Fantasy or reality? Sexy or cringe? Eh, who cares. Dive into the depths of your romantic imagination during the Venus in Pisces transit from January 2 to February 4, 2025.
How perfectly poetic! On the second day of 2025, ardent Venus glides into romantic Pisces, bringing artists and romantics a cure for the impending winter blahs.
Pisces is the love planet’s favorite (exalted) position in the zodiac, which is sure to turn anything mundane into pure magic during its tour of Venus, from January 2 and February 4.
Rethink any punishing or hardcore resolutions you were about to adopt. Instead, how about transforming them into pleasure-enhancing rituals that feed your mind, body and spirit? Rather than autopiloting from coffeepot to computer, begin your mornings with journaling, meditation and other soul-expanding activities. Turn your living room into a club for cardio dance routines. Trade massages with your partner and set up a smoothie bar in your kitchen.
While this boundary-blurring transit works well for cuddling by the fireplace (cozy!), it can make business dealings dodgy. Don’t drop your guard completely with people you’ve just met. Before you sign a contract or send out your top-secret pitch deck, run the background checks to make sure they’re “as advertised.” That said, this is an excellent cycle for doing any sort of creative work.
Venus, the planet of love, beauty and luxury, last lended its decadent energy to intimate Pisces from March 11 to April 5, 2024. Page back to that time to see if you can remember what worked (and what didn’t work). During a Venus in Pisces transit, you can set new emotional depth records. Enjoy (or brace for!) some swept-away moments. Just remember that all-important b-word—boundaries—so you don’t get sucked into someone else’s dramatic undertow!
The downside of a Venus in Pisces transit is that it can drive up gullibility, especially in love and friendships. The reason you may struggle to keep one foot planted in reality is because Venus is “exalted” here—its alluring powers are extra potent during this four-week phase. Try to keep one pinky toe planted in the reality zone!
2025 Horoscope
2025 Horoscope
Venus in Pisces delivers triumphs (and triggers!) in love
Pisces rules the deep subconscious. Don’t be surprised if some old triggers and ancestral patterns activate while Venus flows through Pisces. If that happens, don’t freak out; in fact, it might be an important litmus test for your relationship’s longevity.
Sooner or later, a romantic partner is going to discover your wounds and scars. And when that happens, you want someone who won’t run away because (gasp!) you’re human. During this compassionate cycle, “trauma-informed dating” can deepen understanding. Remember the boundaries we talked about? Because they can blur during this hazy Venus cycle, watch out for trauma-bonding—a toxic cycle of connecting through abusive behavior such as love-bombing and gaslighting.
Single? Run the background searches (and take your time!) to avoid falling head over red soles for someone who isn’t 100 percent available or reliable.
Coupled? You may need to do some forgiveness work or process old pain that’s blocking intimacy with your partner. The good news is, during a Venus in Pisces transit, you can really go deep. Therapy—couples’ or individual—can be especially effective since everyone’s emotional armor tends to be softer while Venus is in this sensitive water sign.
A romantic renaissance is more than possible now
If you reduce your speed, this enchanting cycle can spur a romantic renaissance. Relaxing can put you in a receptive state, ideal for creating magic and enjoying heart-opening moments.
Love is everyone’s d’etre, and while in Pisces, Venus serves it with all the trappings: fresh-cut flowers, love sonnets, candlelight dining and moonlit walks. You could spark a connection over a shared interest in a particular genre of art and music. (“Oh, you’re a vaporwave fan, too?”)
Similar spiritual pursuits can also be the glue for couples while the love planet is in Pisces. We’re not telling you to go cruising at that meditation circle, but we aren’t telling you not to either. (Tastefully, respectfully, of course.) Should that soulmate vibe spark up, “namastay” a little longer to chat and strategically socialize.
Since Pisces skews passive, don’t go for the full-court press during this cycle. Instead, artfully weave your gifts of empathy with an intuitive understanding of what turns people on. One soulfully sexy gaze from you might be all it takes to set off the fireworks.
Venus in Pisces horoscopes for every zodiac sign
Below are horoscopes for every zodiac sign for the Venus in Pisces transit from January 2 to February 4, 2025. You can read for your Sun sign or your rising sign (ascendant). Visit our Cosmic Calculators if you want to calculate your Rising sign or discover more about your personal astrology.
Aries (March 19-April 19)
Don’t believe in fairy tales? You might just open your mind starting January 2 as Venus floats into Pisces and your dreamy twelfth house until February 4. Fill your winter calendar with creative and spiritual pursuits. A soulmate connection could spark while you’re watching one of your favorite (and still–undiscovered) bands play live or at a weekend meditation retreat. Already attached? You might have some resentment to clear up or some apologies to make. If an old fight resurfaces now, address any unresolved issues so you can finally move on. In four weeks, when Venus glides into Aries and gives you the romantic It factor, you’ll be glad you buried the hatchet!
