Gemini Monthly Horoscope: February 2025 Career, Love... by The AstroTwins | Astrostyle
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Gemini Monthly Horoscope: February 2025 Career, Love... by The AstroTwins | Astrostyle

Gemini Monthly Horoscope

Gemini Monthly Horoscope: February 2025 Career, Love... by The AstroTwins | Astrostyle

Gemini Monthly Horoscope February 2025

You’re off to the races this February, Gemini! The Aquarius Sun illuminates your ninth house of adventure and higher learning until the 18th, making the world feel like your oyster. But that’s not all! On February 4, globetrotting Jupiter wakes up from a four-month retrograde and powers forward in your sign. 
You have abundant Jupiter in your corner until June 9, so make the most of the days until then by broadening your horizons, exploring new terrain and jumping into every growth opportunity that you can. You’ll feel a strong pull to connect with like-minded people, as Venus begins its long tour through Aries and your eleventh house of friendships and networking on February 4, right in sync with Jupiter direct. Slide into those DMs and let your friends play matchmaker for you. 
After February 18, when the Sun moves into Pisces and your tenth house of career, your focus shifts to your professional ambitions. Things pick up even more on February 23, when ambitious Mars turns direct in Cancer, pouring rocket fuel into your second house of money and security. If your finances have been in limbo, this shift helps you make smart moves to strengthen your foundation. 
When the February 27 Pisces full moon catalyzes your career sector, bolstered by five other cosmic placements in this sign, you’re the galactic golden child.
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