck the life out of you. Now you’re called to propagate possibilities that can make a positive difference in the world. We need optimistic souls who will bring us together, and you fit the bill now!

This nearly two-decade transit will transform the deepest, most private corner of your chart, touching on themes like your psyche, trust, shared finances, intimacy and inner healing. Pluto in this sector is like an alchemical journey for Crabs—you’re being called to face and release what no longer serves you and to tap into new depths of resilience and intuition. As you grow, you may find yourself in the role of healer or spiritual guide. Tap into your gift for helping others navigate life’s mysteries. Your instincts will be sharper than ever now.

LEO (Jul 23-Aug 22) Pluto in Aquarius horoscope

Relationship school is in session, and this curriculum is even longer than a K-12 stretch! On November 19, transformational Pluto moves into Aquarius for a visit that will last until January 19, 2044.

You’re about to become keenly aware of subtle relationship dynamics as well as how the people around you might be mirroring different parts of yourself. If you keep attracting the “same” troubling person or dynamic, Pluto will help you unearth how they’re a vibrational match for an unhealed part of yourself. Rather than shun the messenger, look at everyone in your life as a helpful guide, pointing the way to where you can grow.

Since January 2008, Pluto’s was in Capricorn and your sixth house of health, organization and helpful people. You learned powerful (and sometimes painful) lessons about micromanaging and delegating, as well as managing your own energy levels.

With Pluto in Aquarius, you can apply the important things you’ve learned about self-care, stress, burnout and perfectionism in these past 15 years. Could you help others avoid these pitfalls, or perhaps champion healthy relationships from your own experiences? Mysterious Pluto in Aquarius for basically the next two decades wants you to slow down and ATTRACT ‘em like a magnet.

Your master class in relationships is officially in session! This nearly two-decade transit will prompt you to examine the patterns, dynamics and unspoken truths in your closest connections. In the weeks and months ahead, you’ll start to notice how certain people mirror parts of yourself—perhaps even aspects you’ve ignored or left unhealed. Are there recurring patterns in your relationships or familiar types you keep attracting? View each connection as a guide for self-growth, helping you to uncover and heal parts of yourself that may need attention. This rare cycle is here to help you deepen, transform and, ultimately, elevate the way you relate to others.

VIRGO (Aug 23-Sep 22) Pluto in Aquarius horoscope

Pluto parks in your sixth house of wellness, work and organization for 20 whole years beginning November 19, 2024. Virgo, you’re the native ruler of the zodiac’s sixth house, so having transformational Pluto here for such a long run will be an up-close look in the mirror—deeply uncomfortable at times.

Pluto in Aquarius will reveal the depths of your unconscious urges. As the zodiac’s perfectionist, you work hard to mask your flaws, except when YOU take control and share about them yourself. But Pluto will pry loose your grip on all the addictions, coping mechanisms and unhealthy ways you try to hide the fact that you’re a mere mortal, as confused and adrift as the rest of us.

Sexy though it’s not, regenerative Pluto in this zone (until January 19, 2044!) points you to focus on your digestive health. In recent years, gut health has become one of the most important areas of wellness. The gut, which is the body part ruled by Virgo, has been called the “second brain.” (Is this why Virgos are so smart?)

From balancing your microbiome to adding more fiber to your plate, there’s a range of options to explore with your healthcare provider. Beyond that, secretive Pluto unveils any mind-body connections that can manifest in your well-being. Pluto in Aquarius for essentially 20 years now could lead to some profound lifestyle shifts. Scratching the surface won’t cut it with this deep-diving planet. Your Pluto in Aquarius horoscope calls for you to dig deeper than mere symptoms for total wellness!

So remix your routines, Virgo—the more unconventional, the better! This isn’t just about refreshing your fitness goals and eating habits; it’s about giving your entire lifestyle an overhaul. Relax, you don’t have to change everything at once! Slowly and mindfully, you can begin to reshape your work environment and streamline your schedule to eliminate soul-sucking and energy-zapping practices.

If you’re feeling blocked or burnt out, Pluto’s influence urges you to look deeper, examining the mind-body connection that impacts your overall well-being. Surface fixes won’t cut it with this transformative planet in play, so be prepared to dig into root causes and make meaningful, lasting changes that elevate your quality of life.

LIRBRA (Sep 23-Oct 22) Pluto in Aquarius horoscope

Alchemist Pluto settles into Aquarius for its 20-year run on November 19, 2024. Kind of a big deal? Better believe it!

Pluto’s new position brings relief after a heavy and soul-transforming cycle that you’ve been dealing with for the last 15 years. Since January 2008, the planet of secrets and soul-level transformation wove through your fourth house of home and family, bringing so much to the surface.

