Taurus Monthly Horoscope

Taurus Monthly Horoscope April 2024 - Page 4

Relationships take the spotlight at the April 23 Scorpio full moon, which falls in your seventh house of committed partnerships. You might decide to move forward with a romantic or business alliance, or perhaps you'll take a whole new direction. 
This is a perfect checkpoint for all your closest ties: Is there a balanced give-and-take? Does everyone feel heard and happy? Under the illuminating full moon, you can make the necessary adjustments and get back in sync. If all is well between you, take this day to express appreciation and spend quality time together.
By the time Mercury turns direct (forward) on April 25, it could feel like you’ve been through a year’s worth of changes and growth in a single month. But you’ll certainly emerge wiser for it, so embrace the adventure as much as you can. You made it through the intensity, and now what’s left to do? Enjoy the rest of Taurus—and birthday—season. It’s time to celebrate.
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