Gemini Monthly Love Horoscope

Gemini Love Horoscope April 2024

Mars and Venus tandem travel through the zodiac for the first five days of April, so make the most of it while it lasts! Until the 5th, they’re synced up in Pisces, helping you clarify your big-picture relationship goals. Not just that, Gemini, but you’re also evaluating the “work-love balance.” How can you support each other’s outside objectives—career, family duties, bucket-list dreams—while also making sure you fill your relationship’s tanks? 
Single Twins may have an epiphany about the standard you’ve set: Perhaps you need to elevate the bar or lower it just enough to allow a mere mortal to slide through. When the heavenly lovebirds part ways on April 5, Venus heads into Aries until the 29th, charging up your experimental, unloving eleventh house. 
Rejoice! Levity returns, along with a bevy of interested parties. Unattached Twins could have the best time texting three (or more) potentials. Attached? Get out and mingle more as a pair. Venus moves on to Taurus and your soulful twelfth house on the 29th, but Mars heads into Aries on the 30th, keeping this laid-back and unconventional energy flowing into May.
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