Capricorn Weekly Horoscope by The AstroTwins | Astrostyle

Capricorn Weekly Horoscope

Capricorn Weekly Horoscope by The AstroTwins | Astrostyle

Capricorn Weekly Horoscope From September 9 To September 15

Wanderlust could strike without warning on Monday, September 9, as itinerant Mercury returns to Virgo for a second visit, powering up your ninth house of travel and adventure until September 26. The messenger planet first entered this zone earlier this summer (July 25 to August 14) before retrograding into passionate Leo and your intimate eighth house, which might have, understandably, distracted you and delayed a trip or educational initiative. But now you have another chance over the coming two and a half weeks to revive any plans you’d been cooking up. This is a great opportunity to reach out to friends in far-flung places and catch up and perhaps get together. The ninth house is associated with all kinds of expansion, so anything that enhances your life or view of the world will get cosmic support now. For entrepreneurial Caps, dust off that business plan or consider growing your business into new sectors. The sky really is the limit!
One asterisk on those “roaming gnome” urges: On Thursday, maximizer Jupiter in your sixth house of health, work and service forms a challenging angle to the intrepid Sun in your adventurous ninth house. The Sun and Mercury might be luring you to book a last-minute flight to (anywhere!), but Jupiter’s beam serves a reminder that you have responsibilities to attend to, and any Capricorn worth their Himalayan salt doesn’t actually need that nudge. Can you work out a compromise—say, finish one chunk of a project then get away for a long weekend? Whether you stay or go, don’t overlook your body’s needs for good, clean food and regular movement. A dedicated practice or regimen is ideal, especially for your structured sign, but really, it doesn’t matter whether you do yoga, run or take invigorating nature walks as long as you’re doing something! Even easing in slowly can serve to jump-start a more rigorous routine. Keeping in mind that health really is wealth could be a perfect motivation for your ambitious sign!
Auspicious Jupiter gets into a very different formation this Sunday, when it forms a harmonious 120-degree trine with creatrix Venus in your zone of career success. When the two “benefics” meet in a positive angle like this a few times a year, you have access to your own superpowers. Over the next few days, harness this heady energy to make a bold move at work or launch your own sideline business. This is not the time to think or play small, Cap. Jupiter can help build confidence, and Venus offers the gracious people skills to get the right folks on board with your vision. When the workweek starts tomorrow, make a point of mingling with the movers and shakers, and maybe invite a friend or colleague for a coffee synergy session. A casual conversation could unveil opportunities to collab this fall.
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