Aries horoscopes, read more!
Taurus (April 19-May 20)
Is it casual now, Taurus? You might prefer to keep things somewhat loose or undefined over the coming four weeks of the Venus in Pisces transit. While that’s not your sign’s usual M.O., your romantic ruler, Venus, paddles into Pisces on January 2, activating your eleventh house friendship zone until February 4. Take the pressure off every coffee date or intriguing conversation to produce an actual relationship. Getting to know people slowly and authentically will either reveal solid chemistry or show you where you mistakenly thought red flags were green. Coupled Bulls should team up and host some hygge season fun for your mutual friends. From game nights to group vacations, the more is the merrier.
Taurus horoscopes, read more!
Gemini (May 20-June 20)
Even if you don’t believe in setting romantic resolutions, your love goals start coming into sharper focus on January 2 as Venus slides into Pisces and your tenth house of long-term planning until February 4. Start visualizing your dream scenarios. It’s a Gemini’s prerogative to change your mind, so you need someone flexible who can roll with your variety show. Already found your person? Instead of making unilateral decisions, invite them to dream up ways you can co-create in 2025. Work functions could serve some scintillating prospects over the next four weeks of the Venus in Pisces transit. Keep it profesh, but if you’re clear to explore outside the office, initiate a coffee date and see what emerges.
Gemini horoscopes, read more!
Cancer (June 20-July 22)
A change of scenery can do wonders to refresh your romantic POV over the coming four weeks as passionate Venus zips into Pisces and your globetrotting ninth house. Coupled Crabs, can you fit in a baecation between January 2 and February 4? Close to home, add more variety to your date planning. You’ll strengthen your bond by experiencing adventures together for the first time. Single and looking? Since the ninth house rules personal development and higher ed, your person might be hanging out at a seminar or weekend workshop this January. And of course, don’t rule out a winter vacation romance!
Cancer horoscopes, read more!
Leo (July 22-August 22)
Lion on the prowl! Passionate Venus slips under the radar on January 2, slinking into Pisces and your eighth house of supercharged attractions. Between now and February 4, your seductive powers are in rare form and can overtake common sense if you aren’t mindful. Try to pace yourself so you don’t get swept into a frustrating obsession. If your libido is low, get your body moving. Start with gentle yoga or a few slow and sensual hip circles to get that kundalini rising. Coupled Leos should take advantage of this Venus in Pisces transit and maximize your boudoir time. That might mean trimming a few extracurriculars from your schedule so you can relax and get into the right mood.
Leo horoscopes, read more!
Virgo (August 22-September 22)
Ring, ring! That’s the sound of bae’s spare key jingling on your chain or maybe a call to start checking out princess-cut diamonds—or getting yourself back out there after a hiatus. Whatever the case, love is very much on your mind starting January 2 as Venus heads into Pisces and your seventh house of commitment until February 4.
If you’ve grown jaded by the apps, go mingle at live events. For coupled Virgos, the planet of passion could rekindle some serious sizzle. Find new ways to surprise your partner, like a thoughtfully planned date or a romantic night in. Under Venus’ social charms, entertaining as a duo will bring you closer, so how about putting together a winter outing for your mutual friends?
Virgo horoscopes, read more!
Libra (September 23-October 22)
Your 2025 glow-up begins in 3, 2, 1. Beautifying Venus—your planetary ruler—grapevines into Pisces on January 2, activating your sixth house wellness zone until February 4. Add a sensual touch to your salubrious pursuits between now and February 4, like booking a day at the spa or making a batch of golden turmeric milk from scratch.
Social Venus loves company, so get your S.O. or closest friends on board with your new healthy lifestyle. Invite them to join you for a dance class instead of meeting at your go-to wine bar. Single Libras could actually connect to a promising prospect through your healthy activities. To feel your best, invest in a little “athleisure” upgrade: an aerodynamic pair of running shoes or a sexy, strappy sports bra that peeks out from your tank.
Libra horoscopes, read more!
Scorpio (October 22-November 21)
Ready to paint the town crimson, Scorpio? January’s icy temps do not have to turn you into a hermit. Head-turning Venus enters your flamboyant fifth house on January 2 until February 4, awakening your urge for wilder nights that stretch until the wee hours. Do a thorough closet edit and splurge on a couple dazzling upgrades. For the next four weeks of the Venus in Pisces transit, the passion planet will also spice up your love life. Drama could flare with dates if you’re single, but at least it will keep things interesting (or make for some entertaining brunch tales). Coupled Scorpios might get more aggressive about “locking it down,” but be careful not to pressure the object of your affections.
