Saturn in Aquarius Lessons: Blasting Out of the "Social Distancing" Transit | Astrostyle
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Saturn in Aquarius Lessons: Blasting Out of the “Social Distancing” Transit

Saturn in Aquarius is another way of saying “social distancing” – the transit paralleled the global pandemic, beginning on March 21, 2020 and ending March 7, 2023. What did we learn from structured Saturn in this futuristic sign? It turns out, a lot!

Not ironically, the Saturn in Aquarius transit began on March 21, 2020, ten days after COVID was declared a pandemic and cities began locking down. “Social distancing” is the epitome of a Saturn-in-Aquarius concept. Saturn restricts whatever it touches, forcing new structures to emerge. And so it has for our societal interactions ever since.

Aquarius rules communities and scientific developments. With Saturn here, the world scrambled to set up remote offices and “Zoom schools”—all while waiting in agony for a vaccine to be approved. We watched helplessly while loved ones gasped for breath as Saturn cycled through this air sign—the result of an airborne disease spread through droplets. (Aquarius is the sign of the Water Bearer.) We’ll stop there… We know you lived through it and hopefully won’t have to relive anything like it again in your lifetime!

The silver linings in a post-pandemic world: Saturn in Aquarius lessons for the “new normal”

While it’s hard to call anything pandemic-related a silver lining, society has shifted in undeniably Aquarian directions since the transit began on March 21, 2020.

As companies shuttered their offices, many realized that remote work (or hybrid remote-office work) allowed greater efficiency and employee satisfaction. “Digital nomad” has become a new lifestyle category, turning sleepy resort towns into micro Silicon Valleys—for better and for worse. We’re all experts on Zoom, staying connected across the miles like never before.

Space travel took new leaps with Saturn in cosmonaut Aquarius. Billionaires Elon Musk, Richard Branson and Jeff Bezos all launched civilian-bound rockets into orbit; Branson and Bezos even buckled in for a ride.

But Saturn in Aquarius brought a grave misuse of science, too. We’ve watched Russia fire military rockets into Ukraine during authoritarian Saturn’s circuit of Aquarius, destroying entire cities and infrastructures of the once-thriving nation and casting a looming threat of nuclear warfare.

This situation has also shown the world that an unstoppable underdog can stand up to bully. The unfathomable courage, togetherness and stalwart “staying power” of Ukranians (young and elderly)—led by Aquarius President Zelensky—is exemplary of Saturn’s backbone combined with the unifying energy of Aquarius.

Turning inward: What are the personal Saturn in Aquarius lessons?

The post-Saturn in Aquarius world take-aways

While we curse Saturn’s butt-kicking style, it certainly shows us where we need to evolve and make system-wide changes. Kind of crazy to think how the world has changed in three years.

We can’t deny the transit taught us a lot. Here are highlights of our Saturn in Aquarius lessons:

– Through restriction, we actually learned to invite people into our lives in a new way. Case in point: We date on TikTok now! Connections are no longer geographically necessitated. And Zoom is a verb!

– Aquarius rules activism and Saturn woke us up to some obviously needed movements, such as Black Lives Matter, Stop Asian Hate, LGBTQ and women’s reproductive rights. But aside from advocacy, change has to happen on a systemic level, we learned. Let’s see what happens to further this when Pluto goes into Aquarius on March 23!

– Personal relationships got Aquarian. Polyamory, open relationships, non-binary everything–but do we even know how to be together anymore? Perhaps we’ll figure that out in Saturn’s next phase, in romantic and empathic Pisces!

Goodbye, Saturn in Aquarius!

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