Aquarius Health, Fitness and Wellness Horoscope | Astrostyle: Astrology and Daily, Weekly, Monthly Horoscopes by The AstroTwins
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Aquarius Health, Fitness and Wellness Horoscope

Aquarius health is about being an active, energetic team player by nature.

What does Aquarius rule in the body?

Body parts

Ankles, circulatory system


Pineal gland, blood, circulation system 

Does Aquarius like working out?

Aquarius health and fitness style

Aquarius rules electricity, so it’s no surprise that you have a lot of energy to burn. You enjoy working out at a gym or studio that has a great social vibe—and you might wind up taking their teacher training if you really get into things there. Plus, the buzz of other people activates your secret competitive side and inspires you to work out harder.

You’re an air sign, so breathing and circulation are crucial components of your fitness plan. Yoga, boxing, dancing, power-walks with friends—do anything that keeps the energy flowing. Your airy nature can make you a great gymnast. (Aerial yoga, anyone?) An outdoor jog does wonders, especially along the beach on a windy day. Since you rule the ankles, you could excel at skateboarding, running, soccer or roller derby. Aquarius is the sign of community, so try a team sport. Join a sailing crew, a soccer league, or combine fitness with your humanitarian nature, and train for a charity marathon.

Aquarius health habits

Food and eating habits

Aquarians tend to be healthy, tuned in to the latest dietary innovations. You’ll follow a specific eating plan and remain disciplined for years. A social sign, you love big group dinners. Your favorite activity is ordering share plates with your squad at a favorite restaurant. However, you’ll easily overload on portions, or snack on appetizers instead of fueling up with a proper meal. With your nervous energy and hardworking nature, you may grab too many meals on the go. Aim for a balance between nutritious and indulgent choices.

Keeping the glow

Aquarius rules the circulatory system, so keep your flow steady with breathing exercises and regular movement. You can be nervous, even restless, and tend to ignore your body’s signals when you’re working hard. Slow down and de-stress with a monthly massage or facial. Acupuncture or any treatment that moves the “chi” or electricity through your body can be profoundly healing. You’re the zodiac’s Water Bearer, so keep on chugging the H2O to keep yourself hydrated and energized. Vent your anger too, as holding it in—or trying to be high-minded and “above it all”—can lead to stress or depression.


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The AstroTwins

Identical twin sisters Ophira and Tali Edut, known as The AstroTwins, are the founders of and the authors of multiple bestselling astrology books. Their horoscopes reach millions here and through their resident astrologer column at ELLE Magazine.