There’s a silver lining to any turbulence you weathered. Your inner “shadow work” got you ready for Pluto’s two decades in Aquarius, as the potent planet visits your fifth house of love, creativity and self-expression until January 19, 2044. You’re emerging from Pluto’s cradle as a truly centered AND sentient being.

Since this next cycle will be more public than private, the lessons you’ve learned could become part of what you share with others. Your Pluto in Aquarius horoscope might very well start with a twin-flame attraction. Or you could advance to a higher octave with your person. Expect even the sweetest of Pluto’s offerings to come packaged with deep soul growth. Your inner growth could lead you to a serious soulmate, someone who embraces all of you, including your history and your traumas. Or you could reach a profound level of fulfillment with your current love interest.

The curtain is lifting, Libra, and it’s time to emerge from backstage. As you internalize the emotional growth and lessons around home and security of the past 16 years, you can turn them into passionate connections. Single Libras could magnetize a soul mate who sees and embraces every part of you. Coupled? New levels of intimacy await with a current partner. Even casual dating feels profound under Pluto’s spiritual lens. Step through the gateway to creative fulfillment and watch your fanbase grow. 

SCORPIO (Oct 23-Nov 21) Pluto in Aquarius horoscope

Your ruling planet, Pluto, changes zodiac signs on November 19, 2024. With the exception of two short previews in 2023 and 2024,  Pluto’s been in Capricorn and your third house of communication since 2008. From friendships to negotiations, mindset to messaging, you’ve learned deep lessons on being impactful and impeccable with your words.

Now Pluto embarks on a 20-year plunge through Aquarius and your domestic fourth house, bringing its transformational touch close to home.

Starting November 19, you may get the sudden urge to explore your roots, work through intergenerational patterns or unravel a family mystery. Does your home feel like less of a haven than it could? Pluto is all about exploring the hidden forces and invisible energies. Consider a space clearing or Feng Shui to unblock the energetic flow of health, wealth and happiness. Even moving furniture into a new configuration or boxing up old relics that keep you emotionally stuck in the past can be helpful.

Your relationship with your mother, a child or a powerful woman could figure into events. Where could you both benefit from forgiveness or a healthy dose of detachment? The ties that bind could have gotten constricting, and regenerative Pluto will spotlight codependent and addictive patterns that need healing from the ground up.

With your cosmic custodian in Aquarius for essentially 20 years beginning November 19, your ruling planet, Pluto, wants you to work with hidden forces and transmute pain into strength. Your private life becomes rich and fulfilling. Over the coming two decades, you may feel compelled to explore your roots, uncover family secrets or heal intergenerational patterns.

If your home doesn’t feel quite like a sacred haven, metaphysical Pluto can offer support with Feng Shui and energy clearing. Some Scorpios could intentionally relocate to a place where you feel a sense of divine belonging—whether with your blood relatives or people you consider “chosen family.” Cherish your alone time, but don’t isolate. 

SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22-Dec 21) Pluto in Aquarius horoscope

Financial relief: incoming! The stars serve up an economic stimulus plan on November 19 when transformational Pluto leaves Capricorn, your money zone, where it’s spent the past 15 years. Its 20-year transit in Aquarius begins on November 19, 2024, unbroken for two full decades!

Pluto briefly visited Aquarius and your third house of communication in 2023 and 2024, giving your message some gravitas. If you found yourself suddenly called to write, speak, teach or make media appearances, consider that a taste of what’s to come. Your voice will become an instrument of power (more than it already is). Will you use it to sow negativity and fear or to help people transform into their highest mindset? We’re hoping you’ll choose the latter, of course, but that might take some inner “shadow work” (a Pluto speciality) to reckon with your own blocks first.

The regenerative planet will send you to the depths, revealing what’s been hidden. Since the third house rules siblings, neighbors and colleagues, you may start to notice things in your interactions that never bothered you before. Mirror, mirror? Don’t shun the messenger if a co-worker or your sister pushes your buttons. Instead, take this as an invitation to ask WHY they’re triggering you and to locate what needs to be healed within yourself.

Enlightened types say that money is energy and that the balance in your bank account is a reflection of how much abundance your soul can handle. If that’s true, then Pluto in Capricorn sent you on a mission to wrestle your demons and face your fears around scarcity and survival. Now with Pluto in Aquarius, you can use your voice as a powerful too. You’ll feel inspired to write, speak, teach or share your perspective publicly, but only when you have something profound to say. Your words carry weight, and you can sway the masses. Use these powers for good, Archer, because you are a catalyst who can spark meaningful change.

CAPRICORN (Dec 22-Jan 19) Pluto in Aquarius horoscope

Farewell, intensity. Pluto leaves your sign on November 19, never to return in your lifetime!

Pluto incited a deep, slow transformation to your identity since January 2008. The question “Who am I?” may have been top of mind for the past 15 years—a period of soul-searching where you lost and found yourself again many times over.

