Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope by The AstroTwins | Astrostyle

Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope

Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope by The AstroTwins | Astrostyle

Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope From September 9 To September 15

Like it or not, Archer, it’s time to hunker down and either get back to your desk or find a “satellite office” where the Wi-Fi signal is as strong as the espresso. On Monday, September 9, mindful Mercury returns for an encore visit to Virgo and your ambitious tenth house until September 26. This is its second visitation of the summer (the first was July 25 to August 14), thanks to an August retrograde that took the messenger planet back into Leo and your adventurous ninth house. If your focus has been scattered for the last few weeks, that all ends now. With Mercury sharpening its discernment in Virgo, get serious about your professional life commence the strategic planning. Over the coming few weeks, influential people may reach out to you for information or to collaborate. This is prime pitching season for you, Sag, so be sure to take the initiative on some of your own outreach. This strategic Mercury position can help you sharpen your branding, polish your messaging AND think ahead. Where would you like to lead your audience so that they discover what YOU want them to see? The more obvious the journey, the easier it is for people to jump in.
But careful not to fall down a professional rabbit hole! Life isn’t all work all the time (or is it?) for the expansive Archer, and you’ll want to have time, energy and emotional bandwidth for other activities later in the week. If you’re in a relationship, your S.O. might start to resent all the attention you’re paying to work-related matters (as opposed to them!). On Thursday, the proficient Sun in your career corner gets an elbow from Jupiter (your ruler), who’s parked in your partnership house. Even newly dating Sags need to stay mindful of the TLC that’s required for a union to grow deep roots. How to strike a balance? Two words: boundaries and delegating! Consider this a well-timed opportunity to stop taking on work that isn’t in your job description. Even if you have to pay an assistant out of pocket, it’ll be worth it to keep the peace and nurture your bonds. (Single Sags will have more free time to attract worthy dating candidates!) And be a little visionary in your thinking: Make a list of your top three professional goals, and under each, write specific action steps you can take to get you closer to them. Practice the art of walking into a room like you own it. Make and hold eye contact, smile and act like it's your party. Keep it up, Sag, and soon everybody will believe it!
Romance is the theme du jour on Sunday, when amorous Venus forms a harmonious 120-degree trine with your ruler, lucky Jupiter, in your seventh house of relationships. Single? Take small “risks” when you’re out or chatting online. How will you know if someone has soulmate potential if you don’t drop into more serious topics? Don’t reflexively deflect with humor; ask probing questions that will reveal deeper truths. With Venus in your friendship zone, love could be waiting in the platonic shadows. Approach gingerly and trust that if there’s legit chemistry, it will be undeniable within a few days. Coupled Archers will also benefit from candid conversations, which might be best had while on a road trip or trying an adventurous new activity together.
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