An Ode to the Fire Rooster by Astrostyle's Poet Laureate
Your 2025 Horoscope is Here

An Ode to the Fire Rooster

We are regularly delighted by one of our readers, U.K. performance poet Myke Kofi, who writes us the most stunning verses inspired by our horoscopes. Please join us in savoring this delightful piece from Astrostyle’s official poet laureate, to commemorate the Year of the Fire Rooster according to the Chinese zodiac.

Welcome home, Chinese Fire Rooster!

• For jaded Earthlings, a libidinous boost.
• Feathers the nest; ruling the [hygge/koselig]* roost.
• Louder and prouder than Leonine peacocks
• Early riser. Competes with alarm clocks.
• Unruly awakener! Heralding the dawn chorus.
• Provoking Chicagoan bulls’ horns. Awakening languid Taurus.
• Electrifies the quirky, egg-centric Aquarians
• Breathing new life into cynical humanitarians.
• ‘Cause Rooster’s worst nightmare? Hemmed in the coop!
• Categorised as Sunday roast OR soul-less chicken soup.
• Oriental protector: geek chicks; organic free-range hens.
• Fired up! Roaming Sagittarian fields every now and again.

[Breaking news…]

Gonna be a year of w.t.f. What the Dickens?
Queen Bey giving birth to lemonade twin chickens!! […Breaking new ends]

O, Chinese Fire Rooster!

• Cocksure and raucous just like the Rolling Stones
• Wants your mind-body; caramelized love bones.
• Wears pinstriped corsets, revealing hipster jeans.
• Fancies Joan Jett ‘gainst the jukebox, by any means…
• Swaggers and struts. Harlem reshuffles.
• Pecks and preens; dress-shirt ruffles.
• Walks the walk and talks the “squawk”
• Cock-a-hoop protester at the hashtag women’s march
• From downtown Sydney to upstate New York.
• Red Indian headgear amok the Aries warpath
• “Doesn’t count chickens” ‘til the aftermath
• Of Mercury, Venusian, Jupiter-Libran retrogrades
• Severely testing relationships. Neptunian escapades.
• For what strangest feet? Digging Virgoan Earth.
• “Rooster booster” marking territory; marking turf [$]
• Don’t leave Rooster headless in the heat of the night
• Flapping ruffled feathers NOT a pretty sight.
• Hands-off rustlers! Curated eggs aflame
• Or be shot-down just like Jesse James.

*[hygee/koselig] = Danish/Swedish for “coziness” as featured in the London Times. Times 2
supplement pp.2-3. Monday, November 30th, 2015.
[$] Rooster Booster was a British thoroughbred racehorse [Apr 1, 1994 – Dec 20, 2005].
(c) Myke Kofi 2017


The AstroTwins

Identical twin sisters Ophira and Tali Edut, known as The AstroTwins, are the founders of and the authors of multiple bestselling astrology books. Their horoscopes reach millions here and through their resident astrologer column at ELLE Magazine.