Venus Retrograde Ends in Leo! Here's How To Make Up For Lost Time | The AstroTwins
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Venus Retrograde Ends in Leo! Here’s How To Make Up For Lost Time

Passion or high drama? It’s been hard to tell since Venus turned retrograde in Leo on July 22. But on September 3, Venus retrograde ends. The planet of love and harmony resumes forward motion, lifting the curtain on a new scene. Where will the next act take you?

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The Summer of Love resumes in 3, 2, 1… Yes, we realize it’s a little late in the season for this, but hey—we all need to make up for lost time!

Venus, the planet of love, beauty and valuables has been retrograde since July 22. This backspin, which comes around every 18 months, is never easy on the heart. So when Venus ends its retrograde in Leo on September 3, you could feel a sudden resurgence of loving feelings. Turns out they didn’t disappear after all.

Venus first entered Leo on June 5, which was definitely a good time! For many of us, this was the first summer of letting our manes down with celebrations, parties and concerts since the pandemic. Then, screeeeech! The retrograde’s arrival from July 22 to September 3 was not the interruption anyone was looking for.

Venus retrograde is a cycle of pros and cons. A Venus retrograde can exhume ghosts of relationships past, or provoke sudden ghostings just when connections are heating up. Long-lost lovers may reunite but struggle to find their footing when it’s time to produce an actual sequel.

Here’s some good news: With Venus back on track in Leo from September 3 to October 8, those short-circuited relationships could get a second wind. Never say never!

What to look forward to when Venus retrograde ends

If your love life went dry or awry

If your love life went through a recent dry patch, the forecast calls for a deluge! Venus moving forward in Leo gives you the tools for a bonafide charm offensive: A little seduction will go a long way. But don’t try to squish a square peg into a round hole. It’s better to cut bait than waste any more precious time on the wrong fit. Both people have to be willing to put in an effort if you want to make a relationship work.

If your money got funny

Venus rules our valuables—the things we treasure enough to spend money on. It also has an influence over business negotiations, keeping them harmonious and diplomatic. During the retrograde, people tend to cling tighter to their cash, fearful of making a wrong move. Clients may have ghosted while important meetings got delayed by people’s vacations and PTO. When he Venus retrograde ends, get back into outreach mode, after September 3. A cold lead could heat up again fast, especially if you clearly demonstrate the value you have to offer.

If you want a new look for fall…

Any changes to your look that are hard to undo are pretty much off-limits during Venus retrograde (or should be!) When beauty planet Venus corrects course, there is no need to rush into anything! That includes a haircut, tattoo or any other body treatment you’ve had on hold since late July. Maybe give it a week, then decide.

If you got married during the retrograde…

It’s not astrologically ideal to get married during Venus retrograde, but let’s get real! Life doesn’t always happen according to the stars. If your wedding date was during the retrograde, you could plan to renew your vows on your first wedding anniversary. Since Venus only spins retrograde every 18 months, it’s certain you’ll be in the clear a year from your wedding date that fell in retrograde this year.

What zodiac sign is your relationship?


What zodiac sign is your relationship?

Learn the secrets of the composite (blended) chart in SuperCouple, a cosmic care and feeding manual for any relationship. Written by The AstroTwins, astrologers and matchmakers for Amazon Prime Video's Cosmic Love.

Your horoscope for when Venus retrograde ends, and Venus moves direct in Leo until October 8

Here is your horoscope for when the Venus retrograde ends in Leo on September 3, and moves direct in this sign until October 8! You can read for your Sun sign or your rising sign (ascendant). Visit our Cosmic Calculator section if you want to calculate your Rising sign or discover more about your personal astrology. You can also compare your Venus direct horoscope to your Venus retrograde horoscope here.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

