The Hermit Tarot Card Meaning (Card 9) | Astrostyle
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The Hermit Tarot Card Meaning (Card 9)

Tarot, like astrology, has long been one of our favorite divination systems. Interpreting either takes practice. As you learn, we wanted to help you to quickly connect to the cards and use them in ways that are actionable and practical in every area of life. xoxo, Tali & Ophira

Co-authored by James Kerti

What does The Hermit tarot card mean?

The Hermit major arcana tarot card symbolizes solitude and self-reflection. Sometimes you need to disconnect temporarily in order to discover your truth. Step back from the distractions of the outside world to get in touch with your own value system. Doing so can guide you to a more authentic way of living.

This major arcana card evokes the importance of needing to take a break and focus on yourself.

If you’re facing an important choice, The Hermit encourages you to take a step back from the external world and go within to get the most aligned answer.

What is The Hermit zodiac sign?

The zodiac sign of The Hermit is Virgo

The Hermit Tarot Guide

Keywords for The Hermit: Solitude, introspection, soul-searching, going within

Yes or No: No

Planet of The Hermit: Saturn

Element of The Hermit: Earth

What does The Hermit card mean in a love reading?

While you might think on the surface that a solitary card like The Hermit is at odds with love and relationships, that isn’t necessarily true.

Even within a healthy relationship, we need to retain a sense of autonomy. The Hermit tells you to carve out personal space and to make sure you’re sufficiently valuing your own needs.

The Hermit’s message of soul-searching carries through if you’re single right now. It can be tempting to focus on external validation—or to measure yourself by the relationship standards in your culture and community. The Hermit reminds you that love starts within. By focusing energy back on your happiness and fulfillment, you’ll be best positioned to attract the right relationship for you.

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What does The Hermit tarot card mean for career, money and finance?

When The Hermit pops up in a career reading, it’s a flashing signal that something regarding your career is out of sync with your personal desires or values.

Have you been wondering if you’re in the right job or career? Do you feel happy and aligned with your path? Or are you just coasting on inertia?

Sometimes we find ourselves going down a career path for financial reasons, rather than passion or interest. While there’s nothing wrong with that, the Hermit invites you to ponder possibilities for finding greater fulfillment from your professional life. Maybe you’re ready for a career change—or perhaps tweaking a few on-the-job circumstances, such as your hours or the team you’re a part of, can get you inspired again.

Alternatively, The Hermit might be suggesting that work is occupying too large a role in your life. If that message resonates, make efforts to find more balance. Can you put in fewer hours at work or pick up a new hobby that enriches your time off?

What does The Hermit tarot card mean for health?

In a health and wellness reading, The Hermit tends to focus more on your mental and emotional state.

It can also point to physiological issues that result from stress or overwork.

Make sure you’re taking time to recharge from your busy days. The Hermit encourages you to let go of draining obligations that are taking a toll on your well being.

The Hermit Tarot Card in Reverse Meaning

The appearance of The Hermit card in a reversed position highlights the downsides of pulling back too far into seclusion.

While it’s important to take time away from the hustle and bustle of the world, it’s possible that you’ve drifted into becoming, yes, a hermit.

This isn’t necessarily something you’ve been experiencing as being negative. Though this card can present itself reversed if you’ve been feeling lonely and isolated, it can also show up in this way when you’ve gotten lost in your own dreams or imagination instead of facing your responsibilities.

In either case, The Hermit in reverse tells you to seek more connection and plug back into your life, including dealing with things you’ve been avoiding handling.

Is The Hermit tarot card a yes or no?

In the context of a yes or no question, The Hermit typically means no.

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Feature art by Diana Hlevnjak