Innovator Archetype In The I*AM System of 'The Astrology Advantage' | The AstroTwins
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the iam system innovator archetype from the astrology advantage


Innovators are visionaries who live in the future tense. Ingenious, independent, irreverent, and all about “I,” the Innovator is a pioneer and a paradox rolled into one ever-changing being.


Innovators are the fire-starters, the ‘first responders’

The ultimate role of an Innovator is as a thought leader and trailblazer. People count on them to spark a winning idea or plan. Then, Innovators leverage their impressive networks or fanbases to make their novel concepts part of the zeitgeist.

Innovators’ visionary powers help them see possibilities where others only see roadblocks—if they see anything at all. Their bold ideas may not be embraced by the mainstream until years later, and in some cases, they may never even get credit for them. But when Innovators do set a trend that catches on, get ready for an adoring fan club!

innovator in i-am system astrology advantage

What motivates them: Being first, connecting dots, birthing movements

Superpowers: Style, self-assuredness, ability to make something out of nothing

Path to success: Having the “It Factor”

Pitfalls: Being elitist, exclusionary, too “out there” or far ahead of the curve

Keywords: Leader, pioneer, futurist, tastemaker, trendsetter, trailblazer, idea machine

Astrology Advantage: Innovators are willing to take a risk when nobody else will

Cosmic profile: Astrology birth charts are mostly cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn), which start each season

Astrology Advantage National Bestseller by The AstroTwins


"Atomic Habits meets The Wisdom of the Enneagram..."

Unlock your success archetype in THE ASTROLOGY ADVANTAGE and use it to create the life you were meant to live! In this groundbreaking new book by The AstroTwins, you'll tap into your innate strengths for personal and professional success.

"Atomic Habits meets The Wisdom of the Enneagram..."

Unlock your success archetype in THE ASTROLOGY ADVANTAGE and use it to create the life you were meant to live! In this groundbreaking new book by The AstroTwins, you'll tap into your innate strengths for personal and professional success.
The Astrology Advantage
National Bestseller


"Atomic Habits meets The Wisdom of the Enneagram..."

Unlock your success archetype in THE ASTROLOGY ADVANTAGE and use it to create the life you were meant to live! In this groundbreaking new book by The AstroTwins, you'll tap into your innate strengths for personal and professional success.


IAM in love

Innovators in Love and Relationships: Independent and eclectic, Innovators don’t always have a type. Their partners had better be smart, savvy, and willing to put up with their sometimes outrageous demands for freedom!

IAM Home

Innovators at Home: Innovators are constantly immersed in projects, so it can be hard for family to hold their attention. It’s not that they don’t care about others, but Innovators prioritize chemistry over biology.

IAM Work

Innovators at Work: Innovators are independent. They need lots of breathing room and no micromanaging. Natural leaders, they do well with their own turf. They may be best suited as entrepreneurs, business owners, or “intrapreneurs” running their own department according to their blueprint.

Innovators Off-Duty: Is there such a thing? Life, work, and adventure constantly overlap and bleed into each other for the Innovator.

Best Roles for an Innovator: Initiating new ideas, working on a project or role with a lot of independence, being the visionary

Worst Roles for an Innovator: Anything that requires them to answer to too many other people or follow someone else’s master agenda


Innovator Authority
Innovator Maven
Authority Maven

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