Cancer Weekly Horoscope From September 9 To September 15
Been toiling too hard on your own, Cancer? Collaborative energy sweeps in and invites you to embrace the power of partnership. On Monday, September 9, convivial Mercury returns to Virgo for a second visit of the season and powers up your cooperative center until September 26. This can get those mirror neurons firing and inspire you to get a budding alliance off the ground. You’re an industrious worker bee, Crab, but you can only get so far hustling on your own. Buddying up with complementary forces will boost your productivity AND, if you choose wisely, increase the pleasure of working with someone who shares your vision. Stop shouldering the whole load and join forces FTW. Since the third house also rules your neighborhood and the folks in your community, you could stumble on some unfamiliar (to you) treasures within walking or cycling distance. Local businesses may be open to creative ideas for supporting mutual goals, especially if you can bring greater attention to their products and offerings.
On Thursday, hit pause on all those synergy meetings and grab some quality time for yourself. Amplifying Jupiter is on tour in your introspective twelfth house, and today, it forms one of its two annual squares to the ego-driven Sun. The message: Take care of Numero Uno! Set aside the obligatory "shoulds" (temporarily!) and allow yourself a kind of mini personal retreat where you reflect on what you’d really like to do with your discretionary time. What are the desires YOU want to pursue—not because you have to? How about a lazy, leisurely morning spent reading, chatting on the phone or catching up on reading those articles you’ve saved up? If you’d like company, be highly selective, only connecting with nonjudgmental people you can wax philosophical with. Are there local venues you’ve been trying to get to, like the indie bookstore, new tea shop or maybe an art cinema? This is a perfect day for that, especially if you’re not angsting over a looming deadline.
On Sunday, expansive Jupiter in your dialed-down twelfth house gets into a very different formation, aligning in a harmonious 120-degree trine with Venus in your domestic quarters (the “Cancer” house). This can make you equal parts candid (Jupiter) and diplomatic (Venus). Your sensitive sign tries never to offend people with your honesty, but this biennial transit can give you the confidence to express your truth without tamping it down. Even when it comes to romance you may be surprisingly forthright. Think of this sincerity as offering an access code to your heart—to the right person! As long as you don’t veer into mindless TMI terrain, you might find it refreshingly liberating to NOT worry how your “audience” will receive your words. If nothing else, it should make for a stimulating conversation.
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