Scorpio Weekly Horoscope From February 10 To February 16
How sweet is “home,” feeling Scorpio? There’s a lot of activity buzzing around your domestic quarters, but are you happy with it all? With the Sun in the final week of its tour of Chez Scorpio and Mercury getting ready to pull up stakes, you may feel a sense of urgency around certain plans. And on Tuesday, February 11, when el Sol lands in a tense square with unpredictable Uranus in your relationship zone, the spotlight may turn to one specific person. How balanced is the power dynamic between you, and can you trust them implicitly? You may need to have a conversation about emotional safety if they’ve been harsh with their (unsolicited) advice or disrespectful of your quiet hours or privacy around the house. Outside your four walls, the issue of how much personal intel to reveal to someone—and WHEN—could come up. If this is someone you’ve been with for a long time, whether a romantic or business partner or a very close friend, talk to them about your reservations, with the intention of taking a vulnerable leap of faith. Anything less than that deserves the full Scorpionic selectivity treatment.
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