Aquarius Moon Sign Astrology: Fascinating Facts about Your Emotional Personality
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Aquarius Moon Sign Astrology: Fascinating Facts about Your Emotional Personality

If you have an Aquarius moon sign, your deepest emotions and desires take on the qualities of the Aquarius zodiac sign: collaborative, lighthearted and future-forward thinking.

Ah, la luna! Your astrology moon sign indicates the “inner you.” If you have an Aquarius moon sign in your natal chart, it means that when you were born, the moon was traveling through the Aquarius zodiac sign. Your moon sign and your Sun sign combined make up a more in-depth portrait of your personality.

What is the difference between a moon sign and zodiac sign in astrology?

The moon sign in astrology governs our “inner selves”—those feelings, deep desires and soul urges that not everyone sees. Much like the moon waxes and wanes, reveals and hides itself, the lunar cycles can also affect how much we share or show. Your moon sign can reveal how (and who) you love, or what you need to feel emotionally secure. It also plays a major role in romantic compatibility, revealing how harmonious your dynamic will be.

Your Sun sign is considered your “main sign” and it’s the forecast you read on websites and in newspapers. The Sun changes zodiac signs approximately every thirty days, so people born in these clusters will share a Sun sign and many basic personality traits.

Your moon sign is your emotional personality

In the astrological birth chart, the moon sign is your “emotional personality,” a crucial part of understanding what makes you or someone else tick. Since the moon is the celestial body that’s  closest to the Earth, our moods and feelings are governed by its movements. In a person’s natal (or birth) chart, the moon sign indicates what will provide us with a sense of home and security—what we need as individuals to feel safe, secure and comfortable. The moon also drives some of our “gut reactions”—how we respond on a primal, instinctive level.

Because the moon comes out at night, the moon sign can also influence our internal  “shadow sides”—the parts of ourselves that only become visible when we self-reflect or get vulnerable with people. Often the moon sign doesn’t present externally or immediately like the robust Sun sign or masquerading rising sign, but becomes much more visible as you get to know a person and see how they respond to different life situations.

What it means if you have an Aquarius moon

What are these weird things called…feelings? Hosting the moon in Aquarius or the 11th house can be a funny thing. This zodiac placement is far more cerebral than emotional. It’s not that you aren’t sensitive. You just don’t see why people have to lose their s**t to prove that they’re passionate or to get their point across. While you can be cool as a cucumber, you care deeply for humanity. You’ll stick up for the underdog in a heartbeat, or encourage people to rise above petty conflicts and find that “one love” unity that we all share. Your ability to detach and be the voice of reason is this moon sign’s superpower.  

That said, you may get stuck rationalizing your emotions by saying how you think, instead of how you feel. This doesn’t mean that you don’t have the ability to be compassionate and caring. Learning to tune in to your heart instead of going right to your intellect will expand your empathetic range. 

Aquarius moon signs are freedom lovers

When it comes to interpersonal dynamics, you’re experimental and avant-garde by nature. You’ll seek out edgy, daring new experiences—even making yourself a bit uncomfortable in the process! But sometimes, you can push boundaries a little too far and offend others in the process. (Hey, some people will never be ready for your radical, future-forward ideas?) Aquarius and the 11th house are communal. The more IS the merrier, as far as you’re concerned. You may have an ever-growing squad—and friends in every port—to prove it.  

This moon sign understands the concept of free love. Unconventional relationship arrangements might be your preference, since you hate to be fenced in. This can foster plenty of friends-with-benefits and no-strings-attached relationships, sometimes resulting in multiple romantic partners. Yes, that may be exactly what your moon sign needs to satiate the desire for both intimate and platonic connection.  

Even if you are a one-on-one person, you won’t take kindly to a partner who restricts your personal freedom or tries to control your schedule. Life and liberty go hand in hand for the free-spirited Aquarius/11th house moon. Just remember to establish some sort of emotional hierarchy, placing bae at—or at least near—the top. The pitfall for this moon sign is that you can forget to do those little romantic things that make your partner feel special. Ultimately, you do want a mate who will also be your BFF. They have to click with your other close friends, too. This craving for connectedness doesn’t just stop IRL, either: online communities were made for you technology-driven lovers. 

With your futuristic outlook and innovative ideas, you are an emotional pioneer. This head-in-the-clouds moon sign can also come across as a bit quirky or in your own world at times. But that’s the gift of your high-vibe moon sign. As you teach people how to live by their own rules you pave the way for human progress. Ascend!  

Read about the other Moon Signs>


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