Scorpio horoscopes, read more!
Sagittarius (November 21-December 21)
Home is where your heart is (plus a few other seductive body parts) as Venus decamps to Pisces from January 2 until February 4. With the love planet warming your fourth house domestic sector, you may prefer to keep your date nights IN—cooking or ordering takeout, cuddling on the couch and using every pleasure-promoting surface as your “canvas” for exploration. Ditch the street style and bust out your “couch couture” (yes, a cashmere shawl and sheepskin slippers count as haute homewear).
This nesting streak may come as a shock to your adventurous system, but you could use a break to read books, putter in the kitchen and craft some DIY decor. Give the down-to-earth “nice” people a chance to woo you. Their reliability will be a turn-on, plus they might be wilder behind closed doors than you gave them credit for.
Sagittarius horoscopes, read more!
Capricorn (December 21-January 19)
Back in the game, Cap? Sultry Venus shifts into your flirtatious third house on January 2 until February 4, ramping up your charm and charisma. It’s fine to admire beauty or trade witty bon mots; just don’t provoke your partner’s jealousy. Venus in this social zone is all about keeping things light and drama-free, got it?
Your love life gets a social boost for the next four weeks, so think of outside-the-box ways you can spice up your romance with fun new outings and activities. Single Capricorns might meet someone with long-term potential through a mutual friend at an event, and coupled Capricorns might want to explore new culture in your area or on some short day trips. Things could heat up in that rental car, so slip off your seat belts and enjoy a little romantic detour.
Capricorn horoscopes, read more!
Aquarius (January 19-February 18)
As an Aquarius, you’re something of a minimalist when it comes to your material tastes—in a conscious-consumer kind of way. But as indulgent Venus moves into Pisces and your extravagant second house for four weeks, you’ll feel the urge to splurge. That vintage dress beckoning from the shop window on your morning commute will snag you with its siren song between January 2 and February 4. But really, when was the last time you treated yourself just because?
Give your budget an honest appraisal. Maybe you DO have a little extra cushion to add a decadent piece to your wardrobe. If it brings you long-lasting happiness, then its cost-per-use probably checks out. Let this lavish energy seep into your romantic life too. Wear your new find on a night out! Make reservations for a buzzy chef’s tasting menu, inviting friends and encouraging everyone to dress up for the fun of it.
Aquarius horoscopes, read more!
Pisces (February 18-March 19)
Love goddess Venus glides into your sign on January 2, giving you four glamorous weeks to pursue your heart’s desire. Start asking for what you want—and more importantly, what you need. Don’t put up with people not pulling their emotional weight. You deserve to be adored and supported, so if your partner isn’t fulfilling your needs, it’s time to rewrite that script. Don’t settle, Pisces—even if that means being alone (and therefore available to meet someone who DOES respect and revere you).
With the passion planet in your sign until February 4, you’ve got star-powered permission to playfully explore your options. In a relationship? You might ask for a little more freedom and trust from your partner so you can explore your creative pursuits without racing home just as the muse arrives.
Pisces horoscopes, read more!
What signs does Venus visit in 2025?
Venus, the planet of love, beauty and luxury, lends its decadent energy to every zodiac sign for three to five weeks.
2025 Venus dates table and transit signs
PISCES: January 2-February 4 (you are here!)
ARIES: February 4-March 27
RETROGRADE: In Aries (March 1-27), then Pisces (March 27-April 12)
PISCES: April 12-30
ARIES: April 30-June 6
TAURUS: June 6-July 4
GEMINI: July 4-30
CANCER: July 30-August 25
LEO: August 25-September 19
VIRGO: September 19-October 13
LIBRA: October 13-November 6
SCORPIO: November 6-30
SAGITTARIUS: November 30-December 24
CAPRICORN: December 24-January 17, 2026
Get personal: Do you know your Venus sign?
When you were born, Venus was orbiting through a specific part of the sky—and zodiac sign. Wherever that placement was is called your Venus sign. It may be the same as your Sun sign, but not necessarily.
Use our cosmic calculator below to discover what zodiac sign and house Venus was in when you were born. To accurately determine the house, you will need to know your birth time (if you don’t know it, use your best estimation, or 12 noon). Then, read all about your Venus sign here!
Calculate Yours!
A Venus in Pisces Transit Soundtrack
Here’s a soundtrack you can enjoy during the Venus in Pisces transit, compiled by Astrostyle’s resident mixologist, Jennifer Newman, AKA Astralselector!
Feature art by Rosie Dienhart

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