Today's Sagittarius Horoscope for September 10, 2024
Seize your moment to shine! Today, the moon gets a wake-up call from authoritative Saturn, giving you the confidence to pull off a major coup—AND let the world know about it without coming off like a shameless self-promoter. The trick is finding the benefit for others so that they're inspired to talk you up. It's not narcissistic to let people know what you're capable of, Sag. Once they hear what you've got going on, they might start clamoring to jump onboard!
Sagittarius Daily Horoscope for September 9, 2024
Sure, it’s Monday, but it’s not your fault if you're feeling extra-EXTRA ambitious. Mercury, the swift messenger planet, soars back into Virgo for the second time this year, and now it’s on a retrograde-free spree in your tenth house of success until September 26. This go-getter cycle will kick your social status and lofty goals into high gear for the rest of the month. Tuck business cards into your bag if you go out with friends, and don’t be afraid to do a little networking on the dance floor if necessary.
Sagittarius Daily Horoscope for September 11, 2024
“Don’t pressure me!” could be the unofficial Sagittarius motto, and it’s especially apt under today’s skies. With a steadying quarter moon in your sign, you won’t tolerate anyone cramping your style or commandeering your time. But dial down those high spirits just a smidge. You don’t want to fight so hard for your freedom that you alienate people. Postpone appointments if possible and create some white space in your calendar for restorative “me time.” Take a walk in the park at lunch and listen to an uplifting podcast or audiobook. Or duck out early for a hot-stone massage. If the spirit moves you and you have a window of opportunity, focus on a passion project that gets your blood pumping.
Sagittarius Daily Horoscope for September 12, 2024
YOU know that you've got what it takes to lead a mission, but are other people aware of your talents? Don't let your magic live on as a "secret power," Sagittarius. Under today’s galvanizing Sun-Jupiter mashup, seek out opportunities to advance your professional status. It's not rude to ask people "Can I send over a pitch deck?" (Okay, maybe make it the third or fourth question instead of your opening gambit.) Don't be shy about marketing yourself, and dress the part if you’re going to be on webcam! Your stylish sign knows how powerful aesthetics can be.
Sagittarius Daily Horoscope for September 13, 2024
Thanks to a tense angle between the moon and Chiron, you could wake up feeling frustrated by every little thing. Some of your irritability could stem from trying to fit a square peg into a round hole. Ah, you can run but you can't hide. Instead of avoiding those uncomfortable feelings, sort them out on a thread with your wisest friends. If you’re feeling ignored, don't stir up drama just for drama's sake. There are better ways to get a reaction besides making someone jealous or pushing their buttons.
Sagittarius Daily Horoscope for September 14, 2024 - September 15, 2024
Love is in the air as your ruling planet, rosy Jupiter, gets a warm squeeze from vivacious Venus this weekend. You don't have to be a catwalk contender to attract attention—just your "charmingly accessible" self. We’re not suggesting you do the "pajama dressing" thing or represent #iwokeuplikethis bedhead in real time. Just see what happens when you focus more on your words and eye contact than your outfit. With both planets in interpersonal houses, ask lots of engaging questions and be curious about the people you're conversing with. That goes triple on Sunday, when the ultra-friendly Aquarius moon sails in to form a grand air trine with Venus and Jupiter. Rule of thumb: The best way to be interesting is to be interested!