Theresa Vongkhamchanh

Scorpio Single
Season 1

theresa vongkhamchanh cosmic love season 1 amazon prime video


Theresa Vongkhamchanh

Theresa is 30 years old and currently resides in her hometown of Nashville, Tennessee. She is a Scorpio who loves pop culture, personal development and all things astrology. Theresa is a social media manager for locally-based beauty and wellness brands. When she isn’t creating content for her clients, she loves travel, Pilates and spending time with her family. Meet more Cosmic Love cast members ยป
theresa cosmic love astrology chart

Theresa’s Astrology


Zodiac Sign: Scorpio (Water)
Moon Sign: Sagittarius
Rising Sign: Sagittarius
Venus Sign: Libra
Mars Sign: Scorpio
North Node: Capricorn
Chinese/Lunar Year Sign: Metal Sheep
Numerology: Life Path 22/4

What zodiac sign is your relationship?

Supercouple Book by the astrotwins astrology composite charts
Learn the secrets of the composite (blended) chart in SuperCouple,  a cosmic care and feeding manual for any relationship. Written by The AstroTwins, astrologers and matchmakers for Amazon Prime Video’s Cosmic Love.