Cupid’s got some explaining to do! For the past six weeks, amorous Venus was retrograde in Leo, muddling matters in your fifth house of love. Even in the tightest relationships, a touch of “it’s complicated” could have set in. Perhaps you had second thoughts about an attraction, or maybe the retrograde heralded the surprising return of an ex. On September 3, Venus retrograde ends, lifting the fog around your love life. You can trust your gut to steer you in the right direction with Venus direct in Leo. Creatively and stylistically, your instincts sharpen. Start implementing some of the ideas that have been hanging out on your Pinterest boards.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Harmony: Incoming! Peacekeeper Venus (your cosmic custodian) ends a six-week retrograde on September 3, which stirred discord with your relatives or inner circle friends since July 22. Petty arguments and misunderstandings flared up a little too easily, and your moods were all over the map. This low-power mode may have caused family bickering or just a lack of coziness at your abode.

When Venus retrograde ends, you can sweep away those bad vibes and extend an olive branch to your clan. If you’ve been considering a home makeover, it’s safe to try a new paint color or summon your inner decorator. With Venus direct, you can be assured that you won’t coat the walls in a hideous hue or end up with buyer’s remorse over that new (non-returnable) leather sectional.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Good news is coming for your personal interactions! If you’ve been struggling to articulate your feelings without starting a battle, we wouldn’t be surprised. Since July 22, harmonizer Venus was retrograde in Leo, wreaking havoc in your third house of communication. Since then, your relationship with a friend, roommate, sibling or close collaborator could have gotten bumpy (and that might be putting in mildly).

But take heart, Gemini! On September 3, the Venus retrograde ends. As Venus resumes direct (forward) motion, creative compromises will emerge that please everyone involved. Some sharp edges smooth out too, making it easier to say what you mean…lovingly.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Reassess your values on September 3. What (and who!) you treasured six weeks ago might be very different than what you’re prioritizing. The reason why? On July 22, luxurious, seductive Venus was retrograde in Leo and your second house.

In this financial and work-driven zone of your chart, you may have been out of sync with your colleagues. Perhaps a financial crunch or a demanding project cut into your time for self-care. When Venus retrograde ends, you can start attracting money and opportunity once again. Now that’s welcome news!

Leo (July 23-August 22)

Major revelations about what—and possibly WHO—you need in love could start to get clarified on September 3 when the Venus retrograde ends. The planet of beauty, harmony and amour has been retrograde since July 22, backing up through YOUR sign. This may have caused setbacks in your love life or perhaps the return of an ex. Some Leos just didn’t feel like their personal best while radiant Venus was in reverse, and you may have become excessively self-critical.

Good news: Venus turns direct (forward), giving you extra dazzle and allure that stretches all the way until October 8. It’s a perfect time for a style revamp or a fresh start in romance. Pro tip: This round, you may need to compromise LESS.

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

Turbulent emotions settle down on September 3 when the Venus retrograde ends in Leo, and what a relief it will be! You’re not really the melodramatic type, but the past few weeks could have made a soap opera star out of anyone. On July 22, harmonizer Venus turned retrograde in your house of hidden agendas and rest. This cycle might have revealed an untrustworthy person or given you a serious case of burnout.

Shake off those blues and blahs when Venus powers into direct (forward) motion. While you still need to take things slow and steady for another month, at least your efforts to heal or confront a difficult situation won’t be in vain.

Libra (September 23-October 22)

Collaborations get a helpful cosmic boost on September 3, as your harmonizing ruler Venus wraps up a six-week retrograde through Leo and your eleventh house of teamwork. Since July 22, it’s been hard to know who’s on your side. Close confidantes might have morphed into frenemies, and getting consensus on anything may have been a total uphill battle. (Does the term “herding cats” mean anything to you?)

When the Venus retrograde ends, smoothing out group dynamics and reviving cooperative spirits. Your love life also picks up steam, setting the stage for a long-overdue romantic rendezvous in the days ahead.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

The fog that’s been blanketing your Big Goals begins to lift on September 3 when the Venus retrograde ends in Leo. TBH, creating a clear future has been difficult for the last six weeks, with Venus retrograde in your aspirational tenth house.

