Gemini Monthly Horoscope: September 2024 Career, Love... by The AstroTwins | Astrostyle

Gemini Monthly Horoscope

Gemini Monthly Horoscope: September 2024 Career, Love... by The AstroTwins | Astrostyle

Gemini Monthly Horoscope September 2024

The tide is coming in! September brings a wave of change and some big feelings to go along with it. Your ruler, Mercury, is fresh out of retrograde, after a backspin that lasted most of August. But TBH, Gemini, you were probably ready for a little break. With expansive Jupiter in your sign since May 25 and action planet Mars also in Gemini from July 22 to September 4, summer has moved at warp speed. Even Mercury retrograde was barely able to throttle the action!
The intensity amplifies on September 1, when changemaker Uranus turns retrograde in Taurus, pivoting backward in your twelfth house of rest, closure and recovery. Thought you could sweep those emotions under the carpet? Guess again. As the saying goes, you have to deal in order to heal—and between now and January 30, you’ll do best when you attend to your feelings instead of ignoring them.
That same day, intense Pluto, which has been retrograde in Aquarius since May 2, dips back into Capricorn until November 19, visiting this sign for the last time in our lives. For you, Pluto will shift its focus from your visionary ninth house to your eighth house of intimacy and investments. Pay special attention to your long-term financial goals and closest relationships, which may need a round of repair work or rejuvenation.
The September 2 Virgo new moon energizes your domestic sector while activator Mars heads into Cancer and your money zone from September 4 to November 3. From there, things (mostly) simmer down until September 17, when the Pisces full supermoon kicks off fall eclipse season. 
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