Sagittarius 2020 Horoscope | Your Big Money Year is Here!

Ready to active abundance and a solid source of income? Your Sagittarius 2020 horoscope gives you a clearly defined flight path after a year of extreme exploration. This could be your wealthiest year in over a decade. But, there’s a catch…

Good news in 2020: your focus will be as sharp as a ninja’s throwing star. For this you have your galactic guardian, Jupiter, to thank—along with power brokers Pluto and Saturn, who are co-piloting the mission. Your red-spotted ruler will spend all of 2020 in Capricorn and your rooted second house. The last time these three heavy hitters aligned was 1284-5 C.E., so yes, this is kind of a big deal. Draft your blueprint for success and you’ll keep the coffers filled for years to come.

As a Sagittarius, you have two favorite speeds: fast and faster. Cautious Capricorn, on the other hand, cruises along like a luxury car, totally capable of racing ahead, but only hitting peak acceleration when it’s time for a victory lap. With the Jupiter-Saturn-Pluto trio assembled in earthy, material-minded Capricorn, you may feel a bit out of your element—even when you are knocking the ball out of the park. Winning 2020 will require the fine art of patience, which is not inherently a Sagittarius specialty. You’ll have to remind yourself (over and over) that being a tortoise instead of a hare is the fastest way to the finish line. Just try not to bite your nails down to the quick while you wait for results to roll in!


Bottom line: 2020 could be your most prosperous year in over a decade—but you’ll have to prioritize. Want to know how? Get our 2020 Horoscope book, bundled in a special Sagittarius 2020 Power Pack with 3 bonus gifts to keep you aligned all year. Get your Sagittarius 2020 Bundle now >

Sagittarius 2020 Horoscope: Career and Money

For many Archers, 2019 brought its share of stops and starts, so you’re already used to this “one foot on the gas, the other on the brake” routine. Saturn has been trudging through Capricorn since December 19, 2017, forcing you to work at a measured pace. Despite that, you spent a good part of 2019 barreling down the astrological Autobahn, as daredevil Jupiter raced through Sagittarius from November 8, 2018 through December 2, 2019. That once-per-decade voyage was heaven for your indie spirit. Along with an overwhelming desire for freedom, you were hellbent on breaking past a stultifying plateau. (And we’re betting you did just that!)

As you greet 2020, you could have a great reason to raise a bonus champagne toast. Maybe you landed a plum new job or raised a round of venture capital. Did you get married, end a bad romance or discover a shared purpose with your S.O.? Relocate to a joy-inducing zip code that feels “so Sagittarius”? Maybe you overcame a limiting belief that was holding you back financially or emotionally. Pop that cork and send up some gratitude to the universe!

While you probably won’t have a ton of dramatic updates to report in 2020, you are poised for a payoff, resulting from the strategic risks you took in 2019. The only catch? Remembering that the “discovery phase” has drawn to a close. As the new decade dawns, head to the drafting table and start running your visionary schemes through the project management filter. 

You’re very much at the ground floor in 2020, which means your focus should be on building a rock-solid foundation for your future empire. Visuals and branding are always part of the game, but not at the expense of other “back-end” developments. Your life may look more like a construction site than a dream home this year. But before you bring in the metaphoric cranes and wrecking balls, work like a master architect. Get crystal clear about what you want your final product to be. Holding that vision will get you through those slow-as-molasses moments that test your Sagittarius (im)patience. Then, run the numbers. What time, energy and resources will be needed to pull this off? With lucky Jupiter in your financial zone until December 19, you’ll be fired up about fundraising, should you discover that pulling off your dream will be more expensive than anticipated. 

And while Saturn will spend a good part of 2020 in Capricorn, from January 1 until March 21, then again from May 10 to July 1, the cosmic taskmaster also darts forward into Aquarius and your cooperative, communicative third house for a short spring stint. Then, on December 17, 2020, Saturn will officially call Aquarius its home until March 7, 2023. This is the ringed planet’s first dip into the Water Bearer’s well since January 1994! During this three-year cycle, you’ll learn to separate the wheat from the chaff in your personal life. Relationships with siblings, neighbors, coworkers and other peers go through a renovation process. You may team up on a serious project that necessitates a formal contract. As the saying goes, people are in your life for a season, a reason or a lifetime. With enduring Saturn writing the rules of engagement, people will have to earn their loyalty points if they want to share your generous bounty!

