Gemini Monthly Horoscope

Gemini Monthly Horoscope April 2024 - Page 3

As much as we want to tell you to unleash your no-filters Gemini self and let ‘er rip, you’ll still want to take Mercury retrograde precautions this month. That includes being discerning about which invitations you actually RSVP “yes” to now. It would be easy to get overloaded trying to be here, there and everywhere—whether that’s attending a can’t-miss social event or filling in for a wayward team member who’s struggling or MIA.
By the third week of the month, you could be ready for a major timeout. Go easy on yourself starting April 19, when the Sun begins its monthlong plunge through Taurus and your healing, restful twelfth house. You might need to cancel a few of the social obligations or postpone them a month. 
Over the next four weeks, tie up loose ends in preparation for your birthday and Gemini season, which begins on May 20. Until then, take it slow and respect your feelings. Don't force yourself to take on more than you can humanly handle—this is your time to rest and reset! Leave some white space on your calendar and lean on your team.
That said, none of the zodiac signs can slip off the grid immediately. On April 20, there’s a momentous meetup (conjunction) of expansive Jupiter and disruptor Uranus, a phenomenon that happens once every 14 years and frees us from both internal and external constraints. Where have you been holding yourself back or driving under the speed limit? Get ready for a major mental and spiritual makeover, Gemini.
The last Jupiter-Uranus conjunction was in Pisces in 2010. This one is in Taurus, their first connection here since May 1941. It will be an interesting cocktail as these two ultra-authentic forces descend on your clandestine and mystical twelfth house. Hidden information could come to the surface quickly, almost like a second eclipse! 
Your dreams could be rich with prophetic messages today, both about yourself and the future of the world. You could be inspired to dive deeper into a practice like meditation or breathwork, or to travel somewhere that elevates your consciousness. Is it time to sign up for a transformational retreat? Explore plant medicine’s power? Develop your abilities as an artist? 
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