As the beatific planet resumes forward motion, you’ll find it easier to discern the forest from the trees. Couples can get back on the same page as their mates, and single Scorpios may clarify what they want for the long haul. If there’s been tension with a coworker or delays with a creative project, those should clear up as well. A helpful ally may open the doors to opportunity. Ping the powerful people in your life and see if they’re working on any projects that could use support from someone like you.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)

Seeing the big picture becomes easier on September 3, Sag! Since July 22, Venus, the planet of beauty and love has been retrograde in your ninth house of expansion and big-picture visions (AKA “the Sagittarius house.“). While it hasn’t entirely derailed you, one of your lofty goals may have experienced a few setbacks.

Fortunately, the Venus retrograde ends and the planet resumes direct motion, giving your startup ventures a surge of positive energy. Even if you had the best intentions, some of your online commentary may have rubbed people the wrong way. Now Venus returns to her social graces, gilding your more outspoken words with the right dose of diplomacy. Effective activism: restored!

Capricorn (December 22-January 19)

You’ll hit your limit with people’s ridiculous power plays when the Venus retrograde ends on September 3. Since July 22, the amorous planet was retrograde in Leo and your controlling, manipulative eighth house.

This caustic U-turn might even have brought out a domineering or jealous streak in some Sea Goats, along with a possible “sex with an ex” reunion between the sheets. You may have run your relationships with an iron fist, keeping a watchful eye on your mate or a close person in your life. If old trust issues surfaced, hopefully you used the planetary backspin to work those through. Now that Venus resumes direct (forward) motion, you can repair any rifts in your bonds or move forward with more reliable candidates.

Aquarius (January 20-February 18)

Love planet Venus ends a challenging six-week retrograde on September 3, which sent ripples through your partnership zone beginning July 22. Seeing eye-to-eye with a love interest has been dicey while Venus was in her reverse commute. Perhaps you bickered more or just didn’t feel a strong attraction—or realized you were ready for something totally different. An ex may have resurfaced, further confusing matters.

Don’t worry, Water Bearer: You haven’t lost that lovin’ feeling entirely. When the Venus retrograde ends, you should find it easier to connect and get back on the same page, especially while Venus lingers in this sign until October 8.

Pisces (February 19-March 20)

Reserve September 3 for an inside-out cleanup mission when the Venus retrograde ends in Leo. Since July 22, Venus was backing through your sixth house of health and organization and creating chaos in your space. Perhaps it’s work clutter or just a bit of worldly fatigue, but you may have been too emotional to keep up with your more meticulous routines.

As Venus powers forward into direct motion, the cycle ends. Go ahead and invest in a new shelving unit or hire a company to do a deep clean. Clear out your kitchen cabinets and fill them with fresh, healthy fare. If you endured a rocky relationship patch, your closest connections can get back on track.

Where is Venus next?

Venus lends its decadent energy to every zodiac sign for three to five weeks each year.

When Venus exits Leo on October 8, it enters
• Virgo until November 8
• Libra until December 4
• Scorpio until December 29

You can read about 2023’s other Venus transits here, starting with most recent:
Venus in Cancer: Unleash the Emojis! Spring Flings Get Sweeter
Venus in Gemini: Talk Is Cheap, and It’s Sexy, Too!
Venus in Taurus: Eye Candy and Soul Food
Venus in Aries: The Opposite of Cuffing Season
Venus in Pisces: Cringe Alert! And Being Suckers for Love
Venus in Aquarius: Are You Sapiosexual? Tap into Heady Magic
Venus in Capricorn: Are You Setting the Right Love Goals?
Venus in Sagittarius: Optimistic about Love Again

Want even more Venus?

Do you have Venus in your chart? Use the calculator below to find out then read what your Venus sign means here.


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The AstroTwins

Identical twin sisters Ophira and Tali Edut, known as The AstroTwins, are the founders of and the authors of multiple bestselling astrology books. Their horoscopes reach millions here and through their resident astrologer column at ELLE Magazine.