7 Libra Full Moon Rituals To Attract Love And Light

Try one of our Libra full moon rituals to turn on your love light—and know just where to shine it.

The Libra full moon on March 25, 2024 (at 3 AM EDT), puts the power of partnerships and synergistic connections front-and-center.

But hang on a second…

This year’s full moon is a lunar eclipse—make that a Full Blood Worm Moon Lunar Eclipse, which means it comes with a caution flag. 

Eclipses reveal shadows, so you could make some unexpected discoveries, particularly in the realm of relationships. Maybe your feelings are moving in a new direction or something feels off with your partner and you need to address it. 

At the same time, you could also discover an unexpected attraction brewing or get a shocking profession of feelings from someone you’ve quietly been checking out.

Perhaps the only real surprise lies in allowing yourself to BE surprised. We think we know our partners but there is always more to discover. See what happens this week, if you greet your “person” with a fresh and open mind. 

Here are some ideas to help you define relationships, find balance in your life, and carve out peaceful moments of serenity.


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Libra Full Moon Rituals

1. Define your relationships

On the subject of your love life—or any sort of partnership from creative to business—here’s a question for you: Are you in or are you out? Libra marks the halfway point around the zodiac wheel, the turning point where the astrological energy shifts from “me” to “we.” Near the Libra full moon, you may feel dissatisfied by relationships that aren’t reflecting your values, whether they’re dating situations to professional collaborations.

Start hashing it out: Can you align on the things that are most important to you? Or are your outlooks just too different?

If you’re paired up on a project, what is each person’s respective role? How will you share the profits and glory? You might need to analyze and reconfigure plans after taking a full-picture inventory. Remember, splitting everything 50/50 isn’t the only recipe for playing fair. Trying to force that might be part of the breakdown. So, how can you divide up responsibilities to play to each person’s needs and strengths?

Fortunately, Libra is the zodiac’s diplomat, so this full moon lends a hand in keeping negotiations peaceful. What would the ideal win-win look like to each of you? Talk through different scenarios. Then, put it in writing!

2. Attract your opposite

Still searching for your “missing puzzle piece?” While common ground is a beautiful bonding agent, beam your searchlight a little further near the Libra full moon.

Libra, the great balancer, knows that opposites attract. Complementary skill sets can make for a total dream team, even if your head-scratching matchup makes little sense on paper. In truth, unlikely pairings can be the greatest combinations.

If you’re stuck in a rut, don’t autopilot into dialing a BFF or your “work wife” for an assist. Step outside of your comfort zone. It may be far more productive (not to mention inspiring) to reach out to someone new—especially if they’ve conquered the very dragon you’re trying to slay. Artistes, team up with the engineers; mathematicians, seek someone who understands the metaphysical realm. Your powerful pairing could deliver the best of both worlds!

3. Wear your heart—and your art—on your sleeve

Luxe-loving Libra is ruled by Venus, planet of beauty, fashion and the arts. Image may not be everything, but Libra knows the powerful impact great style can have. Let the Libra full moon teach you how to speak a strong visual language.

Have you always wanted to dye your hair a fun color, try extensions or a pixie-bob? Or maybe get a tiny tattoo on your ankle (or a full-on sleeve of your favorite tarot card on your forearm). Play with apps that let you virtually make over your hairstyle. Start following tattoo and makeup artists on Instagram for inspiration and make an appointment when you feel that intuitive click.

Feeling totally lost in the face of fashion’s kaleidoscopic options? Or maybe you’re constantly riding the roller coaster of trends—or avoiding them and sticking to boring basics. It might be worth it to consult a professional stylist who can help you identify a signature look. Most sessions start with shopping in your own closet. You can find what foundational pieces you already have, and which might be missing, like a great denim jacket, or knowing what style of denim flatters your body type. The consultation fee could pay for itself after you determine what works for you and how to mix and match staples with statement pieces.

Eclipse caveat: This full moon is better used for gathering inspiration than making any beauty modifications. We recommend waiting until May for implementation of changes.

Check out our Style horoscopes for your zodiac sign for some inspo, too!

4. Practice peaceful communication

What’s the difference between hotheaded screaming and productive conflict resolution? We believe it’s the intention behind your “fight.”

If both parties, in their hearts, truly want to reach a solution, then all the intense words will come out in the wash. But if you’re digging in your heels just to win a power struggle, there will be no peace. As Libra Gandhi said, “Honest disagreement is often a good sign of progress.” You can still respect the other person’s right to their principles, even if you disagree with them.

If you find yourself locking horns with loved ones regularly, the Libra full moon is the time to learn the fine art of anger management. Learning to disagree without disrespecting the other party is a lost art form. But sometimes, even the most diplomatic, and well-crafted reaction only opens Pandora’s box and further inflames the conflict. Rise above a power struggle and search for common ground. That may be the path to peace during this full moon.

