Libra Family Dynamics Horoscope | Astrostyle: Astrology and Daily, Weekly, Monthly Horoscopes by The AstroTwins
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Libra Family Dynamics Horoscope

While every household will play by different rules, understanding each zodiac sign’s innate domestic style can help you sort it out.

What it like living with a Libra?

The peacekeeping Libra family member helps to keep family affairs balanced and harmonious.

Ruled by warm and gracious Venus, they are the beating heart of their family. There’s no shortage of warm-fuzzy vibes and TLC when they’re around. They’re always on hand to snap a family photo, get friends organized into a game, or start a round of playful reminiscing while everyone is gathered at their dinner table.

The Libra family member is allergic to conflict and hate the disruption of a family feud. It’s not uncommon to see them playing peacekeeper—and playing it well— for relatives who are butting heads. Not that they’re all sugar and spice. They are the balancer of the family, too. If everything is getting too staid or complacent, they’ll shake it up with a rebellious move. On the contrary, if home life is unstable, they’ll step into a heroic and protective role.

Should they choose to have children, they may become as much their best friend as their parent. That’s because their playful, youthful spirit keeps them in tune with the younger generation. They’ll definitely qualify as a cool adult—and untrendy clothes may never find their way into their stylish wardrobe. They do run the risk of becoming too laid back as a parent. Kids need structure, and while it’s fun to have them join for parties and travels, sometimes they’ll find it’s best to have the babysitter tuck them in.

Astrology tip for living with a Libra

Newsflash for the Libra family member: Their family won’t judge them if their look isn’t perfect. They will, however, notice their absence, when stomachs start rumbling as you wait for them to arrive for dinner. They tend to get swept up in the moment and lose track of time, leaving relatives staring at the clock.

They will have to work on prepping earlier if they must dress in their Sunday best for every get together. If they’ve made plans to take the kids to the movies, they really shouldn’t try to squeeze in errands before the opening credits roll, but they will! Respecting their family’s precious time is a must if they want to keep the harmonious vibes flowing.


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The AstroTwins

Identical twin sisters Ophira and Tali Edut, known as The AstroTwins, are the founders of and the authors of multiple bestselling astrology books. Their horoscopes reach millions here and through their resident astrologer column at ELLE Magazine.