Three of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning

Tarot, like astrology, has long been one of our favorite divination systems. Interpreting either takes practice. As you learn, we wanted to help you to quickly connect to the cards and use them in ways that are actionable and practical in every area of life. xoxo, Tali & Ophira

Co-authored by James Kerti

What does the Three of Pentacles tarot card mean?

When the Three of Pentacles appears, it’s time to work with others to generate results. While these cooperative efforts could take a number of different forms, at its core this is a card about collaboration.

This minor arcana card is an encouraging one. All the knowledge you’ll require is available to you, so long as you’re willing to adopt a beginner’s mind and put in a steady effort.

In many cases, this card is about learning from another person in order to gain skills that will help you accomplish the task at hand. But the Three of Pentacles can also present itself as more of a general teamwork card.

When you draw the Three of Pentacles:

  • be attentive and willing to learn.
  • it signals that you can achieve your goal by growing your skillset and working in tandem with the people around you
  • remember that mistakes are part of the process—and often the way you learn

What is the Three of Pentacles zodiac sign?

The zodiac sign of the Three of Pentacles is Capricorn

Three of Pentacles Tarot Guide

Keywords for the Three of Pentacles: Collaboration, learning, teamwork, apprenticeship, mastery, combined effort

Yes or No: Yes

Planet of the Three of Pentacles: Saturn

Element of the Three of Pentacles: Earth

What does the Three of Pentacles card mean in a love reading?

The Three of Pentacles is fundamentally about working together. This card can be a positive sign for a relationship when it shows up in a love reading.

If you are in a relationship the Three of Pentacles often signifies that the partnership you’re in is (or has the capacity to be) supportive. There’s a spirit of shared growth and mutual effort here. Keep leaning in because you will grow from this situation.

If you’re in a relationship, the Three of Pentacles is an encouraging sign to keep moving forward with any goals you’ve set as a couple. If you’ve been discussing a shared project, such as starting a business together or fixing up part of the house, your combined efforts will get it in motion. Be sure to research every step of this first—and bring in experts as needed.

For singles looking for a partner, the Three of Pentacles suggests that you may find love through an extracurricular activity—or even while collaborating on a professional project. Getting involved in an interactive hobby where learning is involved might pave the way to romance.

What does the Three of Pentacles tarot card mean for career, money and finance?

In a career or money reading, the Three of Pentacles highlights the importance of collaboration at work.

A big project may require a shared effort. The Three of Pentacles reminds you that “teamwork makes the dream work.” Rather than trying to gain expertise in every area of the mission, it might be best to enlist pros who can show you the ropes. This isn’t the time to be the superstar. You’ll shine brighter as part of an ensemble cast. Trust that you will be recognized for your individual efforts nevertheless!

This card also posits a time of learning. Is there’s someone at work who could take you under their wing? If so, offer yourself up as support staff and learn their expert process. If you need to polish up your skills, sign up for a class. The Three of Pentacles urges you to invest in yourself, even if it requires extra effort. Be assured that this will pay off in the near future.

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What does the Three of Pentacles tarot card mean for health?

When it shows up in a health reading, the Three of Pentacles is a reminder that support is accessible and all around you. Tap into community (online or IRL) as part of your healing plan. This is especially true if you have a health issue you’re trying to overcome or a wellness goal you’re working toward.

For instance, if you’re changing your diet and exercise regimen, the Three of Pentacles is a signal that you can achieve it more easily if you have an accountability partner, or simply someone with whom to share the journey.

It’s not always easy to lean on others for support and advice, especially if you are in pain, struggling with addiction or have any shame around your condition. But doing so can ease the process for you. Let this minor arcana card serve as a reminder that you that you are not alone. It’s time to stop isolating. Seek the help of professionals when it’s appropriate.

Three of Pentacles Tarot Card in Reverse Meaning

The Three of Pentacles in a reversed position often points to a dysfunctional team environment. If you’re part of a group that is plagued by in-fighting or lacks cohesion, this card’s appearance in reverse probably doesn’t come as much of a surprise.

However, it’s not hopeless! The Three of Pentacles in reverse encourages you to do what you can to improve morale and bring people together. That’s going to be the best way for you all to achieve the goal.

When you see the Three of Pentacles reversed, it can also be a signal that you’re resisting an opportunity for growth. As this card in an upright position points to learning and mastery, in reverse, it’s calling attention to an area where you’re trying to go it alone, rather than being willing to accept help or learn from someone else. The Three of Pentacles in reverse urges you to change course and come together with others to learn the skills you need and move forward.

Is the Three of Pentacles tarot card a yes or no?

With its message of teamwork and mastery, the Three of Pentacles is a yes. This is especially true if your question involves learning or joining forces with others.

What does the Suit of Pentacles mean?

Pentacles are associated with earth signs, which help you plant the deep roots needed for long-term growth. Earth energy is very physical, tangible, and sensual. People with earth signs like to have a steady foundation and are the steadiest and most grounded bunch of signs.

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Feature art by Diana Hlevnja