The December 21 Winter Solstice could bring a watershed moment. That day, Saturn will make a rare (as in once every 20 years), exact meetup with Jupiter. They’ll unite at 0º29’ Aquarius—an event called The Great Conjunction. As 2020 draws to a close, you’ll see clearly who should play a starring role in this emerging new chapter of your life. Surprise! Some people may be quiet supporters who are more traditional or conservative than the folks you tend to gravitate toward. As Saturn lumbers through Aquarius until March 7, 2023, test collaborative ventures on a project-by-project basis. Know this: With such a process-driven planet at the wheel, it might take a few missions to get your work styles aligned and your respective roles defined.

Don’t hit the snooze button on 2020 yet, Sagittarius! There will be some frissons of excitement to keep your blood pumping. On June 5, a fresh, 18-month-long eclipse series erupts across the Sagittarius/Gemini axis, with two more following on November 30 and December 14. These momentous moonbeams light a fire under stalled passion projects while expediting relationship developments. The last time eclipses landed on this lunar axis was between December 21, 2010, and May 25, 2013. Flip back in your calendar to see what was happening then if you can recall. Similar themes may recur between June 5, 2020, and December 3, 2021.

Along with the eclipses, the lunar nodes, AKA the “cosmic destiny points” will also shift from the Cancer/Capricorn line to the Gemini/Sagittarius axis on May 5, 2020. The last time the nodes were in this position was between October 14, 2001, and April 14, 2003. With the South Node in Sagittarius and your first house of self-expression until January 18, 2022, your karmic gifts will be called to the fore. In many ways, you’ll feel guided by a mystical force come May—which might feel like a heavier responsibility at times. And yet, Archer, there’s no avoiding your “soul work.” Heed the call!

Ready for the prosperity plotted in your stars? Get the full roadmap instantly in our Sagittarius 2020 Power Pack — and 3 bonus gifts! >

Sagittarius 2020 Horoscope: Love and Relationships

Simultaneously, the moon’s fateful North Node will dwell in Gemini and your seventh house of partnerships from May 5, 2020 until January 18, 2022. A soulmate (or soul friend) relationship could emerge, adding a powerful dimension into your life. 

Love planet Venus also takes an extended tour through Gemini and your seventh house of partnerships from April 3 through August 7. Due to a retrograde from May 13 to June 25, Venus will hover in this sign four times longer than she does on the average year. While this may drive up some buried issues within your closest relationships, the planetary peacemaker and diplomat is here to support you. Don’t just smooth over rough edges! Use the retrograde to get to the root of any recurring breakdowns. Then reconstruct your most important bonds according to a new, shared vision. 

Mars will also turn retrograde from September 9 to November 13—a cycle that happens every other year. In 2020, the backspin takes place in Aries, which is the red planet’s home sign. As a result, Mars will linger in the Ram’s realm for six months, from June 27, 2020, until January 6, 2021. Since Aries governs your fifth house of fame, romance and creative expression, this extended transit lends a large dose of sizzle and glamour in the second half of the year. Along with that may be intense anxiety, since Mars in Aries can ratchet up stress levels. Life is not a performance, Sagittarius, it’s an interactive and immersive experience. Bring your most authentic self to the “show” and watch your loyal fanbase grow.

Ready for the stars to revitalize your relationships? Get the full report instantly in our Sagittarius 2020 Power Pack — and 3 bonus gifts! >

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The AstroTwins

Identical twin sisters Ophira and Tali Edut, known as The AstroTwins, are the founders of and the authors of multiple bestselling astrology books. Their horoscopes reach millions here and through their resident astrologer column at ELLE Magazine.