Some of Pluto’s changes seemed subtle while they were happening while others were profound moments when you had to look deep inside yourself and question your own motives, if not your entire existence! During this time, you were given a choice: step into your strength and use it to be a positive influence, or plunge into the shadows of fear, manipulation and power dynamics. If you got a little too entrenched in your identity or lifestyle, it’s time to mix it up again. Rather than ask “Who am I?” Pluto in Aquarius challenges you to inquire: “What do I stand for?”

You had two sneak previews, in 2023 and 2024, to see how Pluto in Aquarius will push you to examine your values, priorities and day-to-day habits. How you make a living will also become central. Aquarius also rules your second house of work and money. Are your goals (and roles) aligned with your soul?

Pluto spends 20 years in Aquarius, a two-decade cycle that will reinvent how you earn an income, build security, value and provide for yourself. Ready or not!

Go ahead, Capricorn. Heave the biggest sigh of relief you can muster! This new phase marks a period of profound transformation in how you view your self-worth and material security. Are your goals truly aligned with what matters most to you? In the months ahead, you could redefine what it means to feel fulfilled, especially around earning and self-sufficiency. This is the start of a journey to create a life that’s built on lasting values, where both your work and your worth feel deeply aligned. Bon voyage!

AQUARIUS (Jan 20-Feb 18) Pluto in Aquarius horoscope

Thought you were out of the astrological hot seat? Not so fast! Powerhouse Pluto moves into Aquarius on November 19 for 20 years! This lengthy transit follows a few sneak peeks these past few years (one in 2023 and one in 2024).

But the unbroken Pluto in Aquarius transit that lasts until 2044 will take place in your first house of identity and new beginnings. Not everyone experiences Pluto in their zodiac sign, since it takes about 250 years to return to each sign!

What revolutions are happening for YOU? Slowly but indelibly, Pluto sets off a deep, inside-out transformation. While this chapter of your life is bound to be intense, you’ll also breathe a sigh of relief now that Pluto is finally out of Capricorn, your subliminal twelfth house. The last 15 years brought plenty of plot twists, and now you can take all the spiritual growth and off-the-radar work you’ve accomplished and make a more public splash.

As Pluto sends its intense, alchemical beams into your first house of identity for the next two decades, you may reinvent yourself in unexpected ways, think: appearance, style, body language, even your name! This cycle will bring depth and intensity, but there’s also a sense of freedom as Pluto finally exits your hidden twelfth house. The last 16 years were filled with introspective growth and behind-the-scenes work. Now it’s time to take all you’ve learned and step into the spotlight, showing the world this powerful, evolving version of you!

PISCES (Feb 19-Mar 20) Pluto in Aquarius horoscope

Transformational Pluto slips out of Capricorn and settles into Aquarius, plunging into your twelfth house of spirituality, the unconscious and the imagination, on November 19. This transit lasts, unbroken, until 2044. You did have two brief previews of the transit in 2023 and 2024, but now it’s game on!

As the twelfth and final sign, you’re the native ruler of the zodiac’s twelfth house, so this is familiar terrain. However, Pluto’s intense presence sharpens your psychic radar and heightens your natural empathic abilities. You’ll be hyper-attuned to the energies around you, possibly even channeling spirits in your midst. It will be crucial to “shield your field” to avoid getting sucked into other people’s issues—a tendency you have already.

With Pluto in your twelfth house, the saying “as within, so without” will show up in large-print messaging. Your main job is to keep your own spiritual side of the street tidy. If you need to forgive someone for the sake of your own mental and emotional freedom, Pluto will guide you through the process. This is the planet of “shadow work,” so it won’t be a fast or easy process. But as you shed layers, you’ll realize how much weight you’ve been carrying.

Pluto in Aquarius gives you a choice: stay stuck in the lowlands of your own psyche and soul by holding onto anger, resentment, guilt and blame, or get support to work through it and find healthy management tools. You’ll gain power choosing the latter, freeing yourself to use your powerful artistic or healing gifts to transform others. Be extra discerning about who you let into your inner circle from here forward. Once they’re in, it will be hard to get ‘em out!

As you undergo this internal transformation, shedding skin like a snake, you’ll discover how much you were holding onto that wasn’t serving you. As Pluto plumbs the depths of Aquarius for the next two decades, you’re entering a cycle where art, spirituality and healing work will take precedence over most everything else.

But Pluto doesn’t do quick fixes—this is deep, shadow work that will help you shed layers that no longer serve you. As you undergo this inside-out transformation, you’ll begin to feel lighter, more attuned and ready to embody the truest version of yourself.

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The AstroTwins

Identical twin sisters Ophira and Tali Edut, known as The AstroTwins, are the founders of and the authors of multiple bestselling astrology books. Their horoscopes reach millions here and through their resident astrologer column at ELLE Magazine.