Mars Retrograde in Gemini: How Every Sign Can Survive This Stressful Time | Astrostyle: Astrology and Daily, Weekly, Monthly Horoscopes by The AstroTwins
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Mars Retrograde in Gemini: How Every Sign Can Survive This Stressful Time

FOMO alert! If variety is the spice of life, then season with care over the next two and a half months during the Mars retrograde in Gemini.

Frenetic Mars turns retrograde in Gemini from October 30, 2022 to January 12, 2023, a cycle bound to churn up confusion and creative insight in equal measure. There will be a zillion great ideas forming, but which ones really make sense to pursue? Making any kind of a decision could be downright mind-boggling as there will always be another avenue to explore.

Anxiety provoking, too! Buyer’s remorse may kick in before you’ve hit “send” on that DocuSign. Choosing a “good enough” option may be better than not choosing at all. But conduct solid research first. Disinformation travels fast with the brash planet off course in signal-scrambling Gemini.

Arguments with peers (coworkers, neighbors, relatives close in age) could get ugly between October 30 and January 12. Do your level best to play nice and avoid gossiping at all costs. Find a workout buddy (Gemini #twinning!) who can keep you motivated to bust through stress the Mars-inspired way: through physical exertion.

All about that Mars

Mars is the last of the personal inner planets—the planets before Jupiter which are closest to the Sun. This might explain its protective, and sometimes combative, stance. Like a celestial sentry, Mars readies us to fight for what we hold dear.

The red planet hangs out in a zodiac sign for approximately eight weeks, directing the global temperament and fighting style. Will we march peacefully, topple statues or sweet-talk the opposition Tactics change depending on the sign Mars occupies and since August 20, 2022, it’s been in Gemini, an air sign.

Lusty Mars is the forthright companion to seductive Venus and can bring out the “cosmic cave(wo)man” in us all. Our raw desire is on display during certain Mars cycles, while other zodiac signs provoke a more discreet style of pursuit.

Every two years, Mars pivots retrograde, which keeps it locked in one or two signs for seven months.

When is the Mars retrograde in Gemini?

The Mars retrograde in Gemini begins October 30, 2022, and lasts until January 12, 2023.

When a planet passes the Earth in its orbit (or vice versa), it is said to be going retrograde. From our vantage point on Earth, it is almost as if the planet is moving in reverse. This is an illusion, but it’s a bit like two trains passing at different speeds—one appears to be going backwards. Read more about planet retrogrades.

What does the Mars retrograde in Gemini mean?

Mars flips into reverse every other year, and when it does, it can turn us into unnecessary daredevils. Deprioritizing personal safety? Bad idea. This is not the time to take uncalculated risks.

With Mars in mouthy Gemini, one nasty tweet or snarky comment can torch a bridge to the ground. Getting involved in gossip or trusting the wrong people could also wreak havoc. Distance yourself from shade throwers and nonstop complainers. Protecting your name— and your identity—is crucial during a Mars retrograde in Gemini.

And since this zodiac sign rules mobile gadgets, be careful of where you log on using your phone, laptop or tablet! Strong passwords are not enough to save you from hackers. Check your location settings and delete any questionable apps.

Gemini is an air sign

When Mars is in an air sign (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius), it makes you a networking wizard. You’ll have the courage to slide into DMs and get into the VIP room. Just be sure to slow down long enough to make meaningful connections.

Mars began 2022 in Sagittarius, making us all warriors for truth. But whose version of the story is the actual, factual one?

The battle wages on as the red planet continues a zealous tone for 2022. Many of us are already exhausted by all the polarizing, disinformation and other data-skewing hype that’s been raging for the past few years. Alas, don’t get your hopes up: It probably won’t go away any time soon, at least not until Mars goes direct in Gemini on January 12, 2023.



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The last Mars retrograde was in Aries

Renegade Mars was last retrograde in its home sign of Aries from September 9 to November 13, 2020. (The red planet had an extended circuit through fire sign Aries from July 27, 2020 to January 6, 2021. )

With the brashness and anarchy of warrior Aries, rebellion became street theater. Civilians clashed with law enforcement throughout the entire Mars cycle. Crowds toppled statues of controversial historical figures. Gun-toting citizens attempted to obstruct registered voters from casting their ballots during the U.S. Presidential election and tempers generally flared. In the final hours of Mars in Aries (the tide-turning anaretic 29°), the U.S. Capitol was stormed by insurrectionists, the fallout of which we’re still feeling.

How long is the Mars in Gemini transit?