Take a cue from late Libra Marshall Rosenberg, who left behind a legacy of conflict-resolution called Non-Violent Communication. Rather than react to a so-called enemy’s angry words, NVC teaches how to listen with empathy and seek to understand emotion behind the rant. By approaching heated conversations with curiosity and compassion, bridges can be built (instead of burned).

We also like “curiosity expert” Scott Shigeoka’s Seek: How Curiosity Can Transform Your Life and Change the World. The book has practical real-world strategies and ideas to bridge the gap between you and those you disagree with, in order to move forward.

5. Join a Justice League

The scales of justice are the Libra motif. The Libra full moon shines a bright beam on bias, discrimination, or anything that’s just plain unfair.

Speak out and contribute to a social cause. Would you like to see your work culture be more inclusive? Are animals being mistreated in your area? Channel the Libra energy of the “peaceful warrior” and do something to help right the wrong.

Whether you’re donating time or money doesn’t matter. A social media campaign can raise awareness and inspire others who do have means to put some funds behind an important initiative.

Is someone being overlooked in your neighborhood, school, or within your family? How can you support people who don’t have access to certain resources or privileges? With equity-based Libra energy in the air, you could be inspired to find ways to build equity in your community.

6. Bring balance back to your life

Libra is represented by the symbol of the Scales, and during this full moon, we’ll have a lot to weigh. The overriding theme of this inquiry may circulate around a question of “Is it serving my highest good?” At the Libra full moon, check your habits, your home, your diet. Where has balance gone awry?

Clean up your diet

Have you been going too heavy on stimulants like caffeine or burning it up with spicy foods? Learn about the pH scale of acid versus alkaline foods. Try to add a few more alkalizing options listed on this acid-alkaline food chart. You don’t have to go to extremes, like Libra Gwyneth Paltrow, who was once dubbed an “almond mom” for her restrictive diet. Simply making your mantra, “all things in moderation” can bring a seismic shift.

Support your body at work

Many of us function on stress and adrenaline at our jobs. Where can you be more awake, conscious and calm around your work and finances?

Libra also rules the lower back. If you need more spinal support (and many of us do), look into standing desk options, or just make your own.

Balance at home

Has your once-calm oasis turned into a noisy, cluttered hub? Tear a page from organizational savant (and surprise, surprise, Libra) Marie Kondo’s tidying tips and bring some serenity back to your sanctuary. By now, it’s a ubiquitous notion to release things that no longer “spark joy.” Whether you want to do a full-on minimalist purge or just tackle one communal area, let the Libra full moon get your clean-up mission in motion.

And a reminder to be gentle with yourself in the process; even Kondo has admitted her home is less organized than she has been known to preach since becoming a parent!

Oh, and don’t forget the aesthetic element! Yes, even when it comes to organizing closets and drawers. 

7. Make an Aphrodite Altar (step-by-step instructions!)

Energy flows where your attention goes, which is why visual reminders are always such an important cue in the manifestation game. With lovestruck Libra (an air sign), as the pilot light of this lunation, why not make an Altar to Aphrodite, the goddess of amour?

To create your altar, start with a base. You can use a beautiful cloth or scarf. We recommend a tray so you can move it to different areas of your home.

Gather objects that are symbolic of love and romance: candles, angel cards, crystals, jewelry and trinkets that stir the heart. Print artwork of Aphrodite or what inspires you; you can also place snapshots of you and your beloved on the altar. If you’re single, choose anything that evokes the feeling you hope to have when you’re in love.

Objects from nature like leaves, pine cones or fruit can also be symbolic of bringing vitality to this area of your life.

During the Libra full moon, we love to burn candles on the altar. If you are releasing any pain from a breakup or a recent lover’s spat, use a black candle which will absorb that energy and transmute it. Then, after the black candle has melted down, burn a white one to invite new energy.

It can be helpful to write down on paper anything that you’re releasing and place it under the black candle—or even (carefully!) burn the list with the black candle’s flame. Simultaneously, write a wish list for your love life and place it under the white candle while it’s burning, then slip it under a crystal or another symbolic object on the altar.

Meditate daily at your altar. Even a minute sitting with your sacred objects can do wonders to help you manifest your quixotic dreams!

Other Libra Full Moon Ritual Ideas To Try

Here are some other Libra full moon ritual ideas. Feel free to come up with your own, as well, in the spirit of this full moon’s energy.

  • Write two love letters: One to yourself and one to the object of your affections. If you’re single, write this note to your future soulmate. This can be a powerful way to attract the love of your life.
  • Have a candlelight dinner with your amour.
  • Treat yourself to a signature piece of jewelry that you can wear every day, like a charm necklace with a meaningful symbol, or a pair of classic stud earrings.
  • Put “pairs” of objects in your home to invite the energy of two for your own spin on a Libra full moon ritual.

Photo by Alina Vilchenko via Stocksy


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The AstroTwins

Identical twin sisters Ophira and Tali Edut, known as The AstroTwins, are the founders of Astrostyle.com and the authors of multiple bestselling astrology books. Their horoscopes reach millions here and through their resident astrologer column at ELLE Magazine.