Nine of Wands Tarot Card Meaning | Astrostyle
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Nine of Wands Tarot Card Meaning

Tarot, like astrology, has long been one of our favorite divination systems. Interpreting either takes practice. As you learn, we wanted to help you to quickly connect to the cards and use them in ways that are actionable and practical in every area of life. xoxo, Tali & Ophira

Co-authored by James Kerti

What does the Nine of Wands tarot card mean?

The Nine of Wands is about standing tall even when you’re basically exhausted from all your efforts. You’ve been fighting hard and long, and you’re feeling the burn, but you still have a ways to go.

The Nine of Wands encourages you to press on. Now is not the time to give up.

When it’s time to dig deeper, the Nine of Wands makes its appearance. Know that there is hope here. You are on your way to success. And learning from the experience (and mistakes you make along the way) will prepare you for the future in important ways.

As the Nine of Wands urges you onward, it suggests that you be open to support. You may find people, tools and resources that you didn’t know you had access to.

What is the Nine of Wands zodiac sign?

The zodiac sign of the Nine of Wands is Sagittarius

Nine of Wands Tarot Guide

Keywords for the Nine of Wands: Resilience, stamina, battle weary, courage, fatigue

Yes or No: No

Planet of the Nine of Wands: Jupiter

Element of the Nine of Wands: Fire

What does the Nine of Wands card mean in a love reading?

The Nine of Wands often denotes a rough patch in a relationship, maybe even an extended one.

Still, this minor arcana card urges you to stay in the game. It’s not time to cut things off.

While the Nine of Wands doesn’t necessarily speak to whether this relationship will last, it says there’s more to learn here. Communication is more important than ever if only to end things on a loving and enlightened note.

But this message also comes with a warning: If you’re going to stay in a relationship, you both have to be willing to put in the work. Since the Nine of Wand can indicate draining challenges, you must know that “one foot in, one foot out” doesn’t serve anyone here.

For singles, the Nine of Wands may appear when you’re still healing from a previous heartbreak. (In this case, it’s a similar energy to the one described above, but it pertains to a past relationship.) We know that healing from hurt can be agonizing. Whether you’ve been going to therapy, leaning on friends and family, or going through your own process, the Nine of Wands encourages you to keep devoting time to your recovery.

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What does the Nine of Wands tarot card mean for career, money and finance?

The Nine of Wands represents a challenging time in your career that is still ongoing. You’ve expended a lot of time and effort. While you may be able to tell that you’ve been making progress, it hasn’t been clear that you’re going to get to the finish line.

But the Nine of Wands tells you that you have to see this through! Whether you’ve been carrying a heavy workload or dealing with difficult colleagues or clients, the stressful period is temporary. There is light on the other side. But if you give up now, things are only going to get harder. Perhaps you need to bring in some extra hands to help you wrap this up!

From a financial perspective, the Nine of Wands can be a discouraging sign. You may be feeling some financial pressure. The Nine of Wands cautions you against taking rash action to try to resolve the situation, which isn’t as bad or as long-lasting as it may seem at the moment.

What does the Nine of Wands tarot card mean for health?

If you’ve been battling an illness for some time, the Nine of Wands may not be a surprising card to see. The good news is that there’s hope. You might be much closer to a positive resolution than it’s been feeling like is the case. Are there other options available to you that you’ve been considering? So long as they’re still action steps forward, the Nine of Wands may be a signal in that direction.

This minor arcana card can also have a strong mental, emotional, or spiritual connection. When there hasn’t been a physical challenge you’ve been experiencing, this is probably where the Nine of Wands is pointing.

This card can represent various types of chronic illness, burnout or exhaustion. The Nine of Wands encourages you to focus on the aspects that you can control.

Nine of Wands Tarot Card in Reverse Meaning

The Nine of Wands has a similar meaning in its reversed position to its upright counterpart, with one key differentiator. The upright connotations relate to external circumstances you’re moving through. When pulled in reverse, it often means that the challenges you’re experiencing are of your own making.

In reverse, the Nine of Wands asks you to examine how you may be making things harder on yourself than they need to be. Are you beating yourself up rather than treating yourself with compassion? Have you been sabotaging your own efforts? Or perhaps you’re taking a much harder route than you need to because you think that anything worthwhile is supposed to be a struggle?

Whatever the case, when you see the Nine of Wands reversed, look to the parts of the situation that you control, especially your own mindset, and see what shifts you can make.

Is the Nine of Wands tarot card a yes or no?

The Nine of Wands leans toward no. However, if you’re asking a question in which an affirmative answer aligns with this card’s message of persevering through a challenge, it may be pointing toward doing just that.

What does the Suit of Wands mean?

Wands are associated with fire signs, which ignite action. Fire signs carry an excitable, creative and visionary energy, and people with those signs love to jump right in.

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Feature art by Diana Hlevnja