2022 Horoscope for Leo

By The AstroTwins

By nature, lions are communal creatures, and for the past year, the stars have stoked your pair-bonding instincts. Partnerships are and will continue to be a huge theme of 2022—but luckily, you’ll also enjoy a side of freedom and exploration as your attention also turns to soul-satisfying personal growth. Which of your own unique dreams do you want to manifest in the wider world, share globally and maybe even turn into a business? The dynamic-duo trend started in December 2020 when, both lucky Jupiter and structured Saturn entered Aquarius, your committed relationship sector, and united in their Great Conjunction (or what your local newspaper called the “Christmas star”). As they did an on-and-off paso doble through 2021, we were blessed with Bennifer 2.0, the Leo-Leo poster couple that made us all believe in fairy-tale love after a grim Covid dry spell. 

Right before NYE, Jupiter moves on to Pisces and your eighth house of intimacy and investments, where it will hang out until May 10, 2022, then make one last circuit from October 28 to December 20, 2022. During both windows, you could feel a bit more private—while also enjoying a windfall of wealth and/or an erotic reawakening. But before you get too attached, know that freedom will be your greatest aphrodisiac, from May 10 until October 28, as abundant Jupiter visits fellow fire-sign Aries. During this mid-year cycle you’ll be focused on education, entrepreneurship and travel opportunities. Meantime, your career path continues taking many plot twists, a trend that will continue until 2026, but could reach peak levels as Uranus and the North Node weave through Taurus and your professional sector in 2022 and 2023. Much as you love to plan, Leo, your best bet is to co-pilot this adventure with the universe now.

We’ve got you covered with your AstroTwins 2022 horoscope for Leo for love, career & money, wellness, and friends & family. Read on for an exclusive excerpt from The AstroTwins’ 2022 Horoscope book!


Security check! Saturn weighs anchor in Aquarius, spending its final full year in your relationship house. While you long for certainty, you may feel equally reluctant to go “all in.” Circumstances (or distance) may prevent you and your amour from taking things to the next level. The good news is your sex life is not bound to suffer. Liberated Jupiter gets frisky in Pisces and your erotic eighth house until May 10 (and again from October 28 to December 20). You’re ready to experiment, with or without a partner. And when the red-spotted planet grooves into fellow fire sign Aries from May 10 to October 28, it might be you who is asking for space. Either way, this mid-year cycle brings out your wild side. Long-distance love affairs, cross-cultural connections and baecations? Bring ‘em on!

Career & Money

Destiny calling! Major career developments are in the stars beginning January 18, as the karmic North Node leaps into Taurus and your tenth house of success. If you’re doing what you love, this 18-month cycle adds polish and panache to your dreams. You may rise to new heights of leadership or establish yourself as an expert or influencer. Bound to a bad business model? Breaking free is your cosmic duty this year—especially when indie-spirited Jupiter zips into Aries and your entrepreneurial ninth house from May 10 to October 28. Ever dreamed of being a digital nomad or traveling for work? You could go “pro on the road” mid-year. Investments may pay off handsomely before May 10 (and again after October 28). Explore real estate, crypto and other passive income streams. When go-getter Mars logs into Gemini on August 20, get your tech skills up to speed before the year is through.


Wellness resolutions top your 2022 priority list—which may start with undoing a few bad habits while Venus is retrograde until January 29. Beyond those unhealthy indulgences, has stress crept in? Calming exercises, like swimming and gentle yoga, can help you stay centered when the lunar South Node dips into Scorpio and your rooted fourth house. Dietary changes can also support serenity. Dial down the stimulants like sugar and caffeine and explore adaptogens like ashwagandha that can reduce anxiety and energize you. It might be worth it to get your adrenals tested. More than anything, “tending and befriending” can boost oxytocin levels. Get a support group in motion—literally—by combining cathartic conversations with a walk or hike!

Friends & Family

Home is where the heart is—but sometimes you need a breather from the people you love most. With the karmic South Node in Scorpio, you may feel restricted by obligations to a parent, child or another person who is pulling on you for care-taking energy. Stop trying to be a superhero and mobilize support. This is the year to connect to people who are at a similar stage in life. Buying or selling a home may be part of your domestic plan. Popularity soars when Mars powers into Gemini on August 20 and you could find yourself at the center of a buzzing crew. Missing your people? Get the band back together when the red planet turns retrograde from October 30 to January 12, 2023.

Read your whole Leo 2022 yearly horoscope in The AstroTwins’ 2022 Horoscope book


Get your ultimate yearly astrology guide — The AstroTwins’ 2022 Horoscope— with in-depth predictions by The AstroTwins!


The AstroTwins

Identical twin sisters Ophira and Tali Edut, known as The AstroTwins, are the founders of Astrostyle.com and the authors of multiple bestselling astrology books. Their horoscopes reach millions here and through their resident astrologer column at ELLE Magazine.