Mars entered dualistic, fast-talking Gemini on August 20, 2022. The Mars in Gemini 2002 transit lasts seven months, ending on March 25, 2023. The red planet, as mentioned, goes retrograde, from October 30, 2022 to January 12, 2023.

Forget about deciphering fact from fiction in 2022’s final months! The multi-ringed media circus is sure make heads spin with more fake news, conspiracy theories and righteous anger into 2023.

How does the Mars retrograde in Gemini affect me?

Mental health + Mars retrograde in Gemini

Mental health challenges (ruled by Gemini) may flare up for people as a result of the pressures of day-to-day life. Talk therapy can be extremely helpful for processing the bottled-up thoughts that create anger, anxiety and insomnia. Any mindfulness and mentally soothing practices such as journaling and meditation can cool the fires of Mars retrograde in Gemini.

Mars is independent, but Gemini is people-focused. Don’t try to push through hard times alone! This backspin may force you to speak up and get the right support for your struggles.

Physical health + Mars retrograde in Gemini

Physically, you may experience a few energy slumps during the retrograde, and motivation to exercise can fall by the wayside. To stay fit, adopt Gemini’s favorite life hack: the buddy system. There’s never been a better time to invest in a personal trainer or enlist your workout-obsessed friend as your accountability buddy. Gemini rules neighborhood activities, so check out that hiking group or cycling club for motivation. Try a new eating schedule to see how it impacts your energy levels, whether you’re giving intermittent fasting a go or making a pledge to stop skipping breakfast.

Love + Mars retrograde in Gemini

Romantic restlessness has been brewing ever since Mars entered Gemini on August 20. But as the lusty planet spins retrograde in the sign of the Twins, you may have second (third and fourth) thoughts about the future—or nature—of a relationship. Are you just friends, is it an emotional affair, are you growing apart? Argh! Lead with logic and don’t let suspicions run wild.

The propensity for overthinking is high now, which can cause you to freeze. If you catch yourself analyzing every text exchange (and dragging friends into the drama), you literally should get a hobby. Boredom can lead to mischief, so fill your life with engaging, interesting friends.

Gemini rules the hands, making touch (with consent) a healing salve. Taking time to ask “Does this feel nice?” can be illuminating and titillating. And you might just learn something new about your lover in the process!

Sex + Mars retrograde in Gemini

Mars can be lusty, but Gemini is the sign of platonic relationships. During the judgment-skewing retrograde, it might seem “harmless” to turn a friend into a booty-call or to temporarily bench your significant other in the friend zone. Reversing the terms will not be easy, so unless you’re prepared to risk losing this person from your life, we don’t suggest experimenting after October 30.

Retrogrades bring back the past, and backspinning Mars can leave a trail of “sex with an ex” stories in its wake. A tantalizing but torturous past lover could resurface. While this may be what it takes to awaken your slumbering libido, the spark could turn into a dumpster fire before you pick out matching Christmas sweaters on Etsy.

Mars retrograde in Gemini horoscopes for the 12 zodiac signs


Craving a closer connection, Aries? Your need for a tighter inner circle comes on October 30 when your ruler, hotheaded Mars, turns retrograde in Gemini and your third house of communication and allies. Be careful about who you hand the keys to your queendom (not to mention your apartment) between October 30 and when the Mars retrograde in Gemini ends on January 12. A so-called bestie could wind up snooping around and spilling tea. Until they’ve earned their loyalty points, don’t hand out your trust.


On October 30, unfettered Mars turns retrograde in Gemini and your second house of work and finances, Taurus. A pressure cooker of an assignment could land in your lap, leaving little room for other projects. Between October 30 and January 12, make “less is more” your professional mantra…for sanity’s sake! Beam your considerable focus toward a mission that’s actually profitable. You WILL get this done—but you don’t have to burn out in the process. Maybe it’s time to set better boundaries with demanding clients or bosses.


Driven Mars, who’s been plowing through your sign since August 20, turns retrograde on October 30 until January 12. This disruption could force you to hit pause on a passion project or highly ambitious mission that might be slightly above your pay grade. Trying to force or rush anything (including relationships) is a recipe for disappointment—or burnout. Use this hidden blessing to reconnect to your personal power, Gemini. A forgotten passion could emerge again when you refocus on your own happiness.


Should you hit the brakes or gun your engines, Cancer? Between October 30 and January 12, you might feel like you’re driving through stop-start traffic as firebrand Mars retrogrades through your introspective and transitional twelfth house. Since things may not be what they seem under this backspin, be selective about who gets a full-access pass to your inner circle now, especially anyone who rebounds into your life from the past.

