The sky knows no limits when two freedom-lovering planets get in cahoots in Pisces, known as the April 12 Jupiter-Neptune Conjunction. About this once-every-13 years astrological event and what it means for your zodiac sign.
Ascension, enlightenment, inter-dimensional travel! Profound spiritual experiences skyrocket us into elevated spaces on April 12, 2022, with a Jupiter-Neptune Conjunction.
We also call April 12 “Spirit Day.” Watch an interview with Tali here about why.
What is the Jupiter-Neptune Conjunction?
On April 12, barrier-breaking Jupiter syncs up with boundless Neptune, an event that only happens every 13 years. The sky knows no limits when these two freedom-lovers get in cahoots.
And for the first time since March 17, 1856, their ecstatic dance takes place in idealistic Pisces (at 23°58’), the zodiac sign that is co-ruled by both Jupiter and Neptune!
Yes, this is a very big deal. It’s one that’s bound to shift the cultural landscape, as well as our internal terrain. As this cosmic duo goes to work on our Pisces-ruled subconscious, we can break free from self-imposed barriers.
Bye, limiting beliefs, preconceived notions and debilitating fears.
Hello, expanding compassion, near-psychic empathy and lucid dreams!
What to expect at the April 12 Jupiter-Neptune Conjunction
There couldn’t be a better moment for launching into a meditation practice, doctor-approved cleanse, hydrotherapy treatment or psychotherapy. Anything that gets you “in the flow” is (liquid) gold.
When Jupiter and Neptune last met in Pisces, the spiritualist movement was in its heyday. With Pisces ruling the afterlife and spirit realm, it’s little surprise that hosting a seance was the “meditation circle” of the times. Nowadays, we read books that were channeled by the authors. Owning at least one divination card deck is de rigueur. Will we make contact with those beings aboard the Pentagon-disclosed UFO sightings? Thin the veil between life and death realities? The April 12 Jupiter-Neptune conjunction will have us deeply pondering the journey of our souls.
But get ready for some major duality
Pisces is symbolized by two fish swimming in opposing directions, and we’ll feel that paradoxical power near April 12. Hospitals, institutions and jails (places we want to escape from) are as much under this sign’s domain as retreat centers and sound baths. The #FreeBritney movement may resonate on far-reaching levels in 2022.
The Ukraine-Russia war has revealed courageous freedom fighters who are continuing to push back against restrictive, authoritarian forces. In the days ahead, we may seek enlightened new ways to support loved ones dealing with Pisces-ruled mental health challenges. Prisoners’ rights may gain greater visibility in the media.
Tide-turning developments in the arts occur during Jupiter- Neptune transits. Pisces, which rules dance, film and music, is sure to conduct some fascinating orchestrations in 2022. The last cycle, in 1856, dovetailed with the Romantic era in classical music. Meanwhile, along the Mississippi Delta, (vastly unrecorded) blues music provided an outlet of expression for the enslaved African diaspora. The Jazz Age developed in full force in 1919-20, when Jupiter met Neptune in passionate Leo.
What we can’t see
Invisible elements have the power to move us and we’ll feel that profoundly near the April 12 Jupiter-Neptune Conjunction. Near the 1856 conjunction, germ scientist (and skilled painter!) Louis Pasteur invented the process of pasteurization which affects the treatment of the Neptune-in-Pisces-ruled liquids we drink to this day.
Boron was “discovered” in California’s Death Valley that same year. Boron is a crystal that dissolves in liquid. It’s a fundamental ingredient in everything from cleaning products to photo chemicals to pesticides. A lightweight boron steel-alloy has been used to build spaceships and diamond-tough cutting tools. Of course, many of these products are fingered as environmentally hazardous.
Will this full-circle of Jupiter-Neptune conjunctions help us undo that damage while maintaining the technical strides from which we’ve benefitted? Scientists are hard at work on carbon-capture technologies that pull the “invisible” gases from the atmosphere. The limitless power of this transit supports groundbreaking discoveries. We’ll keep our fingers crossed.
Jupiter in Pisces astrology
Expansive Jupiter makes three visits to Pisces through 2022. Read more about this transit though the zodiac sign that rules creativity, hidden information and the subconscious here.
Neptune has been in Pisces since 2011 in a transit that only occurs every 165 years or so. Read more about this banner time for art, spirituality and the emergence of secret information, here. This epic shift lasts until 2026.
What the April 12 Jupiter-Neptune Conjunction means for your zodiac sign
Give your hard-working left brain a break, Aries, and let your creative, borderline-mystical right brain have a turn at the wheel. Under today’s ultra-rare and enchanting conjunction of expansive Jupiter and intuitive Neptune in your psychic sector, you’ll be one tuned-in Ram! Your greatest wisdom and inspiration will come from some less-frequently accessed realms. As an experiment, pay attention to those random “hits” and bizarro synchronicities—and see where they lead you.
