JD Vance’s birth chart, interpreted by The AstroTwins
The following analysis by celebrity astrologers Tali & Ophi Edut, aka The AstroTwins, highlights the most interesting astrological features of JD Vance’s birth chart for all level astrology readers to understand.
Additional reporting by Astrostyle Contributing Editor Tasha Beg @thepopastrologist
When Is JD Vance’s Birthday?
JD Vance’s birthday is August 2.
JD Vance’s Sun Sign Is In Prideful Leo
•The Sun represents the essence of your personality, your main character energy•
James David “JD” Vance’s astrological sign is Leo. He was born on August 2, 1984, in Middletown, Ohio.
Ruled by the proud and courageous Lion, Leo energy is expressive and wondrously creative. Even the quiet types exude an undeniable gravitas or energy that can’t be ignored—the spotlight always finds its star! A natural-born leader and performer, the typical Leo loves to take charge and fiercely protect their pride.
At its highest vibration, Leo energy inspires us to lead from the heart and wear our emotions on our sleeves. Conversely, Leos might struggle to understand outside perspectives through their tears. They’re always on the hunt for praise and appreciation from their audience—which could get them caught in a loop of people-pleasing rather than honoring their authentic expression.
Vance’s Leo Sun is placed in his subconscious and creative twelfth house—a deeply spiritual placement emphasizing sacrifice and surrender in his journey toward self-discovery. The twelfth house focuses on our inner world, dreams and suppressed fears, while the Sun represents our ego and external realities.
JD Vance’s Rising Sign Is Child-Like Leo
•Your rising sign, or ascendant, is the first impression you make. Like a filter, it “tints” your Sun sign•
In addition to his Leo Sun, JD Vance is also a Leo Rising.
Leo is the sign of drama, and Vance is known for putting on a show! With his rising sign and Sun in Leo, Vance is an easy target for public scrutiny and viral gaffes. His “childless cat lady” comment was viral gold, for example—we couldn’t help but note the literal Leo symbolism since Leos and cats go hand-in-hand!
At a deeper level, Vance’s outspoken criticism of the childless can offer us potential clues about the environment he grew up in, hinted at in his Hillbilly Elegy book that became a major motion picture. Leo rules the inner child and our earliest imprint of self-expression. With a mom battling addiction, a rotating door of father figures and most of his care given by his grandmother in early life, it’s apparent that Vance has internalized a complicated relationship with family dynamics, nurturance and achievement.
JD Vance’s Chart Ruler Is His Self-Focused Leo Sun
•Your chart ruler is the planet that rules over your rising sign•
As a Leo Rising, JD Vance’s chart is ruled by none other than his powerful Leo Sun. A chart ruler acts like the personal avatar in your rendition of Hillbilly Elegy. With Vance’s Leo Sun at the helm of his chart, ambition, recognition and prestige are major motivating factors; the stakes are high and emotions run even higher.
With his Leo Sun in the twelfth house, Vance’s ego is tasked with incorporating a more reflective and spiritual perspective into his identity. He’s here to simultaneously honor his experience while detaching rigid attachments to his ego-centric perspective. Vance rose to prominence with his breakout memoir Hillbilly Elegy—his attempt at reconciling his family’s Appalachian values and hometown socio economic problems through an older, more “mature” lens. Whether he’s arrived at a deeper spiritual understanding of his circumstances and suffering, however, remains to be seen.
JD Vance’s Moon Is In Talented Libra
•Your moon sign governs the “inner you” and influences your emotions•
JD Vance’s moon is in airy Libra, a further nod to his creative prowess and talent. Since Libra rules the scales of justice and legal matters, it makes sense that Vance began writing his best-selling Hillbilly memoir while pursuing a law degree at Yale Law (Libras are notorious for their perfectionistic ability to “do-it-all”). That body of work would ultimately become the ideological basis for Vance’s political career, another nod to Libra and its governance.
Ruled by the planet Venus, Libra is a partnership-oriented sign that values intellectual stimulation and an exchange of ideas. Libras understand that the sum of individual parts makes a greater whole; they’re likely attracted to those from a different cultural upbringing to help enrich their perspective—Vance met his partner, Indian lawyer Usha Vance while at law school, a stark contrast to his “hillbilly” roots.