On the plus side, Mars’ cooldown can create more space to make art, thumb through personal archives and “autumn” like it was a verb! What demanding missions can be tabled until after the Mars retrograde in Gemini? Give yourself a break!


Motivator Mars turns retrograde in Gemini and your eleventh house of groups and technology beginning October 30. Squad goals, interrupted? Until January 12, there could be some shake-ups with your work team or another organization you belong to, Leo.

But don’t blow that popsicle stand just yet. While Mars is in reverse, you can iron out any wrinkles and, if necessary, scout out better-fitting collaborators who will help you soar. If you’ve grown a bit TOO addicted to your social network feeds, consider a short-term digital detox. Get out in nature, meditate, tune in to your higher mind. You’ll have plenty of new material to share when you’re ready to go back online after the Mars retrograde in Gemini.


Driven Mars turns retrograde in Gemini and your tenth house of career on October 30, which could throw a wrench into professional progress, Virgo. There’s a silver lining to this forced slowdown, which lasts until January 12. For one thing, you might make it to the park a few times this autumn to appreciate the leaves instead of spending every day behind your desk. For another, you can actually improve the quality of your work as backtracking could reveal even better (and more economical!) methods for success.

An authoritative colleague or relative may be a source of stress or contention. But don’t waste energy fighting. Better to agree to disagree and revisit the issue when Mars resumes forward motion in two months.


On October 30, red-hot Mars turns retrograde in your visionary ninth house, cautioning you to think before you speak. (Then, think again, Libra.) This backspin could eviscerate your trademark diplomacy—and when a Libra goes rogue, you can do major damage to relationships. The Mars retrograde in Gemini is a powerful time for learning to work with your anger, especially if you normally suppress it. The key lies in finding healthy, supportive outlets so you don’t snap on the ones you love. (A mattress and a baseball bat could be your therapeutic tools of choice.)


Lusty Mars turns retrograde in your erotic zone on October 30, pulling the emergency brake on anything that doesn’t hold out the promise of true intimacy. This forced slowdown in your eighth house, which lasts until January 12, brings hidden blessings.

For one thing, Scorpio, you’ll have the time your analytical sign needs to figure out if this is really the right thing for you. Plus, waiting can build up heat! Long-attached couples have the opportunity to work through triggering issues neither of you was willing to broach in the past. But during the Mars retrograde in Gemini, plan on taking cooldown breaks in between talks.


Passionate Mars turns retrograde in Gemini, your seventh house of partnerships, from October 30 to January 12. This could turn a certain partnership into a battle of wills, Sagittarius. You’ll need to stay extra vigilant in your key relationships since competition, envy and petty squabbling could bubble up out of nowhere. Don’t force consensus during the Mars retrograde in Gemini. It’s not always a good idea to compromise, especially if it means backing down on something YOU want and need. Keep an eye on new connections that take off like a rocket. Too fast a start could mean an equally quick burnout.


When manic Mars turns retrograde in Gemini and your sixth house of service from October 30 until January 12, you’ll need to prioritize like never before, Capricorn. If passion projects keep getting pushed to the back burner, bow out of disruptive “obligations” and add more white space to your calendar so you can honor the creative process. Dialing down stress is a must for your well-being during the Mars retrograde in Gemini. If your own assistants aren’t stepping up, you may have to replace them instead of offering yet another chance.


Firebrand Mars turns retrograde in your hedonistic fifth house, putting the kibosh on overindulgence between October 30 and January 12. While it may be hard to say no to that second martini or to walk by a sample sale without dropping in to “browse,” delayed gratification builds character! You don’t have to totally deprive yourself of life’s finer things during the Mars retrograde in Gemini, Aquarius, just learn how to tame the impulsive urges that crop up in the face of temptation. Apply that to your romantic life too! Good things come to those who wait.


Chaotic Mars turns retrograde in Gemini on October 30, demanding more domestic diligence until January 12. Maybe it’s time to try a meal-delivery service, Pisces. or hire professionals to give your home (and office) a deep-deep clean. Relationships with family members and roommates, particularly women, could become strained during this slowdown in your fourth house. Your home might not be the peaceful oasis you crave during the Mars retrograde in Gemini, but if you can’t do anything about the occupants, work on things you can control. Tidy up, declutter and move some furniture or artwork to create a more peaceful flow.

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The AstroTwins

Identical twin sisters Ophira and Tali Edut, known as The AstroTwins, are the founders of and the authors of multiple bestselling astrology books. Their horoscopes reach millions here and through their resident astrologer column at ELLE Magazine.