Certain people might exude a glowing radiance under today’s exuberant starmap, but watch for a frenemy in bosom buddy’s clothing. Optimistic Jupiter makes a direct hit with nebulous Neptune, which can cause you to see only good things about others and totally miss their conniving ways. If you’re just getting to know a new romantic prospect or potential business collaborator, be doubly wary. While this person could indeed have “partner potential,” today, you’ll be too starry eyed to give them a proper assessment.
Today’s rare and enchanting conjunction between visionary planets Jupiter and Neptune can spark epiphanies of the highest order. And because they’re uniting in your tenth house of career, you can bring this new awareness to an important project or get a colleague fired up about it. But first, is there any sluggish energy you need to clear away? Burn some sage, write affirmations—anything to trigger your subconscious to do things a little differently. Add inspirational touches to your workspace, like fresh flowers or a scented candle, to keep the vibes high.
Reality is overrated, Crab. At least, that might be your motto today, as idealistic Neptune greets barrier-breaking Jupiter for a once-in-a-lifetime connection in your visionary ninth house. With or without your sunglasses, you’re seeing the world through rose-colored lenses—and that’s the view you want to keep! While part of you knows that real-life relationships aren’t actually fairy tales, a teeny part of you is keeping the dream alive. Have your fun, but don’t fall for the smooth talk of a professional BS artist.
Your heart is wide open today, Leo, and you’re prepared to forgive (or at least approach) someone who crossed a line with you. Thanks to an expansive conjunction of generous Jupiter and sensitive Neptune in your emotional eighth house, you can release some anger or resentment and hash things out. But before you extend the olive branch, make really sure you’re ready to let this go. It’s a good idea to share why their actions hurt you so much, but remember that you can’t control their behavior—now or in the future.
It’s not your organizing talents but your people skills that are in their finest form today, Virgo! With empathic Neptune greeting raconteur Jupiter in your relationship zone, you’ll find exactly the right words to soothe an upset person or to pitch an irresistible offer. But use this superpower judiciously. It’ll be a little too easy to pull strings, which, while tempting, is ultimately just manipulation. While you might win in the short-term it could come around to bite you, especially if you earn a rep for not delivering on your promises.
While there’s nothing wrong with getting into healthy routines, you want to avoid falling into a rut! Today’s rare and galvanizing conjunction of mix-it-up Jupiter and creative Neptune in your work zone will sprinkle in a healthy dose of variety and spontaneity to keep things exciting. Not sure where to start? Whatever you’d normally do one way, today, do it differently! Eat unfamiliar foods, take a new route to work—or try a different mode of transportation. Maybe even write or work with your non-dominant hand to shake up your brain hemispheres.
Thanks to larger-than-life Jupiter canoodling with enchanting Neptune in your dramatic fifth house, you’re utterly magnetic! There’s no sense trying to hide or dodge the spotlight under this once-in-your-lifetime transit, so figure out what message you want to communicate and hone it. Whether you’re in a high-powered business meeting or on a dreamy date, your goal is to be memorable. And if you just keep it real—maybe dialing up the dazzle—you’ll have ’em eating out of the palm of your gorgeous little hand.
You may feel like sleeping in today, as your ruler, expansive Jupiter cuddles up to dreamweaver Neptune in your domestic quarters. But even when you finally get out of bed, it’s a perfect day for giving your imagination free rein and not worrying about following protocol or getting anyone else’s approval. This rare cosmic mashup widens your perspective and helps you see things in a truly expansive way. If you must show up at the office, use this insightful energy to transform a plateau-ing project into something truly memorable! Some Archers could settle a family feud or have a burst of inspiration for redecorating an area of your home.
As your strategic sign is well aware of, professional success doesn’t only hinge on what you do but who you know and how robust your relationships are. Today’s empowering starmap can help you strengthen a connection or two, so come out of your work-cave and let your social side shine. An expansive merger of upbeat Jupiter and compassionate Neptune gives you the patience to listen to people’s stories (again) and find the perfect retort. If this is a new association, savor the whole “getting to know you” process.
This is one of those rare days when you’re totally in the zone at work, and everything you think of or share in a group setting is blue-ribbon-worthy! You can thank your lucky stars—literally—for this cosmically blessed arrangement. Auspicious Jupiter is teamed up with high-vibe Neptune in your money sphere, giving you the Midas touch. Make the most of this by coming up with one lofty new goal, setting your GPS for prosperity, then taking a giant leap of faith.
Lead with your imagination, and let your creativity follow! You won’t be up for long, droning lectures or data-packed meetings. With your two rulers, unbridled Jupiter and visionary Neptune, joined at the hip in your sign—for the first time since 1856!—you’ll be in an uber-Piscean frame of mind! You may wind up taking work home with you this weekend, but if that’s the price of making the most of this golden day, so be it! What is your soul yearning for? More art, music, nature, some afternoon delight? Let spontaneity and soul-stirring passion be your guides.
Photo by Alice Alinari on Unsplash