Try one of these Virgo season rituals to make the most of the Sun’s four-week journey through this practical earth sign.
After four hedonist weeks of Leo season, it’s time to prune back, prioritize and pump up the efficiency to your life. Try some of our Virgo season rituals to get yourself back on track.
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Virgo Season Rituals
In 2024, Virgo Season begins August 22 and ends September 22. Try one of these Virgo season rituals to tidy up on Aisle You!
1. Bathe in green
Try the Japanese practice of shinrin-yoku, which means “forest bathing,” a key component of preventive healthcare and healing in this hyper-urbanized world. You can forest bathe wherever you can find even one single tree. Leave your phone behind, walk slowly and without agenda, and savor the sensuous sights and smells under the canopy of nature for this Virgo season ritual.
2. Pump up the self-care
Virgo is the zodiac sign that rules wellness, making this solar season a time to optimize your healthy routines. Start with preventative medicine: exercise regularly, eat clean and green. If you have the budget for bodywork, Virgo favors holistic modalities like acupuncture and massage to keep your body humming like a well-oiled machine.
3. Declutter everything
From your digital storage systems to your project management software, give everything a proper review—this is especially helpful while Mercury is retrograde.
While you may not get to “inbox zero,” back up and delete files, and finally upload pictures to wherever you store them to free up some memory on your phone! Let go of physical possessions, too, like the ones that have collected dust for ages.
4. Choose sustainability
Service-oriented Virgo gets us back in tune with our ethics. Skip the fast-fashion specials (their environmental impact is hard to ignore even if the price tags are wallet-friendly) and support brands with conscious practices and production models (here’s a handy resource for sustainable retailers). Even better, thrift your back-to-fall wardrobe or take the helm and organize a clothing swap.
5. Do a digital detox
During Virgo season, data and information rule, but too much intel can send you spiraling. Time away from your screens makes you more peaceful, thoughtful and present. If taking a complete break from technology seems impossible, consider a switch-off period each day, even just an hour. Or, ban devices from your bedroom. This Fortune article has some ideas to replace picking up your phone, which they report we do 144 times a day on average—who knew?!
6. Clear your mind
When mentally agile Virgo rules the skies, it’s easy to spiral into overthinking and become ungrounded in the process. For this Virgo season ritual, get centered by approaching your life with mindfulness and intention. When you tune into why you’re doing things, you may realize there’s a much more serene way to go about your days. But be careful not to become too self-critical in the process (also very Virgo). For support with relaxation, try our meditation for Virgo season.
7. Practice random acts of kindness (service is a perfect Virgo season ritual!)
This is the ultimate character-building exercise. Virgo season reminds us that there is power in humility. You could donate anonymously to someone’s grocery or school supplies bill, volunteer at a food bank or canvas for a politician you support.
Do good for good’s sake, even if you never get publicly acknowledged (or photographed) for your humble contributions. Virgo season is the time for offering help where it’s needed.
8. Find beauty in the imperfect
All your self-improvement efforts could easily lead to setting new impossible ideals—but there’s an antidote! Wabi-sabi is the Japanese art of finding beauty in things that are imperfect—a philosophical salve for persnickety Virgo season. With roots in Zen, this simple concept reveres nature and accepts the natural cycle of growth, decay and death. Savor the magic of heirloom tomatoes in late August. Keep those chipped serving plates you love, accepting their imperfect beauty as a reminder that nothing is perfect.
9. Geek out on words
Ruled by articulate Mercury, down-to-earth Virgo is the zodiac’s wordsmith. Whether you freestyle Snapchats to your friends or write your memoir is up to you. But you may discover that you have more to say (and share) than you gave yourself credit for. Try learning one new word every day for your Virgo season ritual! You can inbox one to yourself everyday from a premier source of words like Merriam-Webster.
Photo by Rosie Dienhart
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