On another note, Libra moons can be challenged by analysis paralysis or chronic indecision—potentially earning them reputations for “fence-sitting” or “flip-flopping.” Vance has been heavily scrutinized for his biting criticism of Donald Trump prior to accepting the former president’s invitation to be his vice president if elected to back to the White House.
Love Astrology of JD Vance:
•Venus and Mars are the love planets in astrology. In your birth chart, Venus represents seduction and romance while Mars represents lust, motivation and erotic instincts.
JD Vance’s Mars and Venus form a challenging elemental aspect known as a square. He has Mars in Scorpio and Venus in Leo; just because aspects can be difficult doesn’t mean they’re inherently bad—everything requires integration. Squares are intended to be growth opportunities, offering solutions to potential blind spots. With both his love plants in fixed signs, Vance is inherently loyal and can endure intense highs and lows in a relationship.
True to his Mars in Scorpio, Vance is strategic, magnetic and a little lusty—can somebody match his freak? Mars in Scorpio types are notoriously private, channeling their intensity and complicated inner narratives and fetishes behind closed doors. As a Mars in Scorpio, Vance longs to establish a deep emotional connection with his partners and inner circle. At a lower vibration, Mars in Scorpio can be controlling and emotionally manipulative, preferring to remain in “victim mode” rather than taking accountability.
Vance’s Venus in Leo, on the other hand, is romantic and passionate. Vance needs to feel appreciated and heard in his relationships, whether he’s sharing preferences or problems. Venus in Leo is attracted to ambition and status, potentially defaulting to external cues of what a successful relationship “should” look like, if not careful. With his Venus in Leo, Vance could find himself performing the role of the “ideal partner” in a relationship, rather than honoring his own needs and desires.
JD Vance’s South Node Is In Visionary Sagittarius
•Astrologers use the nodes of the moon (found opposite each other in your birth chart) to determine where your destiny lies (North node) and what you were in past lifetimes (South node).
JD Vance has his South Node (past-life karma) in Sagittarius and his North Node (destiny) in Gemini. His Sagittarius South Node is in his fourth house of personal myth and his Gemini North Node is in his legacy-focused tenth house.
Since the fourth house is related to family matters and the past, Vance is learning to come out of his proverbial shell as he gains confidence in his perspective. He’s looking to alchemize his painful family narratives to not only heal personally, but to help offer a voice to those looking to be heard.
With Mercury, the cosmic microphone, ruling his Gemini north node, curiosity is a helpful ally for Vance. He benefits from a career filled with communication (written or otherwise) and healthy idea exchange. Not unlike Kamala Harris, he’s learning how to develop a more palatable approach to his presentation by moving away from self-righteous delusion and a need to be right at all costs with his North Node in Gemini.
JD Vance and Donald Trump Astrologicalical Compatibility
JD Vance shares dynamic synastry with Republican Presidential nominee Donald Trump.
For starters, Vance and Trump share prominent Leo placements—confidence, arrogance and ego all thrown into one Republican presidential ticket setting the stage for promising plot twists. This energy is like staring at the solar eclipse without any glasses!
Vance and Trump are both Leo risings who understand the power of self-expression as a galvanizing force. With their Leo ascendants situated on top of each other, they both act as each other’s “hype man” (if they reconcile the real alpha of the relationship).
Trump’s Leo placements can naturally dominate Vance’s. Trump’s Pluto (power) engulfs Vance’s Leo Sun (self and identity) while Trump’s Mars (control) sits on top of Vance’s Venus in Leo, respectively; it’s plausible that Trump views Vance as a young heir to his throne. That said, Trump might struggle to let go of control, especially if his actions (Mars) differ from Vance’s values (Venus).
With all of this Leo synastry taking place in their respective twelfth houses of self-undoing and secret enemies, it’s hard to deduce if Trump and Vance are aligned or view the other as a helpful chess piece. Since the twelfth house also focuses on behind-the-scenes activity, it wouldn’t be surprising to encounter secret political dealings amidst their campaign.
Trump’s Leo Mars also challenges Vance’s natal Mars in Scorpio, setting up a spicy Republican presidential ticket. Mars in fixed signs is a stubborn, relentless warrior who seeks victory at all costs. Vance’s Mars is particularly empowered in Scorpio, giving him a strong intuition and strategic mind. Trump may prefer to peacock out on stage, but Vance can just as easily address a crowd while working behind the scenes as a master negotiator.
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