Your 2019 Yearly Horoscope—What’s In the Stars for Your Sign?

Vive la difference! After an intense and polarizing 2018, the new year invites us to apply lessons learned and express our uniqueness. In 2019, the stars offer a wider canvas to build our dreams into tangible success. Learn how to harness this new energy all year.

Read the 2019 Horoscope for your sign and get the highlights on love, career and all the year’s most important astrology trends:
Aries 2019 Horoscope
Taurus 2019 Horoscope
Gemini 2019 Horoscope
Cancer 2019 Horoscope
Leo 2019 Horoscope
Virgo 2019 Horoscope
Libra 2019 Horoscope
Scorpio 2019 Horoscope
Sagittarius 2019 Horoscope
Capricorn 2019 Horoscope
Aquarius 2019 Horoscope
Pisces 2019 Horoscope

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2019 Astrology: What’s in the stars for all of us?

Adapted from The AstroTwins’ 2019 Planetary Planner

Plant your soles on solid ground, but don’t take your shoes off and get comfortable just yet. This year’s cosmic lineup is an interesting mix of grounding earth-sign energies and motivating fire-sign mojo. After several intense years that have yanked our emotions all over the map, we need to stand firm—if only to regain our centers. But once we reconnect to our truths, it’s time to mobilize!

Separation was a hallmark of 2018, which goes on record as one of the most divisive and polarizing years in recent history. With expansive Jupiter spending most of last year in Scorpio, the sign of extremes, it’s no surprise. We were pushed to our most intense edges—and it was not easy. With super-sleuth Scorpio in charge, we saw sordid scandals and corruption exposed on a global stage. Things felt deeply karmic and unfair—if not outright confounding. How could this be happening? The rules we’ve been playing by for so long seemed to be suddenly null and void.

In 2019, hope might once again spring forth. Jupiter will travel through its native turf of Sagittarius until December 2, expanding our viewfinders from tunnel vision into wide-angle settings. With generous Jupiter in this free-spirited sign, we’ll be able to see the bigger picture again and take risks in the name of growth. Global ambassador Jupiter could usher in a more inclusive vibe, with space at the table for everyone. People might actually be nicer to each other, instead of ruthlessly looking out for number one.

We’ll be able to see the bigger picture again and take risks in the name of growth.

We’re no traditionalists—nor are we advocates of turning back the clock. But we’ll be glad to see some of the timeless values of courtesy, mutual respect and compassion make a comeback this year. In 2019, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Pluto and three eclipses will all land in earth signs at various points during the year. Earth energy brings stability and sensuality—it governs the material world. It reminds us to stay present and enjoy what we have.

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But in high quantities, earth vibes can also keep us stuck or spinning our wheels. We’ll need to make sure we don’t get overly set in our ways. Materialism can also run rampant, as the sensory earth signs can get obsessed with accumulating “stuff”—something we don’t need at a time when the world’s carbon footprint keeps going up way too many shoe sizes.

Luckily, Jupiter won’t join this terrestrial tribe until December. Until then, the red-spotted giant will keep the visionary torch burning as he hangs out in fire-sign Sagittarius. Will this leave us with scorched earth…or simply warm us up for the hard work and tenacity that’s ahead? Alas, we won’t know until we put in the hours and pay our dues.

So…WWJD (What Would Jupiter Do)? In Sagittarius, he’d probably crank up the music, lay out a gourmet spread and turn this hustle into an adventurous party—complete with an open-door policy, a karaoke-friendly soundtrack and plenty of side-splitting jokes.

We’ll RSVP “yes” to that, thanks! While many of the world’s woes are no laughing matter, self-imposed suffering and seriousness don’t ultimately serve anyone. As the stars bring us down to earth in 2019, we’ve got cosmic permission (make that marching orders) to find magic and mirth in the mundane moments. This year, the best thing we can do (in between fighting for justice, of course) is to relax and enjoy our short time on this earth—with hearts full of gratitude and a leftover case of the giggles.

That’s how we can lighten the density of our spirits: by finding genuine pockets of joy, no matter what’s going on around us. Only then can we start to transform the fear-based and stagnant energy that’s overtaken this planet. By becoming the source of our own happiness, instead of waiting for the world to be “fixed” first, we reclaim our resilience. In fact, this ability might just become a 2019 superpower. Give it a try—the stars are standing at the ready!

Important Transits in 2019:

Jupiter in Sagittarius: All year until December 2
Expand, take risks, connect across cultures, differences are dynamic. With Jupiter in its home sign of Sagittarius, we’ll see a rise of optimism and a surge in travel and independent business ownership. Watch a temptation to gamble and bite off more than you can chew.

Jupiter in Capricorn: December 2 (until late 2020)
As expansive Jupiter enters restrictive Capricorn for a year, the brakes slam on any excess and hedonism. This is a time for calculated risks, growth through structure and long-term planning. Take a chance on something built to last, and do it incrementally—not all at once!

3 Universal Year in Numerology

Uranus in Taurus: March 6 (until April 2026)
Uranus returns to Taurus for a longer run (it was here May to November 2018), shaking up business as usual. Uranus is in “fall” in Taurus, meaning this is its least comfortable position. Economic reform, digital currency, radical change to our finances and daily habits, balancing tech/screen time with real-world experiences.

Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn: All year
Every 35 years, builder Saturn and esoteric meet up. In December, they’ll align, bringing goals and plans we’ve been working on into tangible form.

Eclipses in Cancer and Capricorn: January, July, December
Balancing our personal and professional lives is the new challenge this year. How can we set up healthy boundaries with family and work. The eclipses challenge us to create success that doesn’t compromise connection. New affordable housing and co-living setups, such as San Francisco’s new “dormitories for adults” could become a growing trend.

Final Eclipse in Leo: January 21
A two-year series of eclipses on the Leo/Aquarius axis ends with a dramatic grand finale. Some outsized egos could appear and we’re all called to step into dignified leadership. If not you, who?


Map your year with The AstroTwins’ 2019 Horoscope Guides

Get the complete roadmap to 2019, with the most important dates for love and money, plus the big-picture trends that will guide you through the year! Plan it by the planets and never miss an important moment again. Order Yours Now >


The AstroTwins

Identical twin sisters Ophira and Tali Edut, known as The AstroTwins, are the founders of and the authors of multiple bestselling astrology books. Their horoscopes reach millions here and through their resident astrologer column at ELLE Magazine.